import pi
import univalence
+-- First prove and rename things to be closer to UniMath:
subtypeEquality (A : U) (B : A -> U) (pB : (x : A) -> prop (B x))
(s t : (x : A) * B x) : Id A s.1 t.1 -> Id (sig A B) s t =
trans (Id A s.1 t.1) (Id (sig A B) s t) rem
rem : Id U (Id A s.1 t.1) (Id (sig A B) s t) =
<i> lemSigProp A B pB s t @ -i
--- (* Propositions *)
--- Definition hProp := total2 (fun X : UU => isaprop X).
isaprop : U -> U = prop
isaset : U -> U = set
-hProp : U = (X : U) * isaprop X
+weq : U -> U -> U = equiv
+invweq (A B : U) : weq A B -> B -> A = invEq A B
--- Definition hProppair (X : UU) (isp : isaprop X) : hProp :=
--- tpair (fun X : UU => isaprop X) X isp.
-hProppair (X : U) (isp : isaprop X) : hProp = (X,isp)
+dirprod : U -> U -> U = and
+isapropDirprod (A B : U) (pA : isaprop A) (pB : isaprop B) : isaprop (dirprod A B) =
+ propSig A (\(_ : A) -> B) pA (\(_ : A) -> pB)
+-- (* Propositions *)
+-- Definition hProp := total2 (fun X : UU => isaprop X).
+hProp : U = (X : U) * isaprop X
-- Definition ishinh_UU (X : UU) := ∀ P : hProp, ((X -> pr1 P) -> pr1 P).
ishinh_UU (X : U) : U = (P : hProp) -> ((X -> P.1) -> P.1)
-- apply impred; intro f.
-- apply (pr2 P).
-- Defined.
--- TODO: inline propPi?
isapropishinh (X : U) : isaprop (ishinh_UU X) =
propPi hProp (\(P : hProp) -> ((X -> P.1) -> P.1)) rem1
rem1 (P : hProp) : isaprop ((X -> P.1) -> P.1) =
propPi (X -> P.1) (\(_ : X -> P.1) -> P.1) (\(f : X -> P.1) -> P.2)
-- Definition ishinh (X : UU) : hProp := hProppair (ishinh_UU X) (isapropishinh X).
-ishinh (X : U) : hProp = hProppair (ishinh_UU X) (isapropishinh X)
+ishinh (X : U) : hProp = (ishinh_UU X,isapropishinh X)
-- Definition hinhpr {X : UU} : X -> pr1 (ishinh X) :=
-- fun (x : X) (P : hProp) (f : X -> pr1 P) => f x.
-hinhpr (X : U) : X -> (ishinh X).1 =
+hinhpr (X : U) : X -> (ishinh X).1 =
\(x : X) (P : hProp) (f : X -> P.1) -> f x
-- Definition hinhuniv {X : UU} {P : hProp} (f : X -> pr1 P)
hdisj_in1 (P Q : U) (X : P) : (hdisj P Q).1 = hinhpr (or P Q) (inl X)
hdisj_in2 (P Q : U) (X : Q) : (hdisj P Q).1 = hinhpr (or P Q) (inr X)
--- Definition eqweqmaphProp {P P' : hProp} (e: @paths hProp P P') : weq (pr1 P) (pr1 P').
--- Proof.
--- destruct e.
--- apply idweq.
--- Defined.
-weq : U -> U -> U = equiv
-invweq (A B : U) : weq A B -> B -> A = invEq A B
--- Direct proof, could have used grad lemma
+-- Direct proof that logical equivalence is weq for props
weqhProp (P P' : hProp) (f : P.1 -> P'.1) (g : P'.1 -> P.1) : weq P.1 P'.1 = (f,isEquivf)
isEquivf : isEquiv P.1 P'.1 f = (s,t)
uahp (P P' : hProp) (f : P.1 -> P'.1) (g : P'.1 -> P.1) : Id hProp P P' =
subtypeEquality U isaprop propIsProp P P' rem
- rem : Id U P.1 P'.1 =
+ rem : Id U P.1 P'.1 =
invweq (Id U P.1 P'.1) (weq P.1 P'.1) (univalence P.1 P'.1) (weqhProp P P' f g)
-- Definition weqtopathshProp {P P' : hProp} (w : weq (pr1 P) (pr1 P')) : P = P' :=
weqtopathshProp (P P' : hProp) (w : weq P.1 P'.1) : Id hProp P P' =
uahp P P' w.1 (invweq P.1 P'.1 w)
+-- The Coq proof that hProp is a set:
+-- Definition eqweqmaphProp {P P' : hProp} (e: @paths hProp P P') : weq (pr1 P) (pr1 P').
