import lecture3
+-- Equivalences
+-- For more results about equivalences see chapter 4 of the HoTT book.
-- The fiber/preimage of a map:
fiber (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (y : B) : U =
(x : A) * Path B y (f x)
--- A map is an equivalence if it has contractible fibers
-isEquiv (A B : U) (f : A -> B) : U = (y : B) -> isContr (fiber A B f y)
+-- A map is an equivalence
+isEquiv (A B : U) (f : A -> B) : U =
+ (y : B) -> isContr (fiber A B f y)
--- A and B are equivalent if there is an equivalence between them
equiv (A B : U) : U = (f : A -> B) * isEquiv A B f
+-- Recall:
+-- contrSingl (A : U) (a b : A) (p : Path A a b) :
+-- Path (singl A a) (a,<i> a) (b,p) =
+-- The identity function is an equivalence
idIsEquiv (A : U) : isEquiv A A (idfun A) =
- \(a : A) -> ((a, <i> a)
- ,\(z : fiber A A (idfun A) a) -> contrSingl A a z.1 z.2)
+ \(a : A) -> ((a,<i> a),
+ \(z : fiber A A (idfun A) a) -> contrSingl A a z.1 z.2)
-idEquiv (A : U) : equiv A A = (idfun A, idIsEquiv A)
+idEquiv (A : U) : equiv A A = (idfun A,idIsEquiv A)
--- inverse of equivalence
-invEquiv (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) (y : B) : A = (e.2 y).1.1
+-- Compute the inverse of an equivalence
+invEquiv (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) (y : B) : A =
+ (e.2 y).1.1
--- exercises
+-- Exercises (easy); the inverse is really the inverse
retEq (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) (y : B) : Path B (e.1 (invEquiv A B e y)) y = undefined
secEq (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) (x : A) : Path A (invEquiv A B e (e.1 x)) x = undefined
+-- Exercise (hard): prove that being contractible is a proposition.
+-- (hint: use a composition)
+isPropIsContr (A : U) : isProp (isContr A) = undefined
+-- Being an equivalence is hence a proposition. Note that propositions
+-- in HoTT is different from Prop of Coeq as we cannot erase them. If
+-- we erase the proof that a map is an equivalence we cannot invert
+-- it!
+isPropIsEquiv (A B : U) (f : A -> B) : isProp (isEquiv A B f) =
+ \(u0 u1 : isEquiv A B f) ->
+ <i> \(y : B) -> isPropIsContr (fiber A B f y) (u0 y) (u1 y) @ i
--- The grad lemma
-lemIso (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
+-- The "grad lemma": any isomorphism is an equivalence
+gradLemma (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
+ (s : (y : B) -> Path B (f (g y)) y)
+ (t : (x : A) -> Path A (g (f x)) x) : isEquiv A B f =
+ \(y:B) -> ((g y,<i>s y@-i),\ (z:fiber A B f y) ->
+ lemIso A B f g s t y (g y) z.1 (<i>s y@-i) z.2)
+ where
+ lemIso (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
(s : (y : B) -> Path B (f (g y)) y)
(t : (x : A) -> Path A (g (f x)) x)
(y : B) (x0 x1 : A) (p0 : Path B y (f x0)) (p1 : Path B y (f x1)) :
Path (fiber A B f y) (x0,p0) (x1,p1) = <i> (p @ i,sq1 @ i)
- where
+ where
rem0 : Path A (g y) x0 =
<i> comp (<k> A) (g (p0 @ i)) [ (i = 1) -> t x0, (i = 0) -> <k> g y ]
, (j = 1) -> s (f (p @ i))
, (j = 0) -> s y ]
-gradLemma (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
- (s : (y : B) -> Path B (f (g y)) y)
- (t : (x : A) -> Path A (g (f x)) x) : isEquiv A B f =
- \(y:B) -> ((g y,<i>s y@-i),\ (z:fiber A B f y) ->
- lemIso A B f g s t y (g y) z.1 (<i>s y@-i) z.2)
Glueing is a weaker form of this for producing non-trivial equalities
from equivalences. In particular Glueing gives a map from Equiv(A,B)
to A = B. This weak form of univalence is useful for developing a lot
-of examples.
+of examples.
