VPath j v | j == i -> u
| j `notElem` sphi -> VPath j (acti v)
| otherwise -> VPath k (acti (v `swap` (j,k)))
- where k = fresh (v, Atom i, phi)
+ where k = fresh (v,Atom i,phi)
VTrans u v -> transLine (acti u) (acti v)
VSigma a f -> VSigma (acti a) (acti f)
VPair u v -> VPair (acti u) (acti v)
in comp j (app f ui1) (app li0 ui1)
(intersectionWith app tsj (border ui1 tsj))
app r s | isNeutral r = VApp r s
+app (VCompElem _ _ v _) s = app v s
+app (VElimComp _ _ v) s = app v s
app r s = error $ "app \n" ++ show r ++ "\n" ++ show s
fstVal, sndVal :: Val -> Val
-fstVal (VPair a b) = a
+fstVal (VPair a b) = a
fstVal u | isNeutral u = VFst u
-sndVal (VPair a b) = b
+fstVal u = error $ "fstVal: " ++ show u ++ " is not neutral."
+sndVal (VPair a b) = b
sndVal u | isNeutral u = VSnd u
+sndVal u = error $ "sndVal: " ++ show u ++ " is not neutral."
-- infer the type of a neutral value
inferType :: Val -> Val
Just as -> VPCon c (v0 `face` (i ~> 1)) (transps i as env ws0) phi
Nothing -> error $ "trans: missing path constructor " ++ c ++
" in " ++ show v0
+ _ | isNeutral w -> w
+ where w = VTrans (VPath i v0) v1
(VGlue a ts,_) -> transGlue i a ts v1
(VComp VU a es,_) -> transU i a es v1
- _ | isNeutral v0 || isNeutral v1 -> VTrans (VPath i v0) v1
(Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VComp b w ws) -> comp k v01 (trans i v0 w) ws'
where v01 = v0 `face` (i ~> 1) -- b is vi0 and independent of j
k = fresh (v0,v1,Atom i)
transp alpha w = trans i (v0 `face` alpha) (w @@ k)
- ws' = mapWithKey transp ws
+ ws' = mapWithKey transp ws
_ | otherwise -> error $ "trans not implemented for v0 = " ++ show v0
++ "\n and v1 = " ++ show v1
comp_u2 = genComp i (app f fill_u1) u2 t2s
VPi{} -> VComp a u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
VU -> VComp VU u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
- _ | isNeutral a || isNeutralSystem ts || isNeutral u ->
- VComp a u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
- VGlue b hisos -> compGlue i b hisos u ts
+ _ | isNeutral w -> w
+ where w = VComp a u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
VComp VU a es -> compU i a es u ts
+ VGlue b hisos -> compGlue i b hisos u ts
Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env -> case u of
VCon n us -> case lookupLabel n nass of
Just as ->
| eps `Map.member` hisos = app (hisoFun (hisos ! eps)) w
| otherwise = case w of
VGlueElem v us -> v
--- KanUElem _ v -> app g v
+ VElimComp _ _ v -> unGlue hisos v
+ VCompElem a es v vs -> unGlue hisos v
_ -> error $ "unGlue: " ++ show w ++ " should be neutral!"
transGlue :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
-- The output is an L-path in A(i1) between u(i1) and u'(i1)
pathComp :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
pathComp i a u u' us = VPath j $ comp i a (u `face` (i ~> 0)) us'
- where j = fresh (Atom i, a, us, u, u')
+ where j = fresh (Atom i,a,us,u,u')
us' = insertsSystem [(j ~> 0, u), (j ~> 1, u')] us
us1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
comp i (eGamma @@ One) (w0 `face` gamma)
(ws `face` gamma)) es
- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ -> pathUniv i (es `proj` gamma)
- (ws `face` gamma) (w0 `face` gamma))
- es
+ ls' = mapWithKey
+ (\gamma eGamma -> pathUniv i eGamma
+ (ws `face` gamma) (w0 `face` gamma))
+ es
v1' = compLine a v1 ls'
in compElem a es v1' us1'
class Normal a where
normal :: Int -> a -> a
-- Does neither normalize formulas nor environments.
instance Normal Val where
normal _ VU = VU
normal k (VGlueElem u us) = glueElem (normal k u) (normal k us)
normal k (VCompElem a es u us) = compElem (normal k a) (normal k es) (normal k u) (normal k us)
normal k (VElimComp a es u) = elimComp (normal k a) (normal k es) (normal k u)
- normal k (VVar x t) = VVar x (normal k t)
+ normal k (VVar x t) = VVar x t -- (normal k t)
normal k (VFst t) = fstVal (normal k t)
normal k (VSnd t) = sndVal (normal k t)
normal k (VSplit u t) = VSplit (normal k u) (normal k t)