-- branches c1 xs1 -> M1,..., cn xsn -> Mn
| Split Ident Loc Ter [Branch]
-- labelled sum c1 A1s,..., cn Ans (assumes terms are constructors)
- | Sum Loc Ident [Label]
+ | Sum Loc Ident [Label] -- TODO: should only contain OLabels
+ | HSum Loc Ident [Label]
-- undefined and holes
| Undef Loc Ter -- Location and type
-- Composition in the universe (for now)
| VCompU Val (System Val)
+ -- Composition for HITs; the type is constant
+ | VHComp Val Val (System Val)
-- GlueLine values
-- | VGlueLine Val Formula Formula
-- | VGlueLineElem Val Formula Formula
| VVar Ident Val
| VFst Val
| VSnd Val
- | VUnGlueElem Val (System Val)
- | VUnGlueElemU Val (System Val)
+ -- VUnGlueElem val type hisos
+ | VUnGlueElem Val Val (System Val)
+ | VUnGlueElemU Val Val (System Val)
| VSplit Val Val
+ | VSqueezeH Val Val
| VApp Val Val
| VAppFormula Val Formula
| VLam Ident Val Val
<+> hsep (map ((char '@' <+>) . showFormula) phis)
Split f _ _ _ -> text f
Sum _ n _ -> text n
+ HSum _ n _ -> text n
Undef{} -> text "undefined"
Hole{} -> text "?"
IdP e0 e1 e2 -> text "IdP" <+> showTers [e0,e1,e2]
Hole{} -> showTer t
Split{} -> showTer t
Sum{} -> showTer t
+ HSum{} -> showTer t
_ -> parens (showTer t)
showDecls :: [Decl] -> Doc
showVal v = case v of
VU -> char 'U'
Ter t@Sum{} rho -> showTer t <+> showEnv False rho
+ Ter t@HSum{} rho -> showTer t <+> showEnv False rho
Ter t@Split{} rho -> showTer t <+> showEnv False rho
Ter t rho -> showTer1 t <+> showEnv True rho
VCon c us -> text c <+> showVals us
VPCon c a us phis -> text c <+> braces (showVal a) <+> showVals us
<+> hsep (map ((char '@' <+>) . showFormula) phis)
+ VHComp v0 v1 vs -> text "hComp" <+> showVals [v0,v1] <+> text (showSystem vs)
VPi a l@(VLam x t b)
| "_" `isPrefixOf` x -> showVal a <+> text "->" <+> showVal1 b
| otherwise -> char '(' <> showLam v
VVar x _ -> text x
VFst u -> showVal1 u <> text ".1"
VSnd u -> showVal1 u <> text ".2"
- VUnGlueElem v hs -> text "unGlueElem" <+> showVal1 v <+> text (showSystem hs)
- VUnGlueElemU v es -> text "unGlueElemU" <+> showVal1 v <+> text (showSystem es)
+ VUnGlueElem v b hs -> text "unGlueElem" <+> showVals [v,b]
+ <+> text (showSystem hs)
+ VUnGlueElemU v b es -> text "unGlueElemU" <+> showVals [v,b]
+ <+> text (showSystem es)
VIdP v0 v1 v2 -> text "IdP" <+> showVals [v0,v1,v2]
VAppFormula v phi -> showVal v <+> char '@' <+> showFormula phi
VComp v0 v1 vs -> text "comp" <+> showVals [v0,v1] <+> text (showSystem vs)
VSnd u -> support u
VCon _ vs -> support vs
VPCon _ a vs phis -> support (a,vs,phis)
+ VHComp a u ts -> support (a,u,ts)
VVar _ v -> support v
VApp u v -> support (u,v)
VLam _ u v -> support (u,v)
VGlue a ts -> support (a,ts)
VGlueElem a ts -> support (a,ts)
VCompU a ts -> support (a,ts)
- VUnGlueElem a hs -> support (a,hs)
- VUnGlueElemU a es -> support (a,es)
+ VUnGlueElem a b hs -> support (a,b,hs)
+ VUnGlueElemU a b es -> support (a,b,es)
-- VGlueLine a phi psi -> support (a,phi,psi)
-- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> support (a,phi,psi)
-- VCompElem a es u us -> support (a,es,u,us)
VSnd u -> sndVal (acti u)
VCon c vs -> VCon c (acti vs)
VPCon c a vs phis -> pcon c (acti a) (acti vs) (acti phis)
+ VHComp a u us -> VHComp (acti a) (acti u) (acti us)
VVar x v -> VVar x (acti v)
VAppFormula u psi -> acti u @@ acti psi
VApp u v -> app (acti u) (acti v)
VSplit u v -> app (acti u) (acti v)
VGlue a ts -> glue (acti a) (acti ts)
VGlueElem a ts -> glueElem (acti a) (acti ts)
- VUnGlueElem a hs -> unGlue (acti a) (acti hs)
