where j = fresh (Atom i,a,us,u0,u')
us' = insertsSystem [(j ~> 1, u')] us
--- -- Grad Lemma, takes an iso f, a system us and a value v, s.t. f us =
--- -- border v. Outputs (u,p) s.t. border u = us and a path p between v
--- -- and f u.
--- gradLemma :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
--- gradLemma b iso us v = (u, VPath i theta'')
--- where i:j:_ = freshs (b,iso,us,v)
--- (a,f,g,s,t) = (isoDom iso,isoFun iso,isoInv iso,isoSec iso,isoRet iso)
--- us' = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
--- app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@@ i) us
--- gv = app g v
--- theta = fill i a gv us'
--- u = comp i a gv us' -- Same as "theta `face` (i ~> 1)"
--- ws = insertSystem (i ~> 0) gv $
--- insertSystem (i ~> 1) (app t u @@@ j) $
--- mapWithKey
--- (\alpha uAlpha ->
--- app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ (Atom i :/\: Atom j)) us
--- theta' = compNeg j a theta ws
--- xs = insertSystem (i ~> 0) (app s v @@@ j) $
--- insertSystem (i ~> 1) (app s (app f u) @@@ j) $
--- mapWithKey
--- (\alpha uAlpha ->
--- app (s `face` alpha) (app (f `face` alpha) uAlpha) @@@ j) us
--- theta'' = comp j b (app f theta') xs
-- | Composition in the Universe
compUniv b es | eps `Map.member` es = (es ! eps) @@ One
| otherwise = VCompU b es
-compU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-compU i b es wi0 ws = glueElem vi1'' usi1''
- where bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
- vs = mapWithKey (\alpha wAlpha ->
- unGlueU wAlpha (b `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)) ws
- vsi1 = vs `face` (i ~> 1) -- same as: border vi1 vs
- vi0 = unGlueU wi0 (b `face` (i ~> 0)) (es `face` (i ~> 0)) -- in b(i0)
- v = fill i b vi0 vs -- in b
- vi1 = comp i b vi0 vs -- is v `face` (i ~> 1) in b(i1)
+-- any path between types define an equivalence
- esI1 = es `face` (i ~> 1)
- es' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) es
- es'' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> alpha `Map.notMember` es) esI1
+eqFun :: Val -> Val -> Val
+eqFun e t = transNeg i (e @@ i) t
+ where i = fresh (e,t)
- us' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
- fill i (eGamma @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
- es'
- usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
- comp i (eGamma @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
- es'
+compU i a eqs wi0 ws = glueElem vi1' usi1
+ where ai1 = a `face` (i ~> 1)
+ vs = mapWithKey
+ (\alpha wAlpha ->
+ unGlueU wAlpha (a `face` alpha) (eqs `face` alpha)) ws
- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
- pathComp i (b `face` gamma) (v `face` gamma)
- (transNegLine eGamma (us' ! gamma)) (vs `face` gamma))
- es'
+ vsi1 = vs `face` (i ~> 1) -- same as: border vi1 vs
+ vi0 = unGlueU wi0 (a `face` (i ~> 0)) (eqs `face` (i ~> 0)) -- in a(i0)
- vi1' = compLine (constPath bi1) vi1
- (ls' `unionSystem` Map.map constPath vsi1)
+ vi1' = comp i a vi0 vs -- in a(i1)
- wsi1 = ws `face` (i ~> 1)
+ eqsI1 = eqs `face` (i ~> 1)
+ eqs' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `notMember` alpha) eqs
- -- for gamma in es'', (i1) gamma is in es, so wsi1 gamma
- -- is in the domain of isoGamma
- uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
- gradLemmaU (bi1 `face` gamma) eGamma
- ((usi1' `face` gamma) `unionSystem` (wsi1 `face` gamma))
- (vi1' `face` gamma))
- es''
+ us' = mapWithKey (\gamma eqG ->
+ fill i (eqG @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
+ eqs'
+ usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eqG ->
+ comp i (eqG @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
+ eqs'
- vsi1' = Map.map constPath $ border vi1' es' `unionSystem` vsi1
