directly manipulate n-dimensional cubes. It is based on a model of
type theory in cubical sets with connections. The goal is to have a
type theory with well behaved identity types and to give a
-computational interpretation of notions from HoTT/UF, in particular
+computational interpretation of notions from UF/HoTT, in particular
the univalence axiom and higher inductive types.
The system is based on Mini-TT: "A simple type-theoretic language:
Try it:
-Note: At the moment one should use the no_regular branch.
false -> true
true -> false
Identity types, names and formulas
-- "<i>" abstracts the name/color/dimension i:
refl (A : U) (a : A) : Id A a a = <i> a
A proof "p : Id A a b" is thought of as a line between a and b:
-- This also gives a short proof of function extensionality:
funExt (A : U) (B : A -> U) (f g : (x : A) -> B x)
(p : (x : A) -> Id (B x) (f x) (g x)) : Id ((y : A) -> B y) f g =
- <i> \(a : A) -> (p a) @ i
+ <i> \(x : A) -> (p x) @ i
testDisj (A : U) (a b : A) (p : Id A a b) : Id A b b = <i> p @ i \/ -i
+So far we have: MLTT + Id, <i>, @, i/\j...
+We can prove that singletons are contractible. But, we don't have
+transportf (A : U) (P : A -> U) (a b : A) (p : Id A a b) : P a -> P b
+Which is what is needed to get J as:
+ J = contr. singl. + transport
+In order to get this (and a lot more) we consider compositions.
-Given a cube, we form a new cube by replacing some faces along
-equalities. This can be seen a generalization of composition of
The comp operation takes a line in the universe, a principal side and
a system describing the rest of the shape, and produces the missing
side (opposite of the principal side).
Transitivity of Id is obtained from a composition of this open square:
+i : I, j : I |-
a - - - - - - - - > c
^ ^
| |
| |
- <j> a | | q
+ (<_> a)@j| | q @ j
| |
| |
| |
p @ i
The composition computes the dashed line at the top of the square.
+ ( <i>(<_>a)@i ) = (<j> (<_>a)@j) : Id (Id A a a) (<i> a) (<j> a)
+p = <i> p @ i
+i : I |- (<_>a) @i
+|- <i> (<_> a) @ i
+|- <_> a
-trans (A : U) (a b c : A) (p : Id A a b) (q : Id A b c) : Id A a c =
- <i> comp (<_> A) (p @ i) [ (i = 0) -> <j> a, (i = 1) -> q ]
--- "Kan composition":
-kan (A : U) (a b c d : A) (p : Id A a b)
- (q : Id A a c) (r : Id A b d) : Id A c d =
- <i> comp (<_> A) (p @ i) [ (i = 0) -> q, (i = 1) -> r ]
+pathscomp0 (A : U) (a b c : A) (p : Id A a b) (q : Id A b c) : Id A a c =
+ <i> comp (<_> A) (p @ i) [ (i = 0) -> <_> a
+ , (i = 1) -> q ]
-- The first two nonzero h-levels are propositions and sets:
+-- The first argument to comp is a line in the universe. So far we
+-- have only considered constant lines..
+-- "Kan composition":
+kan (A : U) (a b c d : A) (p : Id A a b)
+ (q : Id A a c) (r : Id A b d) : Id A c d =
+ <i> comp (<_> A) (p @ i) [ (i = 0) -> q, (i = 1) -> r ]
+-- Generalized Kan composition:
+kan' (A B : U) (P : Id U A B) (a b : A) (c d : B) (p : Id A a b)
+ (q : IdP P a c) (r : IdP P b d) : Id B c d =
+ <i> comp P (p @ i) [ (i = 0) -> q, (i = 1) -> r ]
+kan'' (A : U) (a b c d : A) (p : Id A a b)
+ (q : Id A a c) (r : Id A b d) : Id A c d =
+ kan' A A (<_> A) a b c d p q r
-- Names and compisitions provides a convenient way for reasoning with
-- equalities:
suc c' -> <i> suc (addAssoc a b c' @ i)
transport : Id U A B -> A -> B
-It is defined internally as a composition with an empty cube/system.
--- This gives a simple proof of subst:
+-- This gives a simple proof of subst (called transportf above and in
+-- UniMath):
subst (A : U) (P : A -> U) (a b : A) (p : Id A a b) (e : P a) : P b =
- transport (cong A U P a b p) e
+ transport (maponpaths A U P a b p) e
+-- Transport is defined in the Haskell code as a composition with an
+-- empty cube/system. It can also be directly defined as:
+trans (A B : U) (p : Id U A B) (a : A) : B = comp p a []
+-- However these are not exactly the same because the lack of implicit
+-- arguments.
