Where e d -> showTer e <+> text "where" <+> showDecls d
Var x -> text x
Con c es -> text c <+> showTers es
- PCon c a es phis -> text c <+> char '{' <+> showTer a <+> char '}'
- <+> showTers es
- <+> (hsep $ punctuate (char '@') (map showFormula phis))
+ PCon c a es phis -> text c <+> braces (showTer a) <+> showTers es
+ <+> (hsep $ map ((char '@' <+>) . showFormula) phis)
Split f _ _ _ -> text f
Sum _ n _ -> text n
Undef{} -> text "undefined"
Ter t@Split{} rho -> showTer t <+> showEnv False rho
Ter t env -> showTer1 t <+> showEnv True env
VCon c us -> text c <+> showVals us
- VPCon c a us phis -> text c <+> char '{' <+> showVal a <+> char '}'
- <+> showVals us
- <+> (hsep $ punctuate (char '@') (map showFormula phis))
+ VPCon c a us phis -> text c <+> braces (showVal a) <+> showVals us
+ <+> (hsep $ map ((char '@' <+>) . showFormula) phis)
VPi a l@(VLam x t b) | "_" `isPrefixOf` x -> showVal1 a <+> text "->"
<+> showVal1 b
| otherwise -> showVal l
-- Transform a sequence of applications
-- (((u v1) .. vn) phi1) .. phim into (u,[v1,..,vn],[phi1,..,phim])
-unAppsFormulas :: Exp -> [Exp] -> [Formula]-> (Exp,[Exp],[Formula])
-unAppsFormulas (AppFormula u phi) ws phis = unAppsFormulas u ws (phi:phis)
-unAppsFormulas u ws phis = (x,xs++ws,phis)
- where (x,xs) = unApps u ws
+unAppsFormulas :: Exp -> [Formula]-> (Exp,[Exp],[Formula])
+unAppsFormulas (AppFormula u phi) phis = unAppsFormulas u (phi:phis)
+unAppsFormulas u phis = (x,xs,phis)
+ where (x,xs) = unApps u []
-- Flatten a tele
mkWheres rdecls <$> local (insertIdents names) (resolveExp e)
Path is e -> paths is (resolveExp e)
Hole (HoleIdent (l,_)) -> CTT.Hole <$> getLoc l
- AppFormula e phi ->
- let (x,xs,phis) = unAppsFormulas e [] []
+ AppFormula t phi ->
+ let (x,xs,phis) = unAppsFormulas e []
in case x of
PCon n a ->
CTT.PCon (unAIdent n) <$> resolveExp a <*> mapM resolveExp xs
<*> mapM resolveFormula phis
- _ -> CTT.AppFormula <$> resolveExp e <*> resolveFormula phi
+ _ -> CTT.AppFormula <$> resolveExp t <*> resolveFormula phi
Trans x y -> CTT.Trans <$> resolveExp x <*> resolveExp y
IdP x y z -> CTT.IdP <$> resolveExp x <*> resolveExp y <*> resolveExp z
Comp u v ts -> CTT.Comp <$> resolveExp u <*> resolveExp v <*> resolveSystem ts
PCon c a es phis -> do\r
check VU a\r
va <- evalTyping a\r
--- (bs,nu) <- getLblType c va\r
--- checks (bs,nu) es\r
--- mapM_ checkFormula phis\r
- trace $ "va = " ++ show va\r
+ (bs,nu) <- getLblType c va\r
+ checks (bs,nu) es\r
+ mapM_ checkFormula phis\r
return va\r
_ -> throwError ("infer " ++ show e)\r