--- This file contains two proofs of the univalence axiom. One using
--- unglue (section 7.2) and a direct one (appendix B of the cubicaltt
--- paper). The normal form of the first proof can be computed (and
--- typechecked) while the second one uses very much memory and don't
--- terminate in reasonable time.
+-- This file contains three proofs of the univalence axiom. One using
+-- unglue (section 7.2) and two direct ones (appendix B of the
+-- cubicaltt paper). The normal form of the first proof can be
+-- computed (and typechecked) while the other uses very much memory
+-- and don't terminate in reasonable time.
module univalence where
import retract
(isEquivContr (Sigma A B) (Sigma A C) cB cC (totalFun A B C f) (x,z))
--- Alternative formulation of univalence
+-- Alternative formulation of univalence. This is Corollary 10 of the
+-- cubical type theory paper (the proof of theorem 9 is
+-- inlined). The formalization is due to Fabian Ruch.
univalenceAlt (B : U) : isContr ((X : U) * equiv X B) =
((B,idEquiv B)
,\(w : (X : U) * equiv X B)
lemSinglContr' (A:U) (a:A) : isContr ((x:A) * Path A x a) =
((a,refl A a),\ (z:(x:A) * Path A x a) -> contrSingl' A z.1 a z.2)
+-- A version univalence. This is Corollary 11 of the cubical type
+-- theory paper.
thmUniv (t : (A X : U) -> Path U X A -> equiv X A) (A : U) :
(X : U) -> isEquiv (Path U X A) (equiv X A) (t A X) =
equivFunFib U (\(X : U) -> Path U X A) (\(X : U) -> equiv X A)
-- The direct proof of univalence using transEquiv which is too slow
--- to normalize:
+-- to normalize. This corresponds to Proof 1 of Corollary 26 of the
+-- paper.
-- transEquiv is an equiv
transEquivIsEquiv (A B : U)
= gradLemma (Path U A B) (equiv A B) (transEquiv A B)
(transEquivToPath A B) (idToPath A B) (eqToEq A B)
--- Univalence proved using transEquiv
+-- Univalence proved using transEquiv.
-- univalenceTrans takes extremely much memory when normalizing
univalenceTrans (A B:U) : Path U (Path U A B) (equiv A B) =
isoPath (Path U A B) (equiv A B) (transEquiv A B)
idToPath A A (idEquiv A)
+-- This is the third proof of univalence using an idea of Dan Licata from:
+-- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/homotopytypetheory/j2KBIvDw53s
+-- The proof follows a sketch due to Thierry Coquand and it
+-- corresponds to Proof 2 of Corollary 26 in the paper.
+-- The goal is to prove that ua + uabeta implies univalence
+-- ua can be directly defined using Glue
+ua (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) : Path U A B =
+ <i> Glue B [ (i = 0) -> (A,e)
+ , (i = 1) -> (B,idEquiv B) ]
+-- uabeta is proved using funext and computation. The lhs computes to
+-- two transports along constant paths of the rhs. These transports
+-- have to be handled by hand, if transport along constant paths would
+-- have been the identity function (i.e. if the computation rule for J
+-- would be definitional) this proof would be trivial.
+uabeta (A B : U) (e : equiv A B) : Path (A -> B) (trans A B (ua A B e)) e.1 =
+ <i> \(a : A) ->
+ let b : B = trans B B (<_> B) (e.1 a)
+ rem1 : Path B b (e.1 a) = <i> fill (<_> B) (e.1 a) [] @ -i
+ rem2 : Path B (trans B B (<_> B) b) b = <i> fill (<_> B) b [] @ -i
+ goal : Path B (trans B B (<_> B) b) (e.1 a) =
+ compPath B (trans B B (<_> B) b) b (e.1 a) rem2 rem1
+ in goal @ i
+-- uabeta implies that equiv A B is a retract of Path U A B
+uaret (A B : U) : retract (equiv A B) (Path U A B) (ua A B) (transEquivDirect A B) =
+ \(e : equiv A B) ->
+ equivLemma A B (transEquivDirect A B (ua A B e)) e (uabeta A B e)
+-- So (B:U) x equiv A B is a retract of (B:U) x Path U A B
+opaque uaret
+f1 (A : U) (p : (B : U) * equiv A B) : ((B : U) * Path U A B) = (p.1,ua A p.1 p.2)
+f2 (A : U) (p : (B : U) * Path U A B) : ((B : U) * equiv A B) = (p.1,transEquivDirect A p.1 p.2)
+uaretsig (A : U) : retract ((B : U) * equiv A B) ((B : U) * Path U A B) (f1 A) (f2 A) =
+ \(p : (B : U) * equiv A B) -> <i> (p.1,uaret A p.1 p.2 @ i)
+transparent uaret
+-- But (B : U) x Path U A B is contractible
+isContrPath (A : U) : isContr ((B : U) * Path U A B) =
+ let ctr : (B : U) * Path U A B = (A,<_> A)
+ ctrpath (q : (B : U) * Path U A B) : Path ((B : U) * Path U A B) ctr q =
+ <i> (q.2 @ i,<j> q.2 @ i/\j)
+ in (ctr,ctrpath)
+retIsContr (A B : U) (f : A -> B) (g : B -> A)
+ (h : (x : A) -> Path A (g (f x)) x) (v : isContr B)
+ : isContr A = (g b,p)
+ where
+ b : B = v.1
+ q : (y:B) -> Path B b y = v.2
+ p (x:A) : Path A (g b) x =
+ <i> comp (<_> A) (g (q (f x) @ i)) [(i=0) -> <j>g b,(i=1) -> h x]
+-- So we get the following formulation of univalence:
+univalenceAlt2 (A : U) : isContr ((B : U) * equiv A B) =
+ retIsContr ((B : U) * equiv A B) ((B : U) * Path U A B)
+ (f1 A) (f2 A) (uaretsig A) (isContrPath A)
-- Elimination principle for equivalences and isomorphisms