- VUnGlueElemU a es -> unGlueU (acti a) (acti es)
+ VUnGlueElem a b hs -> unGlue (acti a) (acti b) (acti hs)
+ VUnGlueElemU a b es -> unGlueU (acti a) (acti b) (acti es)
VCompU a ts -> compUniv (acti a) (acti ts)
-- VGlueLine a phi psi -> glueLine (acti a) (acti phi) (acti psi)
-- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> glueLineElem (acti a) (acti phi) (acti psi)
VSnd u -> VSnd (sw u)
VCon c vs -> VCon c (sw vs)
VPCon c a vs phis -> VPCon c (sw a) (sw vs) (sw phis)
+ VHComp a u us -> VHComp (sw a) (sw u) (sw us)
VVar x v -> VVar x (sw v)
VAppFormula u psi -> VAppFormula (sw u) (sw psi)
VApp u v -> VApp (sw u) (sw v)
VSplit u v -> VSplit (sw u) (sw v)
VGlue a ts -> VGlue (sw a) (sw ts)
VGlueElem a ts -> VGlueElem (sw a) (sw ts)
- VUnGlueElem a hs -> VUnGlueElem (sw a) (sw hs)
- VUnGlueElemU a es -> VUnGlueElemU (sw a) (sw es)
+ VUnGlueElem a b hs -> VUnGlueElem (sw a) (sw b) (sw hs)
+ VUnGlueElemU a b es -> VUnGlueElemU (sw a) (sw b) (sw es)
VCompU a ts -> VCompU (sw a) (sw ts)
-- VGlueLine a phi psi -> VGlueLine (sw a) (sw phi) (sw psi)
-- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> VGlueLineElem (sw a) (sw phi) (sw psi)
Lam{} -> Ter v rho
Split{} -> Ter v rho
Sum{} -> Ter v rho
+ HSum{} -> Ter v rho
Undef{} -> Ter v rho
Hole{} -> Ter v rho
IdP a e0 e1 -> VIdP (eval rho a) (eval rho e0) (eval rho e1)
ty -> error $ "inferType: expected IdP type for " ++ show v
++ ", got " ++ show ty
VComp a _ _ -> a @@ One
+ VUnGlueElem _ b hs -> glue b hs
+ VUnGlueElemU _ b es -> compUniv b es
-- VTrans a _ -> a @@ One
_ -> error $ "inferType: not neutral " ++ show v
v @@ phi = error $ "(@@): " ++ show v ++ " should be neutral."
pcon :: LIdent -> Val -> [Val] -> [Formula] -> Val
-pcon c a@(Ter (Sum _ _ lbls) rho) us phis = case lookupPLabel c lbls of
+pcon c a@(Ter (HSum _ _ lbls) rho) us phis = case lookupPLabel c lbls of
Just (tele,is,ts) | eps `Map.member` vs -> vs ! eps
| otherwise -> VPCon c a us phis
where rho' = subs (zip is phis) (updsTele tele us rho)
in VCon n $ comps i as env tsus
else VComp (VPath i a) u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
Nothing -> error $ "comp: missing constructor in labelled sum " ++ n
- VPCon{} -> compHIT i a u ts
- VComp{} -> VComp (VPath i a) u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
- -- VCompElem _ _ u1 _ -> comp i a u1 ts
- -- VElimComp _ _ u1 -> comp i a u1 ts
_ -> error $ "comp ter sum" ++ show u
+ Ter (HSum _ _ nass) env -> compHIT i a u ts
_ -> VComp (VPath i a) u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
-- _ -> error $ "comp: case missing for " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show u ++ " " ++ showSystem ts
compHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
compHIT = undefined
+-- case u of
+-- VCon n us -> case lookupLabel n nass of
+-- Just as ->
+-- if all isCon (elems ts)
+-- then let tsus = transposeSystemAndList (Map.map unCon ts) us
+-- in VCon n $ comps i as env tsus
+-- else VComp (VPath i a) u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
+-- Nothing -> error $ "comp: missing constructor in labelled sum " ++ n
+-- VPCon{} -> compHIT i a u ts
+-- VComp{} -> VComp (VPath i a) u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
+-- _ -> error $ "comp ter sum" ++ show u
transpHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-transpHIT = undefined
+transpHIT i a u = squeezeHIT i a u `face` (i ~> 0)
+-- Given u(i) of type a(i) "squeezeHIT i a u" connects in the direction i