--- Combined with the fact that singletons are contractible this gives
+-- subst with the fact that singletons are contractible this gives
-- the J eliminator:
J (A : U) (a : A) (C : (x : A) -> Id A a x -> U)
(d : C a (refl A a)) (x : A) (p : Id A a x) : C x p =
-- defEqJ (A : U) (a : A) (C : (x : A) -> Id A a x -> U) (d : C a (refl A a)) :
-- Id (C a (refl A a)) (J A a C d a (refl A a)) d = refl (C a (refl A a)) d
+-- We can get the equality between a and the transport of a by filling:
+transFill (A : U) (a : A) : Id A a (transport (<_> A) a) =
+ fill (<_> A) a []
-- This might not be too bad though. Nils-Anders Danielsson has
-- verified in Agda that many of the consequences of univalence can be
-- developed without defEqJ.
+-- We used to have a system where defEqJ was definitional, however it
+-- relied on a condition called "regularity" which Dan Licata showed to
+-- not hold for the universe (at least for the way we define
+-- composition in the universe).
+-- A "strange" term showing what happens without regularity
+-- strange (A : U) (a b c : A) (p : Id A a b) (q : Id A b c) :
+-- Id A (comp (<_> A) a []) c =
+-- <i> comp (<_> A) (p @ i) [ (i = 1) -> q ]
+-- It seems like we can recover a new Id type with the correct
+-- definitional equalities using ideas from awfs of Andrew
+-- Swan... Simon has implemented this in the branch "defeq".
- Glueing
-The univalence axiom says that equivalent (written as ~) types are
+So far we have: MLTT + Id, <i>, @, i/\j, compositions, transport
- (A = B) ~ (A ~ B)
+With all of this we get J, but so far without def. eq.
+We also want univalence and HITs.
+ Glueing
-Glueing is a weaker form of this for producing non-trivial equalities
-from isomorphisms. In particular glueing gives a map from Iso(A,B) to
-A = B. This weak form of univalence is useful for developing a lot of
+Glueing is a alternative form of univalence for producing non-trivial
+equalities from isomorphisms. In particular glueing gives a map from
+Iso(A,B) to A = B. This alternative form of univalence is useful for
+developing a lot of examples.
isoId (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
(s : (y : B) -> Id B (f (g y)) y)
(t : (x : A) -> Id A (g (f x)) x) : Id U A B =
<i> glue A [ (i = 0) -> (A,idfun A,idfun A,refl A,refl A)
, (i = 1) -> (B,g,f,t,s) ]
--- Note that we have to glue the identity isomorphism to (i = 0), this
--- is because lack of regularity. Compare with trans.
testFalse : bool = transport notEq true
-- Example: Non-trivial equality between Z and Z --
testNOneZ : Z = transport (<i> sucIdZ @ - i) zeroZ
- -----------------------------------
- -- Example: Equality in pi types --
- -----------------------------------
+-- transport sucIdZ = sucZ ?
+-- Using glue we get a proof of univalence, see univalence.ctt --
-pi (A : U) (P : A -> U) : U = (x : A) -> P x
--- Equality in pi types:
-idPi (A : U) (B : A -> U) (f g : pi A B) :
- Id U (Id (pi A B) f g) ((x : A) -> Id (B x) (f x) (g x)) =
- isoId (Id (pi A B) f g) ((x : A) -> Id (B x) (f x) (g x)) F G S T
- where T0 : U = Id (pi A B) f g
- T1 : U = (x : A) -> Id (B x) (f x) (g x)
- F (p : T0) : T1 = \(x : A) -> <i> (p @ i) x
- G (p : T1) : T0 = <i> \(x : A) -> (p x) @ i
- S (p : T1) : Id T1 (F (G p)) p = <i> p
- T (p : T0) : Id T0 (G (F p)) p = <i> p
--- If B is a family of sets then pi A B is a set:
-setPi (A : U) (B : A -> U) (h : (x : A) -> set (B x)) : set (pi A B) =
- \(f g : pi A B) ->
- let T : U = (x : A) -> Id (B x) (f x) (g x)
- rem : prop T =
- \(p q : T) -> <i> \(x : A) -> h x (f x) (g x) (p x) (q x) @ i
- in subst U prop T (Id (pi A B) f g) (<i> idPi A B f g @ -i) rem
+ ------------------------------------
+ -- Example: The integers as a HIT --
+ ------------------------------------
+There is a minor issue with the definition of Z: the negative numbers
+are off by one.
+What we really want is the equality "inl zero = inr zero".
