pcon name (eval rho a) (map (eval rho) ts) (evalFormula rho phi)
Split{} -> Ter v rho
Sum{} -> Ter v rho
- Undef l -> error $ "eval: undefined at " ++ show l
IdP a e0 e1 -> VIdP (eval rho a) (eval rho e0) (eval rho e1)
Path i t ->
let j = fresh rho
Just (PBranch _ xs i t) -> eval (Sub (upds e (zip xs us)) (i,phi)) t
_ -> error ("app: Split with insufficient arguments; " ++
" missing case for " ++ c)
-app u@(Ter (Split _ _ f hbr) e) kan@(VComp v w ws) =
+app u@(Ter (Split _ _ ty hbr) e) kan@(VComp v w ws) =
let j = fresh (e,kan)
wsj = Map.map (@@ j) ws
ws' = mapWithKey (\alpha -> app (u `face` alpha)) wsj
w' = app u w
- ffill = app (eval e f) (fill j v w wsj)
- in genComp j ffill w' ws'
+ in case eval e ty of
+ VPi _ f -> genComp j (app f (fill j v w wsj)) w' ws'
+ _ -> error ("app: Split annotation not a Pi type " ++ show u)
app kan@(VTrans (VPath i (VPi a f)) li0) ui1 =
let j = fresh (kan,ui1)
VSigma _ f -> app f (VFst t)
ty -> error $ "inferType: expected Sigma type for " ++ show v
++ ", got " ++ show ty
- VSplit (Ter (Split _ _ f _) rho) v1 -> app (eval rho f) v1
+ VSplit s@(Ter (Split _ _ t _) rho) v1 -> case eval rho t of
+ VPi _ f -> app f v1
+ ty -> error $ "inferType: Pi type expected for split annotation in "
+ ++ show v ++ ", got " ++ show ty
VApp t0 t1 -> case inferType t0 of
VPi _ f -> app f t1
ty -> error $ "inferType: expected Pi type for " ++ show v
<*> local (insertIdents cs) (resolveExp t0)
<*> local (insertIdents cs) (resolveExp t1)
-piToFam :: ((Int,Int),String) -> Exp -> Resolver Ter
-piToFam _ (Fun a b) = lam ("_",a) $ resolveExp b
-piToFam _ (Pi ptele b) = do
- (x,a):tele <- flattenPTele ptele
- lam (x,a) (binds CTT.Pi tele (resolveExp b))
-piToFam (l,n) _ = throwError $ "Pi type expected in " ++ n ++ " at " ++ show l
-- Resolve Data or Def or Split declarations
resolveDecl :: Decl -> Resolver (CTT.Decl,[(Ident,SymKind)])
resolveDecl d = case d of
return ((f,(a,d)),(f,Variable):cs ++ pcs)
DeclSplit (AIdent (l,f)) tele t brs -> do
let tele' = flattenTele tele
+ vars = map fst tele'
loc <- getLoc l
a <- binds CTT.Pi tele' (resolveExp t)
- let vars = map fst tele'
- fam <- local (insertVars vars) $ piToFam (l,f) t
+ ty <- local (insertVars vars) $ resolveExp t
brs' <- local (insertVars (f:vars)) (mapM resolveBranch brs)
- body <- lams tele' (return $ CTT.Split f loc fam brs')
+ body <- lams tele' (return $ CTT.Split f loc ty brs')
return ((f,(a,body)),[(f,Variable)])
resolveDecls :: [Decl] -> Resolver ([[CTT.Decl]],[(Ident,SymKind)])
localM (addTele tele) $ do\r
check (Ter t rho) t0\r
check (Ter t rho) t1\r
- (VPi va@(Ter (Sum _ _ cas) nu) f,Split _ _ f' ces) -> do\r
- checkFam f'\r
+ (VPi va@(Ter (Sum _ _ cas) nu) f,Split _ _ ty ces) -> do\r
+ check VU ty\r
rho <- asks env\r
- unlessM (f === eval rho f') $ throwError "check: split annotations"\r
+ unlessM (a === eval rho ty) $ throwError "check: split annotations"\r
if map labelName cas == map branchName ces\r
then sequence_ [ checkBranch (lbl,nu) f brc (Ter t rho) va\r
| (brc, lbl) <- zip ces cas ]\r
-- Check a list of declarations\r
checkDecls :: [Decl] -> Typing ()\r
checkDecls d = do\r
- let (idents, tele, ters) = (declIdents d, declTele d, declTers d)\r
+ let (idents,tele,ters) = (declIdents d,declTele d,declTers d)\r
trace ("Checking: " ++ unwords idents)\r
checkTele tele\r
rho <- asks env\r