+ -- path in ai1 between vi1 and f(i1) usi1' on equivs'
+ ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma eqG ->
+ pathComp i (a `face` gamma) (vi0 `face` gamma)
+ (eqFun eqG (us' ! gamma)) (vs `face` gamma))
+ eqs'
- vi1'' = compLine (constPath bi1) vi1'
- (Map.map snd uls'' `unionSystem` vsi1')
+ fibersys = intersectionWith (\ x y -> (x,y)) usi1' ls' -- on eqs'
- usi1'' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- if gamma `Map.member` usi1' then usi1' ! gamma
- else fst (uls'' ! gamma))
- esI1
+ wsi1 = ws `face` (i ~> 1)
+ fibersys' = mapWithKey
+ (\gamma eqG ->
+ let fibsgamma = intersectionWith (\ x y -> (x,constPath y))
+ (wsi1 `face` gamma) (vsi1 `face` gamma)
+ in lemEq eqG (vi1' `face` gamma) (fibsgamma `unionSystem` (fibersys `face` gamma))) eqsI1
+ vi1 = compLine (constPath ai1) vi1' (Map.map snd fibersys')
+ usi1 = Map.map fst fibersys'
+lemEq :: Val -> Val -> System (Val,Val) -> (Val,Val)
+lemEq eq b aps = (a,VPath i (compNeg j (eq @@ j) p1 ths))
+ where
+ ths = insertsSystem [(i ~> 0,transFill j eq b),(i ~> 1,transFillNeg j eq a)] thetas
+ i:j:_ = freshs (eq,b,aps)
+ ta = eq @@ One
+ eqi = eq @@ i
+ a = comp i ta (trans i eqi b) p1s
+ p1 = fill i ta (trans i eqi b) p1s
+ thetas = mapWithKey (\alpha (aa,pa) ->
+ let eqaj = (eq `face` alpha) @@ j
+ ba = b `face` alpha
+ in fill j eqaj (pa @@ i)
+ (mkSystem [ (i~>0,transFill j eqaj ba),(i~>1,transFillNeg j eqaj aa)])) aps
+ p1s = mapWithKey (\alpha (aa,pa) ->
+ let eqaj = (eq `face` alpha) @@ j
+ ba = b `face` alpha
+ in comp j eqaj (pa @@ i)
+ (mkSystem [ (i~>0,transFill j eqaj ba),(i~>1,transFillNeg j eqaj aa)])) aps
+-- compU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+-- compU i b es wi0 ws = glueElem vi1'' usi1''
+-- where bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- vs = mapWithKey (\alpha wAlpha ->
+-- unGlueU wAlpha (b `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)) ws
+-- vsi1 = vs `face` (i ~> 1) -- same as: border vi1 vs
+-- vi0 = unGlueU wi0 (b `face` (i ~> 0)) (es `face` (i ~> 0)) -- in b(i0)
+-- v = fill i b vi0 vs -- in b
+-- vi1 = comp i b vi0 vs -- is v `face` (i ~> 1) in b(i1)
+-- esI1 = es `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- es' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) es
+-- es'' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> alpha `Map.notMember` es) esI1
+-- us' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+-- fill i (eGamma @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
+-- es'
+-- usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+-- comp i (eGamma @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
+-- es'
+-- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+-- pathComp i (b `face` gamma) (v `face` gamma)
+-- (transNegLine eGamma (us' ! gamma)) (vs `face` gamma))
+-- es'
+-- vi1' = compLine (constPath bi1) vi1
+-- (ls' `unionSystem` Map.map constPath vsi1)
+-- wsi1 = ws `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- -- for gamma in es'', (i1) gamma is in es, so wsi1 gamma
+-- -- is in the domain of isoGamma
+-- uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+-- gradLemmaU (bi1 `face` gamma) eGamma
+-- ((usi1' `face` gamma) `unionSystem` (wsi1 `face` gamma))
+-- (vi1' `face` gamma))
+-- es''
+-- vsi1' = Map.map constPath $ border vi1' es' `unionSystem` vsi1
+-- vi1'' = compLine (constPath bi1) vi1'
+-- (Map.map snd uls'' `unionSystem` vsi1')
+-- usi1'' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+-- if gamma `Map.member` usi1' then usi1' ! gamma
+-- else fst (uls'' ! gamma))
+-- esI1
-- Grad Lemma, takes a line eq in U, a system us and a value v, s.t. f us =
-- border v. Outputs (u,p) s.t. border u = us and a path p between v