+Solution: Define the integers as a HIT!
+data int = pos (n : nat)
+ | neg (n : nat)
+ | zeroP <i> [ (i = 0) -> pos zero
+ , (i = 1) -> neg zero ]
+-- Nice version of the zero constructor:
+zeroPath : Id int (pos zero) (neg zero) = <i> zeroP {int} @ i
+sucInt : int -> int = split
+ pos n -> pos (suc n)
+ neg n -> sucNat n
+ where sucNat : nat -> int = split
+ zero -> pos one
+ suc n -> neg n
+ zeroP @ i -> pos one
+toZ : int -> Z = split
+ pos n -> inr n
+ neg n -> auxToZ n
+ where auxToZ : nat -> Z = split
+ zero -> inr zero
+ suc n -> inl n
+ zeroP @ i -> inr zero
+fromZ : Z -> int = split
+ inl n -> neg (suc n)
+ inr n -> pos n
+toZK : (a : Z) -> Id Z (toZ (fromZ a)) a = split
+ inl n -> <i> inl n
+ inr n -> <i> inr n
+fromZK : (a : int) -> Id int (fromZ (toZ a)) a = split
+ pos n -> <i> pos n
+ neg n -> rem n
+ where rem : (n : nat) -> Id int (fromZ (toZ (neg n))) (neg n) = split
+ zero -> zeroPath
+ suc m -> <i> neg (suc m)
+ zeroP @ i -> <j> zeroPath @ i /\ j -- A connection makes this proof easy!
+isoIntZ : Id U Z int = isoId Z int fromZ toZ fromZK toZK
-- Example: The circle as a HIT --
-- The loop constructor
loop1 : loopS1 = <i> loop{S1} @ i
-invLoop : loopS1 = sym S1 base base loop1
+invLoop : loopS1 = <i> loop1 @ -i
helix : S1 -> U = split
base -> Z
winding (p : loopS1) : Z = transport (<i> helix (p @ i)) zeroZ
-- Loop composition:
-compS1 : loopS1 -> loopS1 -> loopS1 = trans S1 base base base
+compS1 : loopS1 -> loopS1 -> loopS1 = pathscomp0 S1 base base base
-- Some examples of winding numbers:
loopZ1 : Z = winding loop1
doubleLoop (l : loopS1) : loopS1 = <i> square (l @ i)
+doubleLoop' (l : loopS1) : loopS1 = compS1 l l
loopZ4 : Z = winding (doubleLoop (compS1 loop1 loop1))
loopZ8 : Z = winding (doubleLoop (doubleLoop (compS1 loop1 loop1)))
<j i> loop{S1} @ j /\ i /\ -i
- ------------------------------------
- -- Example: The integers as a HIT --
- ------------------------------------
-There is a minor issue with the definition of Z: the negative numbers
-are off by one.
-What we really want is the equality "inl zero = inr zero".
-Solution: Define the integers as a HIT!
-data int = pos (n : nat)
- | neg (n : nat)
- | zeroP <i> [ (i = 0) -> pos zero, (i = 1) -> neg zero ]
--- Nice version of the zero constructor:
-zeroZ : Id int (pos zero) (neg zero) = <i> zeroP {int} @ i
-sucInt : int -> int = split
- pos n -> pos (suc n)
- neg n -> sucNat n
- where sucNat : nat -> int = split
- zero -> pos one
- suc n -> neg n
- zeroP @ i -> pos one
+-- For a higher dimensional HIT see, torus.ctt
-toZ : int -> Z = split
- pos n -> inr n
- neg n -> auxToZ n
- where auxToZ : nat -> Z = split
- zero -> inr zero
- suc n -> inl n
- zeroP @ i -> inr zero
-fromZ : Z -> int = split
- inl n -> neg (suc n)
- inr n -> pos n
-toZK : (a : Z) -> Id Z (toZ (fromZ a)) a = split
- inl n -> <i> inl n
- inr n -> <i> inr n
-fromZK : (a : int) -> Id int (fromZ (toZ a)) a = split
- pos n -> <i> pos n
- neg n -> rem n
- where rem : (n : nat) -> Id int (fromZ (toZ (neg n))) (neg n) = split
- zero -> zeroZ
- suc m -> <i> neg (suc m)
- zeroP @ i -> <j> zeroZ @ i /\ j -- A connection makes this proof easy!
-isoIntZ : Id U Z int = isoId Z int fromZ toZ fromZK toZK
--- This is proved in the library but admitted here:
-ZSet : set Z = undefined
-intSet : set int = subst U set Z int isoIntZ ZSet