deriving (Eq,Show)
-- Declarations: x : A = e
+-- A group of mutual declarations is identified by its location. It is used to
+-- speed up the Eq instance for Ctxt.
type Decl = (Ident,(Ter,Ter))
-data Decls = MutualDecls [Decl]
+data Decls = MutualDecls Loc [Decl]
| OpaqueDecl Ident
| TransparentDecl Ident
| TransparentAllDecl
data Ctxt = Empty
| Upd Ident Ctxt
| Sub Name Ctxt
- | Def [Decl] Ctxt
- deriving (Show,Eq)
+ | Def Loc [Decl] Ctxt
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Eq Ctxt where
+ c == d = case (c, d) of
+ (Empty, Empty) -> True
+ (Upd x c', Upd y d') -> x == y && c' == d'
+ (Sub i c', Sub j d') -> i == j && c' == d'
+ (Def m xs c', Def n ys d') -> (m == n || xs == ys) && c' == d'
+ -- Invariant: if two declaration groups come from the same
+ -- location, they are equal and their contents are not compared.
+ _ -> False
-- The Idents and Names in the Ctxt refer to the elements in the two
-- lists. This is more efficient because acting on an environment now
emptyEnv = (Empty,[],[],Nameless Set.empty)
def :: Decls -> Env -> Env
-def (MutualDecls ds) (rho,vs,fs,Nameless os) = (Def ds rho,vs,fs,Nameless (os Set.\\ Set.fromList (declIdents ds)))
+def (MutualDecls m ds) (rho,vs,fs,Nameless os) = (Def m ds rho,vs,fs,Nameless (os Set.\\ Set.fromList (declIdents ds)))
def (OpaqueDecl n) (rho,vs,fs,Nameless os) = (rho,vs,fs,Nameless (Set.insert n os))
def (TransparentDecl n) (rho,vs,fs,Nameless os) = (rho,vs,fs,Nameless (Set.delete n os))
def TransparentAllDecl (rho,vs,fs,Nameless os) = (rho,vs,fs,Nameless Set.empty)
defWhere :: Decls -> Env -> Env
-defWhere (MutualDecls ds) (rho,vs,fs,Nameless os) = (Def ds rho,vs,fs,Nameless (os Set.\\ Set.fromList (declIdents ds)))
+defWhere (MutualDecls m ds) (rho,vs,fs,Nameless os) = (Def m ds rho,vs,fs,Nameless (os Set.\\ Set.fromList (declIdents ds)))
defWhere (OpaqueDecl _) rho = rho
defWhere (TransparentDecl _) rho = rho
defWhere TransparentAllDecl rho = rho
domainEnv :: Env -> [Name]
domainEnv (rho,_,_,_) = domCtxt rho
where domCtxt rho = case rho of
- Empty -> []
- Upd _ e -> domCtxt e
- Def ts e -> domCtxt e
- Sub i e -> i : domCtxt e
+ Empty -> []
+ Upd _ e -> domCtxt e
+ Def _ ts e -> domCtxt e
+ Sub i e -> i : domCtxt e
-- Extract the context from the environment, used when printing holes
contextOfEnv :: Env -> [String]
(Empty,_,_,_) -> []
(Upd x e,VVar n t:vs,fs,os) -> (n ++ " : " ++ show t) : contextOfEnv (e,vs,fs,os)
(Upd x e,v:vs,fs,os) -> (x ++ " = " ++ show v) : contextOfEnv (e,vs,fs,os)
- (Def _ e,vs,fs,os) -> contextOfEnv (e,vs,fs,os)
+ (Def _ _ e,vs,fs,os) -> contextOfEnv (e,vs,fs,os)
(Sub i e,vs,phi:fs,os) -> (show i ++ " = " ++ show phi) : contextOfEnv (e,vs,fs,os)
showEnv1 (env,us,fs,os) <+> names x <+> showVal1 u <> com
(Sub i env,us,phi:fs,os) ->
showEnv1 (env,us,fs,os) <+> names (show i) <+> text (show phi) <> com
- (Def _ env,vs,fs,os) -> showEnv1 (env,vs,fs,os)
+ (Def _ _ env,vs,fs,os) -> showEnv1 (env,vs,fs,os)
_ -> showEnv b e
in case e of
(Empty,_,_,_) -> PP.empty
- (Def _ env,vs,fs,os) -> showEnv b (env,vs,fs,os)