+-- Proof.
+-- destruct e.
+-- apply idweq.
+-- Defined.
-- Definition weqpathsweqhProp {P P' : hProp} (w : weq (pr1 P) (pr1 P')) :
-- eqweqmaphProp (weqtopathshProp w) = w.
-- Proof.
-- (isapropweqtoprop (pr1 x) (pr1 x') (pr2 x'))).
-- Defined.
--- temp1 (X Y : U) : isaprop Y -> isaprop (weq X Y) = undefined
+-- A shorter proof that hProp form a set using univalence:
isapropweq (X Y : U) (H : isaprop Y) (f g : weq X Y) : Id (weq X Y) f g =
- equivLemma X Y f g rem
- where
- rem : Id (X -> Y) f.1 g.1 = <i> \(x : X) -> H (f.1 x) (g.1 x) @ i
+ equivLemma X Y f g (<i> \(x : X) -> H (f.1 x) (g.1 x) @ i)
-isapropidU (X Y : U) : Id U X Y -> isaprop Y -> isaprop X =
- substInv U isaprop X Y
+isapropidU (X Y : U) : Id U X Y -> isaprop Y -> isaprop X = substInv U isaprop X Y
-- isasethProp : isaset hProp
isasethProp (P P' : hProp) : isaprop (Id hProp P P') =
- isapropidU (Id hProp P P') (weq P.1 P'.1) temp'' (isapropweq P.1 P'.1 P'.2)
+ isapropidU (Id hProp P P') (weq P.1 P'.1) rem (isapropweq P.1 P'.1 P'.2)
- temp : Id U (Id hProp P P') (Id U P.1 P'.1) = lemSigProp U isaprop propIsProp P P'
- temp' : Id U (Id U P.1 P'.1) (weq P.1 P'.1) = univalence1 P.1 P'.1
- temp'' : Id U (Id hProp P P') (weq P.1 P'.1) =
- compId U (Id hProp P P') (Id U P.1 P'.1) (weq P.1 P'.1) temp temp'
+ rem1 : Id U (Id hProp P P') (Id U P.1 P'.1) = lemSigProp U isaprop propIsProp P P'
+ rem2 : Id U (Id U P.1 P'.1) (weq P.1 P'.1) = univalence1 P.1 P'.1
+ rem : Id U (Id hProp P P') (weq P.1 P'.1) =
+ compId U (Id hProp P P') (Id U P.1 P'.1) (weq P.1 P'.1) rem1 rem2
-- (* Sets *)
-- apply impred; intro.
-- apply isasethProp.
-- Defined.
-isasethsubtypes (X : U) : isaset (hsubtypes X) = setPi X (\(_ : X) -> hProp) (\(_ : X) -> isasethProp)
+isasethsubtypes (X : U) : isaset (hsubtypes X) =
+ setPi X (\(_ : X) -> hProp) (\(_ : X) -> isasethProp)
-- Definition hrel (X : UU) := X -> X -> hProp.
hrel (X : U) : U = X -> X -> hProp
-- × (∀ x1 x2 : X, pr1 (R x1 x2) -> pr1 (A x1) -> pr1 (A x2))
-- × (∀ x1 x2 : X, pr1 (A x1) -> pr1 (A x2) -> pr1 (R x1 x2)).
iseqclass (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) : U =
- and (and (ishinh (carrier X A)).1
- ((x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1))
- ((x1 x2 : X) -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1 -> (R x1 x2).1)
+ dirprod (dirprod (ishinh (carrier X A)).1
+ ((x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1))
+ ((x1 x2 : X) -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1 -> (R x1 x2).1)
-- Definition eqax0 {X : UU} {R : hrel X} {A : hsubtypes X} :
-- iseqclass R A -> pr1 (ishinh (carrier A)) := fun S => pr1 S.
-- Definition eqax2 {X : UU} {R : hrel X} {A : hsubtypes X} :
-- iseqclass R A -> ∀ x1 x2 : X, pr1 (A x1) -> pr1 (A x2) -> pr1 (R x1 x2) :=
-- fun S => pr2 (pr2 S).
-eqax0 (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) (eqc : iseqclass X R A) :
+eqax0 (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) (eqc : iseqclass X R A) :
(ishinh (carrier X A)).1 = eqc.1.1
-eqax1 (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) (eqc : iseqclass X R A) :
+eqax1 (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) (eqc : iseqclass X R A) :
(x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1 = eqc.1.2
eqax2 (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) (eqc : iseqclass X R A) :
(x1 x2 : X) -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1 -> (R x1 x2).1 = eqc.2
-- + repeat (apply impred; intro).