+-- transHIT i a u(i=0) to u(i=1) in a(1)
squeezeHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
squeezeHIT = undefined
| eps `Map.member` us = us ! eps
| otherwise = VGlueElem v us
-unGlue :: Val -> System Val -> Val
-unGlue w hisos
+unGlue :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+unGlue w b hisos
| Map.null hisos = w
| eps `Map.member` hisos = app (hisoFun (hisos ! eps)) w
| otherwise = case w of
VGlueElem v us -> v
-- VElimComp _ _ v -> unGlue hisos v
-- VCompElem a es v vs -> unGlue hisos v
- _ -> VUnGlueElem w hisos
+ _ -> VUnGlueElem w b hisos
-- transGlue :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
-- transGlue i b hisos wi0 = glueElem vi1'' usi1
compGlue i b hisos wi0 ws = glueElem vi1'' usi1''
where bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
vs = mapWithKey
- (\alpha wAlpha -> unGlue wAlpha (hisos `face` alpha)) ws
+ (\alpha wAlpha -> unGlue wAlpha
+ (b `face` alpha) (hisos `face` alpha)) ws
vsi1 = vs `face` (i ~> 1) -- same as: border vi1 vs
- vi0 = unGlue wi0 (hisos `face` (i ~> 0)) -- in b(i0)
+ vi0 = unGlue wi0 (b `face` (i ~> 0)) (hisos `face` (i ~> 0)) -- in b(i0)
v = fill i b vi0 vs -- in b
vi1 = comp i b vi0 vs -- is v `face` (i ~> 1) in b(i1)
-- | Composition in the Universe (to be replaced as glue)
-unGlueU :: Val -> System Val -> Val
-unGlueU w es
+unGlueU :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+unGlueU w b es
| Map.null es = w
| eps `Map.member` es = transNegLine (es ! eps) w
| otherwise = case w of
VGlueElem v us -> v
- _ -> VUnGlueElemU w es
+ _ -> VUnGlueElemU w b es
compUniv :: Val -> System Val -> Val
compUniv b es | Map.null es = b
compU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
compU i b es wi0 ws = glueElem vi1'' usi1''
where bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
- vs = mapWithKey (\alpha wAlpha -> unGlueU wAlpha (es `face` alpha)) ws
+ vs = mapWithKey (\alpha wAlpha ->
+ unGlueU wAlpha (b `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)) ws
vsi1 = vs `face` (i ~> 1) -- same as: border vi1 vs
- vi0 = unGlueU wi0 (es `face` (i ~> 0)) -- in b(i0)
+ vi0 = unGlueU wi0 (b `face` (i ~> 0)) (es `face` (i ~> 0)) -- in b(i0)
v = fill i b vi0 vs -- in b
vi1 = comp i b vi0 vs -- is v `face` (i ~> 1) in b(i1)
(VComp a u ts,VComp a' u' ts') -> conv ns (a,u,ts) (a',u',ts')
(VGlue v hisos,VGlue v' hisos') -> conv ns (v,hisos) (v',hisos')
(VGlueElem u us,VGlueElem u' us') -> conv ns (u,us) (u',us')
- (VUnGlueElem _ u,VUnGlueElem _ u') -> conv ns u u'
- (VUnGlueElemU _ u,VUnGlueElemU _ u') -> conv ns u u'
+ (VUnGlueElem u _ _,VUnGlueElem u' _ _) -> conv ns u u'
+ (VUnGlueElemU u _ _,VUnGlueElemU u' _ _) -> conv ns u u'
-- (VCompElem a es u us,VCompElem a' es' u' us') ->
-- conv ns (a,es,u,us) (a',es',u',us')
-- (VElimComp a es u,VElimComp a' es' u') -> conv ns (a,es,u) (a',es',u')
-- VTrans u v -> transLine (normal ns u) (normal ns v)
VGlue u hisos -> glue (normal ns u) (normal ns hisos)
VGlueElem u us -> glueElem (normal ns u) (normal ns us)
- VUnGlueElem u hs -> unGlue (normal ns u) (normal ns hs)
- VUnGlueElemU u es -> unGlueU (normal ns u) (normal ns es)
+ VUnGlueElem u b hs -> unGlue (normal ns u) (normal ns b) (normal ns hs)
+ VUnGlueElemU u b es -> unGlueU (normal ns u) (normal ns b) (normal ns es)
VCompU u es -> compUniv (normal ns u) (normal ns es)
-- VCompElem a es u us -> compElem (normal ns a) (normal ns es) (normal ns u) (normal ns us)
-- VElimComp a es u -> elimComp (normal ns a) (normal ns es) (normal ns u)