-- labelled sum c1 A1s,..., cn Ans (assumes terms are constructors)
| Sum Loc Ident [Label] -- TODO: should only contain OLabels
| HSum Loc Ident [Label]
-- undefined and holes
| Undef Loc Ter -- Location and type
| Hole Loc
-- Id type
| IdP Ter Ter Ter
| Path Name Ter
-- Glue
| Glue Ter (System Ter)
| GlueElem Ter (System Ter)
- -- GlueLine: connecting any type to its glue with identities
- -- | GlueLine Ter Formula Formula
- -- | GlueLineElem Ter Formula Formula
deriving Eq
-- For an expression t, returns (u,ts) where u is no application and t = u ts
| VIdP Val Val Val
| VPath Name Val
| VComp Val Val (System Val)
- -- | VTrans Val Val
-- Glue values
| VGlue Val (System Val)
-- Composition for HITs; the type is constant
| VHComp Val Val (System Val)
- -- GlueLine values
- -- | VGlueLine Val Formula Formula
- -- | VGlueLineElem Val Formula Formula
-- Neutral values:
| VVar Ident Val
| VFst Val
| VSnd Val
- -- VUnGlueElem val type equivs
| VUnGlueElem Val Val (System Val)
| VSplit Val Val
| VApp Val Val
-- isNeutralPath (VPath _ v) = isNeutral v
-- isNeutralPath _ = True
--- isNeutralTrans :: Val -> Val -> Bool
--- isNeutralTrans (VPath i a) u = foo i a u
--- where foo :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Bool
--- foo i a u | isNeutral a = True
--- foo i (Ter Sum{} _) u = isNeutral u
--- foo i (VGlue _ as) u =
--- let shasBeta = shape as `face` (i ~> 0)
--- in shasBeta /= Map.empty && eps `Map.notMember` shasBeta && isNeutral u
--- foo _ _ _ = False
--- -- TODO: case for VGLueLine
--- isNeutralTrans u _ = isNeutral u
--- -- TODO: fix
--- isNeutralComp :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Bool
--- isNeutralComp (VPath i a) u ts = isNeutralComp' i a u ts
--- where isNeutralComp' i a u ts | isNeutral a = True
--- isNeutralComp' i (Ter Sum{} _) u ts = isNeutral u || isNeutralSystem ts
--- isNeutralComp' i (VGlue _ as) u ts =
--- isNeutral u && isNeutralSystem (filterWithKey testFace ts)
--- where shas = shape as `face` (i ~> 0)
--- testFace beta _ = let shasBeta = shas `face` beta
--- in shasBeta /= Map.empty && eps `Map.member` shasBeta
--- isNeutralComp' _ _ _ _ = False
--- isNeutralComp _ u _ = isNeutral u
--- -- TODO: adapt for non-regular setting
--- isNeutralComp :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Bool
--- isNeutralComp a _ _ | isNeutral a = True
--- isNeutralComp (Ter Sum{} _) u ts = isNeutral u || isNeutralSystem ts
--- isNeutralComp (VGlue _ as) u ts =
--- isNeutral u || isNeutralSystem (filterWithKey testFace ts)
--- where shas = shape as
--- testFace beta _ = let shasBeta = shas `face` beta
--- in not (Map.null shasBeta || eps `Map.member` shasBeta)
--- TODO
--- isNeutralComp (VGlueLine _ phi psi) u ts =
--- isNeutral u || isNeutralSystem (filterWithKey (not . test) ts) || and (elems ws)
--- where fs = invFormula psi One
--- test alpha _ = phi `face` alpha `elem` [Dir Zero, Dir One] ||
--- psi `face` alpha == Dir One
--- ws = mapWithKey
--- (\alpha -> let phiAlpha0 = invFormula (phi `face` alpha) Zero
--- in isNeutral (u `face` alpha) || isNeutralSystem )
--- fs
--- isNeutralComp _ _ _ = False
mkVar :: Int -> String -> Val -> Val
mkVar k x = VVar (x ++ show k)
Fill e t ts -> text "fill" <+> showTers [e,t] <+> text (showSystem ts)
Glue a ts -> text "glue" <+> showTer1 a <+> text (showSystem ts)
GlueElem a ts -> text "glueElem" <+> showTer1 a <+> text (showSystem ts)
- -- GlueLine a phi psi -> text "glueLine" <+> showTer1 a <+>
- -- showFormula phi <+> showFormula psi
- -- GlueLineElem a phi psi -> text "glueLineElem" <+> showTer1 a <+>
- -- showFormula phi <+> showFormula psi
showTers :: [Ter] -> Doc
showTers = hsep . map showTer1
VComp v0 v1 vs -> text "comp" <+> showVals [v0,v1] <+> text (showSystem vs)
VGlue a ts -> text "glue" <+> showVal1 a <+> text (showSystem ts)
VGlueElem a ts -> text "glueElem" <+> showVal1 a <+> text (showSystem ts)
- -- VGlueLine a phi psi -> text "glueLine" <+> showFormula phi
- -- <+> showFormula psi <+> showVal1 a
- -- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> text "glueLineElem" <+> showFormula phi
- -- <+> showFormula psi <+> showVal1 a
showPath :: Val -> Doc
showPath e = case e of
-- check va u\r
-- vu <- evalTyping u\r
-- checkGlueElem vu ts us\r
- -- (VU,GlueLine b phi psi) -> do\r
- -- check VU b\r
- -- checkFormula phi\r
- -- checkFormula psi\r
- -- (VGlueLine vb phi psi,GlueLineElem r phi' psi') -> do\r
- -- check vb r\r
- -- unlessM ((phi,psi) === (phi',psi')) $\r
- -- throwError "GlueLineElem: formulas don't match"\r
_ -> do\r
v <- infer t\r
unlessM (v === a) $\r
case t of\r
VIdP a _ _ -> return $ a @@ phi\r
_ -> throwError (show e ++ " is not a path")\r
- -- Trans p t -> do\r
- -- (a0,a1) <- checkPath (constPath VU) p\r
- -- check a0 t\r
- -- return a1\r
Comp a t0 ps -> do\r
(va0, va1) <- checkPath (constPath VU) a\r
va <- evalTyping a\r
rho <- asks env\r
let vps = evalSystem rho ps\r
return (VIdP va vt (compLine va vt vps))\r
- -- CompElem a es u us -> do\r
- -- check VU a\r
- -- rho <- asks env\r
- -- let va = eval rho a\r
- -- ts <- checkPathSystem a VU es\r
- -- let ves = evalSystem rho es\r
- -- unless (keys es == keys us)\r
- -- (throwError ("Keys don't match in " ++ show es ++ " and " ++ show us))\r
- -- check va u\r
- -- let vu = eval rho u\r
- -- checkSystemsWith ts us (const check)\r
- -- let vus = evalSystem rho us\r
- -- checkCompSystem vus\r
- -- checkSystemsWith ves vus (\alpha eA vuA ->\r
- -- unlessM (transNegLine eA vuA === (vu `face` alpha)) $\r
- -- throwError $ "Malformed compElem: " ++ show us)\r
- -- return $ compLine VU va ves\r
- -- ElimComp a es u -> do\r
- -- check VU a\r
- -- rho <- asks env\r
- -- let va = eval rho a\r
- -- checkPathSystem a VU es\r
- -- let ves = evalSystem rho es\r
- -- check (compLine VU va ves) u\r
- -- return va\r
PCon c a es phis -> do\r
check VU a\r
va <- evalTyping a\r