-- apply (pr2 (R t t0)).
-- Defined.
-isapropAnd (A B : U) (pA : isaprop A) (pB : isaprop B) : isaprop (and A B) =
- propSig A (\(_ : A) -> B) pA (\(_ : A) -> pB)
-isapropiseqclass (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) : isaprop (iseqclass X R A) =
- isapropAnd (and (ishinh (carrier X A)).1 ((x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1))
- ((x1 x2 : X) -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1 -> (R x1 x2).1)
- (isapropAnd (ishinh (carrier X A)).1 ((x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1) p1 p2) p3
- where
+isapropiseqclass (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) : isaprop (iseqclass X R A) =
+ isapropDirprod (dirprod (ishinh (carrier X A)).1
+ ((x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1))
+ ((x1 x2 : X) -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1 -> (R x1 x2).1)
+ (isapropDirprod (ishinh (carrier X A)).1
+ ((x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1) p1 p2)
+ p3
+ where
p1 : isaprop (ishinh (carrier X A)).1 = isapropishinh (carrier X A)
+ -- This proof is quite cool, but it looks ugly...
p2 (f g : (x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1) :
Id ((x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1) f g =
<i> \(x1 x2 : X) (h1 : (R x1 x2).1) (h2 : (A x1).1) ->
(A x2).2 (f x1 x2 h1 h2) (g x1 x2 h1 h2) @ i
p3 (f g : (x1 x2 : X) -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1 -> (R x1 x2).1) :
Id ((x1 x2 : X) -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1 -> (R x1 x2).1) f g =
- <i> \(x1 x2 : X) (h1 : (A x1).1) (h2 : (A x2).1) ->
+ <i> \(x1 x2 : X) (h1 : (A x1).1) (h2 : (A x2).1) ->
(R x1 x2).2 (f x1 x2 h1 h2) (g x1 x2 h1 h2) @ i
-- Definition hSet:= total2 (fun X : UU => isaset X) .
-- ∀ (x1 x2 x3 : X), pr1 (R x1 x2) -> pr1 (R x2 x3) -> pr1 (R x1 x3).
isrefl (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U = (x : X) -> (R x x).1
issymm (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U = (x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (R x2 x1).1
-istrans (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U = (x1 x2 x3 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (R x2 x3).1 -> (R x1 x3).1
+istrans (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U =
+ (x1 x2 x3 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (R x2 x3).1 -> (R x1 x3).1
-- Definition ispreorder {X : UU} (R : hrel X) := istrans R × isrefl R .
-ispreorder (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U = and (istrans X R) (isrefl X R)
+ispreorder (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U = dirprod (istrans X R) (isrefl X R)
-- Definition iseqrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) := ispreorder R × issymm R.
-iseqrel (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U = and (ispreorder X R) (issymm X R)
+iseqrel (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U = dirprod (ispreorder X R) (issymm X R)
-- Definition eqrel (X : UU) := total2 (fun R : hrel X => iseqrel R).
eqrel (X : U) : U = (R : hrel X) * (iseqrel X R)
-- intros x1 x2 X1 X2.
-- now apply (tax x1 X0 x2 (sax X0 x1 X1) X2).
-- Defined.
-setquotpr (X : U) (R : eqrel X) (X0 : X) : setquot X R.1 = (A,((p1,p2),p3)) -- IsEqClass p1 p2 p3)
+setquotpr (X : U) (R : eqrel X) (X0 : X) : setquot X R.1 = (A,((p1,p2),p3))
rax : isrefl X R.1 = eqrelrefl X R
sax : issymm X R.1 = eqrelsymm X R
-- - intro a.
-- exact (eqax2 iseq _ _ is a).
-- Defined.
