vus = map snd us\r
js' = map Atom js\r
vts = evalSystem (subs (upds nu us) (zip is js')) ts\r
- vfts = intersectionWith app (border g ts) vts\r
+ vfts = intersectionWith app (border g vts) vts\r
local (addSubs (zip js js') . addBranch (zip ns vus) nu) $ do\r
check (app f (VPCon c va vus js')) e\r
ve <- evalTyping e -- TODO: combine with next line?\r
- unlessM (border ve ts === vfts) $\r
+ unlessM (border ve vts === vfts) $\r
throwError $ "Faces of branch don't match"\r
checkFormula :: Formula -> Typing ()\r