+If e : equiv A B then we can get a path between A and B by
-Further, the full form of univalence is provable in the system. See
-the file examples/univalence.ctt for a proof of this.
+G := <i> Glue B [ (i = 0) -> (A,e), (i = 1) -> (B,idEquiv B) ]
+This can be illustrated as:
+ G
+ A - - - - > B
+ | |
+ e| | idEquiv B
+ | |
+ V V
+ B --------> B
+ B
+The sides of this square are equivalence while the bottom and top are
+lines in direction i.
+The Glue type allows us to do two very hard things: prove that the
+universe is fibrant (i.e. define composition for U) and prove the
+univalence axiom.
+ua (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) : Path U A B =
+ <i> Glue B [ (i = 0) -> (A,e), (i = 1) -> (B,idEquiv B) ]
-- Example: Non-trivial equality between bool and bool --
--- recall not and notK
+-- recall: notK : (b : bool) -> Path bool (not (not b)) b = ...
--- not is hence and equivalence:
notEquiv : equiv bool bool =
(not,gradLemma bool bool not not notK notK)
--- This defines a non-trivial equality between bool and bool:
+-- Construct an equality in the universe using Glue
notEq : Path U bool bool =
<i> Glue bool [ (i = 0) -> (bool,notEquiv)
, (i = 1) -> (bool,idEquiv bool) ]
--- We can transport true along this non-trivial equality:
+-- Transpo
testFalse : bool = transport notEq true
-isoPath (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
- (s : (y : B) -> Path B (f (g y)) y)
- (t : (x : A) -> Path A (g (f x)) x) : Path U A B =
- <i> Glue B [ (i = 0) -> (A,f,gradLemma A B f g s t)
- , (i = 1) -> (B,idEquiv B) ]
-ua (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) : Path U A B =
- <i> Glue B [ (i = 0) -> (A,e)
- , (i = 1) -> (B,idEquiv B) ]
-- Example: Non-trivial equality between Z and Z --
Z : U = or nat nat
-{- Z represents:
- +2 = inr (suc (suc zero))
- +1 = inr (suc zero)
- 0 = inr zero
- -1 = inl zero
- -2 = inl (suc zero)
+-- Z represents:
+-- +2 = inr (suc (suc zero))
+-- +1 = inr (suc zero)
+-- 0 = inr zero
+-- -1 = inl zero
+-- -2 = inl (suc zero)
zeroZ : Z = inr zero
suc n -> <i> inl (suc n)
inr v -> <i> inr v
-sucPathZ : Path U Z Z = isoPath Z Z sucZ predZ sucpredZ predsucZ
+sucPathZ : Path U Z Z =
+ <i> Glue Z [ (i = 0) -> (Z,sucZ,gradLemma Z Z sucZ predZ sucpredZ predsucZ)
+ , (i = 1) -> (Z,idEquiv Z) ]
-- We can transport along the proof forward and backwards:
testOneZ : Z = transport sucPathZ zeroZ
+sucPathZ2 : Path U Z Z =
+ <i> comp (<_> U) (sucPathZ @ i) [ (i = 0) -> <j> Z, (i = 1) -> sucPathZ ]
+testTwoZ : Z = transport sucPathZ2 zeroZ
testNOneZ : Z = transport (<i> sucPathZ @ - i) zeroZ
--- Structure identity principle:
+-- Structure identity principle: any structure on a type A can be
+-- transported to an equivalent type B.
substEquiv (P : U -> U) (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) (h : P A) : P B =
subst U P A B (ua A B e) h
-data food = cheese | meat | chicken
-eat (X : U) : U = list (and food X)
+-- substEquiv Monoid nat binnat nat_equiv_binnat monoid_nat : Monoid binnat
-anders : eat bool = cons (cheese,true) (cons (meat,false) (cons (chicken,false) nil))
+-- We can use this to do some generic programming:
+data food = cheese | beef | chicken
-cyril : eat bool = substEquiv eat bool bool notEquiv anders
+-- Predicate encoding which food someone eats
+eats (X : U) : U = list (and food X)
--- Can be used for program refinements, see binnat.v
+anders : eats bool = cons (cheese,true) (cons (beef,false)
+ (cons (chicken,false) nil))
--- The canonical map defined using J
--- canPathToEquiv (A : U) : (B : U) -> Path U A B -> equiv A B =
--- J U A (\ (B : U) (_ : Path U A B) -> equiv A B) (idEquiv A)
+-- Cyril eats the complement of Anders
+cyril : eats bool = substEquiv eats bool bool notEquiv anders
--- univalenceJ (A B : U) : equiv (Path U A B) (equiv A B) =
--- (canPathToEquiv A B,thmUniv (\(A X : U) -> canPathToEquiv X A) B A)
--- stdUnivalence (A B : U) : equiv (Path U A B) (equiv A B) = ...