+ (Def _ _ env,vs,fs,os) -> showEnv b (env,vs,fs,os)
(Upd x env,u:us,fs,os) ->
par $ showEnv1 (env,us,fs,os) <+> names x <+> showVal1 u
(Sub i env,us,phi:fs,os) ->
_ -> parens (showTer t)
showDecls :: Decls -> Doc
-showDecls (MutualDecls defs) =
+showDecls (MutualDecls _ defs) =
hsep $ punctuate comma
[ text x <+> equals <+> showTer d | (x,(_,d)) <- defs ]
showDecls (OpaqueDecl i) = text "opaque" <+> text i
look :: String -> Env -> Val
look x (Upd y rho,v:vs,fs,os) | x == y = v
| otherwise = look x (rho,vs,fs,os)
-look x r@(Def decls rho,vs,fs,Nameless os) = case lookup x decls of
+look x r@(Def _ decls rho,vs,fs,Nameless os) = case lookup x decls of
Just (_,t) -> eval r t
Nothing -> look x (rho,vs,fs,Nameless os)
look x (Sub _ rho,vs,_:fs,os) = look x (rho,vs,fs,os)
| x /= y = lookType x (rho,vs,fs,os)
| VVar _ a <- v = a
| otherwise = error ""
-lookType x r@(Def decls rho,vs,fs,os) = case lookup x decls of
+lookType x r@(Def _ decls rho,vs,fs,os) = case lookup x decls of
Just (a,_) -> eval r a
Nothing -> lookType x (rho,vs,fs,os)
lookType x (Sub _ rho,vs,_:fs,os) = lookType x (rho,vs,fs,os)
lookName :: Name -> Env -> Formula
lookName i (Upd _ rho,v:vs,fs,os) = lookName i (rho,vs,fs,os)
-lookName i (Def _ rho,vs,fs,os) = lookName i (rho,vs,fs,os)
+lookName i (Def _ _ rho,vs,fs,os) = lookName i (rho,vs,fs,os)
lookName i (Sub j rho,vs,phi:fs,os) | i == j = phi
| otherwise = lookName i (rho,vs,fs,os)
lookName i _ = error $ "lookName: not found " ++ show i
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map,(!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
as <- local (insertVar i) (resolveRTele is ts)
return ((i,a):as)
+-- Best effort to find the location of a declaration. This implementation
+-- returns the location of the first identifier it contains.
+findDeclLoc :: Decl -> Resolver Loc
+findDeclLoc d = getLoc loc
+ where loc = fromMaybe (-1, 0) $ mloc d
+ mloc d = case d of
+ DeclDef (AIdent (l, _)) _ _ _ -> Just l
+ DeclData (AIdent (l, _)) _ _ -> Just l
+ DeclHData (AIdent (l, _)) _ _ -> Just l
+ DeclSplit (AIdent (l, _)) _ _ _ -> Just l
+ DeclUndef (AIdent (l, _)) _ _ -> Just l
+ DeclMutual ds -> listToMaybe $ mapMaybe mloc ds
+ DeclOpaque (AIdent (l, _)) -> Just l
+ DeclTransparent (AIdent (l, _)) -> Just l
+ DeclTransparentAll -> Nothing
-- Resolve a declaration
resolveDecl :: Decl -> Resolver (CTT.Decls,[(Ident,SymKind)])
resolveDecl d = case d of
-- mutual block
ds <- sequence $ map (local (insertIdents ns)) bs
let ads = zipWith (\ (x,y) z -> (x,(y,z))) as ds
- return (CTT.MutualDecls ads,ns)
+ l <- findDeclLoc d
+ return (CTT.MutualDecls l ads,ns)
DeclOpaque i -> do
resolveVar i
return (CTT.OpaqueDecl (unAIdent i), [])
return (CTT.TransparentDecl (unAIdent i), [])
DeclTransparentAll -> return (CTT.TransparentAllDecl, [])
_ -> do let (f,typ,body,ns) = resolveNonMutualDecl d
+ l <- findDeclLoc d
a <- typ
d <- body
- return (CTT.MutualDecls [(f,(a,d))],ns)
+ return (CTT.MutualDecls l [(f,(a,d))],ns)
resolveDecls :: [Decl] -> Resolver ([CTT.Decls],[(Ident,SymKind)])
resolveDecls [] = return ([],[])