As we have seen we can do a lot of nice things with Path-types
already, but we cannot yet compose paths (i.e. we cannot prove
-transitivity). Another thing we cannot do is prove the elimination
+transitivity). Another thing we cannot do yet is prove the elimination
principle for Path-types.
Recall that equality/identity types are usually introduced as an
J = contractibility of singletons + transport
So in order to prove J is suffices to prove that singletons are
-contractible and that we have an operation:
+contractible (which we already have done) and that we have an
transport : Path U A B -> A -> B
[ (i = 0) -> <j> a
, (i = 1) -> q ]
--- The first argument to the comp is a path in the universe (i.e. an
+-- The first argument to comp is a path in the universe (i.e. an
-- equality of types), as all of the paths in the example are in the
-- same type this path is constantly A. The second argument is the
-- bottom of the cube we are computing the composition of and the
-- third argument is a list of the sides of the cube. As we are only
-- doing a square there are only 2 sides (apart from the bottom). If
-- it would have been an open box we would have to give 4 sides (that
--- have to be squares), and so on.
+-- all have to be squares) in addition to the bottom, and so on.
-- Note that the direction j is implicit in this operation, so q is
-- automatically fixed to go in the direction that we are computing