--- univalenceAlt (B : U) : isContr ((X : U) * equiv X B) = ...
--- thmUniv (t : (A X : U) -> Path U X A -> equiv X A) (A : U) : (X : U) -> isEquiv (Path U X A) (equiv X A) (t A X) = ...
+-- This can also be used to do program and data refinements, see
+-- examples/binnat.ctt where some property for unary numbers is proved
+-- by computing with binary numbers.
--- I know of 4 proofs of univalence:
--- 1. Direct proof using Glue (by Simon and me)
--- 2. unglue is an equivalence (Thierry, Simon, Peter Lumsdaine)
--- 3. ua+uabeta (Dan Licata)
--- 4. Various simple axioms (Orton, Pitts)
+-- Univalence
+-- The file examples/univalence.ctt contains 3 proofs of univalence.
+-- The simplest one is based on an idea of Dan Licata:
-{- Proof of 3:
+-- The idea is to reduce univalence to two simple axioms:
+-- ua (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) : Path U A B =
+-- and
+-- uabeta (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) : Path (A -> B) (trans A B (ua A B e)) e.1 =
-retract (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A) : U = (a : A) -> Path A (g (f a)) a
+-- Exercise: prove the computation rule for ua (hint: use fill with the empty system)
+uabeta (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) : Path (A -> B) (trans A B (ua A B e)) e.1 = undefined
+-- One would expect this computation rule to hold judgmentally, but it
+-- doesn't as the algorithm for computation in the universe adds some
+-- compositions with the empty system.
+-- Open problem: construct a type theory where this holds judgmentally.
+-- A further reduction of these to even simpler axioms have recently
+-- been found by Ian Orton and Andrew Pitts:
+data Unit = tt
+-- Exercises: prove these 3 axioms (hint: Glue might be useful)
+unit (A : U) : Path U A ((a : A) * Unit) = undefined
+flip (A B : U) (C : A -> B -> U) :
+ Path U ((a : A) * (b : B) * C a b)
+ ((b : B) * (a : A) * C a b) = undefined
+contract (A : U) : isContr A -> Path U A Unit = undefined
+-- Exercises: prove these 2 computation rules for the above axioms
+unitbeta (A : U) (a : A) :
+ Path ((a : A) * Unit) (transport (unit A) a) (a,tt) = undefined
--- test (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A) (hA : isProp A) (hB : isProp B) :
--- equiv A B = (f,rem)
--- where
--- -- rem (y : B) : isContr (fiber A B f y) = undefined
--- rem (y : B) : isContr ((x : A) * Path B y (f x)) =
--- let ctr : (x : A) * Path B y (f x) = (g y,hB y (f (g y)))
--- prf (pt : (x : A) * Path B y (f x)) :
--- Path ((x : A) * Path B y (f x)) ctr pt =
--- let h1 : Path A ctr.1 pt.1 = hA ctr.1 pt.1
--- temp : Path B y (f pt.1) = pt.2
--- temp2 : Path B y (f (g y)) = ctr.2
--- testt : PathP ?
--- in <i> (h1 @ i,?)
--- -- <i> (hA (g y) pt.1 @ i,hB y (f (hA (g y) pt.1 @ i)))
--- in (ctr,prf)
+flipbeta (A B : U) (C : A -> B -> U) (a : A) (b : B) (c : C a b) :
+ Path ((b : B) * (a : A) * C a b)
+ (transport (flip A B C) (a,b,c)) (b,a,c) = undefined
-ua (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) : Path U A B =
- <i> Glue B [ (i = 0) -> (A,e)
- , (i = 1) -> (B,idEquiv B) ]
-uabeta (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) : Path (A -> B) (trans A B (ua A B e)) e.1 = undefined
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+ -- The end! --
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