-setquotl0 (X : U) (R : eqrel X) (c : setquot X R.1) (x : carrier X c.1) :
+setquotl0 (X : U) (R : eqrel X) (c : setquot X R.1) (x : carrier X c.1) :
Id (setquot X R.1) (setquotpr X R x.1) c = subtypeEquality (hsubtypes X) (iseqclass X R.1) p (setquotpr X R x.1) c rem
p (A : hsubtypes X) : isaprop (iseqclass X R.1 A) = isapropiseqclass X R.1 A
- rem : Id (hsubtypes X) (setquotpr X R x.1).1 c.1 = <i> \(x : X) -> (rem' x) @ i -- inlined use of funext
- where rem' (a : X) : Id hProp ((setquotpr X R x.1).1 a) (c.1 a) =
- uahp ((setquotpr X R x.1).1 a) (c.1 a) l2r r2l
+ rem : Id (hsubtypes X) (setquotpr X R x.1).1 c.1 = <i> \(x : X) -> (rem' x) @ i -- inlined use of funext
+ where rem' (a : X) : Id hProp ((setquotpr X R x.1).1 a) (c.1 a) =
+ uahp ((setquotpr X R x.1).1 a) (c.1 a) l2r r2l -- This is where uahp appears
l2r (r : ((setquotpr X R x.1).1 a).1) : (c.1 a).1 = eqax1 X R.1 c.1 c.2 x.1 a r x.2
r2l : (c.1 a).1 -> ((setquotpr X R x.1).1 a).1 = eqax2 X R.1 c.1 c.2 x.1 a x.2
--- eqax1 (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) :
--- iseqclass X R A -> (x1 x2 : X) -> (R x1 x2).1 -> (A x1).1 -> (A x2).1 = split
--- uahp (P P' : hProp) : (P.1 -> P'.1) -> (P'.1 -> P.1) -> Id hProp P P' = undefined
--- subtypeEquality (A : U) (B : A -> U) (pB : (x : A) -> prop (B x))
--- (s t : (x : A) * B x) : Id A s.1 t.1 -> Id (sig A B) s t =
--- setquot (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U = (A : hsubtypes X) * (iseqclass X R A)
--- setquotpr (X : U) (R : eqrel X) : X -> setquot X R.1 = undefined
--- isapropiseqclass (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) : isaprop (iseqclass X R A) = undefined
-- Theorem setquotunivprop {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) (P : setquot (pr1 R) -> hProp)
-- (ps : ∀ x : X, pr1 (P (setquotpr R x))) : ∀ c : setquot (pr1 R), pr1 (P c).
-- Proof.
setquotunivprop (X : U) (R : eqrel X) (P : setquot X R.1 -> hProp)
(ps : (x : X) -> (P (setquotpr X R x)).1) (c : setquot X R.1) : (P c).1 = hinhuniv (carrier X c.1) (P c) f rem
- f (x : carrier X c.1) : (P c).1 =
+ f (x : carrier X c.1) : (P c).1 =
let e : Id (setquot X R.1) (setquotpr X R x.1) c = setquotl0 X R c x
in subst (setquot X R.1) (\(w : setquot X R.1) -> (P w).1) (setquotpr X R x.1) c e (ps x.1)
rem : (ishinh (carrier X c.1)).1 = eqax0 X R.1 c.1 c.2
--- carrier (X : U) (A : hsubtypes X) : U = sig X (\(x : X) -> (A x).1)
--- setquot (X : U) (R : hrel X) : U = (A : hsubtypes X) * (iseqclass X R A)
--- eqax0 (X : U) (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtypes X) :
--- iseqclass X R A -> (ishinh (carrier X A)).1 = split
--- hinhuniv (X : U) (P : hProp) (f : X -> P.1) (inhX : (ishinh X).1) : P.1 =
--- (* New stuff below here *)
+-- Finally the exercise:
-- Definition R : eqrel bool.
-- Proof.
K' (t : setquot bool R.1) : (P' t).1 = setquotunivprop bool R P' ps t
ps : (x : bool) -> (P' (setquotpr bool R x)).1 = split
- false -> hdisj_in2 (Id (setquot bool R.1) false' true')
+ false -> hdisj_in2 (Id (setquot bool R.1) false' true')
(Id (setquot bool R.1) false' false') (<_> false')
true -> hdisj_in1 (Id (setquot bool R.1) true' true')
(Id (setquot bool R.1) true' false') (<_> true')
-- Goal K' true' = hdisj_in1 (idpath true').
-- try reflexivity. (* Error: Unable to unify "L'" with "K' true'". *)
-- Abort.
--- test : Id (P' true').1 (K' true')
+-- test : Id (P' true').1 (K' true')
-- (hdisj_in1 (Id (setquot bool R.1) true' true') (Id (setquot bool R.1) true' false') (<_> true')) =
-- <_> K' true'
+-- This takes too long:
+-- > :n K' true'
+-- Not translated yet:
-- (* Version of predicate based on sum *)
-- (* preliminary results *)
-- + apply maponpaths, j.
-- Defined.
-- Definition P : pr1 T -> hProp.
-- Proof.
-- intros t. exists (sum (t = true') (t = false')). apply C.