type :h to get a list of available commands. Note that the current
directory will be taken as the search path for the imports.
+To enable emacs to edit ```*.ctt``` files in ```ctt-mode```, add the following
+line to your ```.emacs``` file:
+(autoload 'ctt-mode "cubicaltt" "cubical editing mode" t)
+(setq auto-mode-alist (append auto-mode-alist '(("\\.ctt$" . ctt-mode))))
+and ensure that the file ```cubicaltt.el``` is visible in one of the diretories
+on emacs' ```load-path```, or else load it in advance, either manually with
+```M-x load-file```, or with something like the following line in ```.emacs```:
+(load-file "cubicaltt.el")
References and notes