act e _ = e
swap e _ = e
+instance Nominal HIso where
+ support h = case h of
+ Iso a f g s t -> support [a,f,g,s,t]
+ Eq v -> support v
+ act h iphi = case h of
+ Iso a f g s t -> Iso (a `act` iphi) (f `act` iphi) (g `act` iphi) (s `act` iphi) (t `act` iphi)
+ Eq v -> Eq (v `act` iphi)
+ swap h ij = case h of
+ Iso a f g s t -> Iso (a `swap` ij) (f`swap` ij) (g`swap` ij) (s`swap` ij) (t`swap` ij)
+ Eq v -> Eq (v`swap` ij)
instance Nominal Val where
support v = case v of
VU -> []
VComp a u ts -> support (a,u,ts)
VIdP a v0 v1 -> support [a,v0,v1]
VPath i v -> i `delete` support v
- VTrans u v -> support (u,v)
+ -- VTrans u v -> support (u,v)
VSigma u v -> support (u,v)
VPair u v -> support (u,v)
VFst u -> support u
VSplit u v -> support (u,v)
VGlue a ts -> support (a,ts)
VGlueElem a ts -> support (a,ts)
- VGlueLine a phi psi -> support (a,phi,psi)
- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> support (a,phi,psi)
- VCompElem a es u us -> support (a,es,u,us)
- VElimComp a es u -> support (a,es,u)
+ -- VGlueLine a phi psi -> support (a,phi,psi)
+ -- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> support (a,phi,psi)
+ -- VCompElem a es u us -> support (a,es,u,us)
+ -- VElimComp a es u -> support (a,es,u)
act u (i, phi) | i `notElem` support u = u
| otherwise =
| j `notElem` sphi -> VPath j (acti v)
| otherwise -> VPath k (acti (v `swap` (j,k)))
where k = fresh (v,Atom i,phi)
- VTrans u v -> transLine (acti u) (acti v)
+ -- VTrans u v -> transLine (acti u) (acti v)
VSigma a f -> VSigma (acti a) (acti f)
VPair u v -> VPair (acti u) (acti v)
VFst u -> fstVal (acti u)
VSplit u v -> app (acti u) (acti v)
VGlue a ts -> glue (acti a) (acti ts)
VGlueElem a ts -> glueElem (acti a) (acti ts)
- VGlueLine a phi psi -> glueLine (acti a) (acti phi) (acti psi)
- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> glueLineElem (acti a) (acti phi) (acti psi)
- VCompElem a es u us -> compElem (acti a) (acti es) (acti u) (acti us)
- VElimComp a es u -> elimComp (acti a) (acti es) (acti u)
+ -- VGlueLine a phi psi -> glueLine (acti a) (acti phi) (acti psi)
+ -- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> glueLineElem (acti a) (acti phi) (acti psi)
+ -- VCompElem a es u us -> compElem (acti a) (acti es) (acti u) (acti us)
+ -- VElimComp a es u -> elimComp (acti a) (acti es) (acti u)
-- This increases efficiency as it won't trigger computation.
swap u ij@(i,j) =
VComp a v ts -> VComp (sw a) (sw v) (sw ts)
VIdP a u v -> VIdP (sw a) (sw u) (sw v)
VPath k v -> VPath (swapName k ij) (sw v)
- VTrans u v -> VTrans (sw u) (sw v)
+ -- VTrans u v -> VTrans (sw u) (sw v)
VSigma a f -> VSigma (sw a) (sw f)
VPair u v -> VPair (sw u) (sw v)
VFst u -> VFst (sw u)
VSplit u v -> VSplit (sw u) (sw v)
VGlue a ts -> VGlue (sw a) (sw ts)
VGlueElem a ts -> VGlueElem (sw a) (sw ts)
- VGlueLine a phi psi -> VGlueLine (sw a) (sw phi) (sw psi)
- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> VGlueLineElem (sw a) (sw phi) (sw psi)
- VCompElem a es u us -> VCompElem (sw a) (sw es) (sw u) (sw us)
- VElimComp a es u -> VElimComp (sw a) (sw es) (sw u)
+ -- VGlueLine a phi psi -> VGlueLine (sw a) (sw phi) (sw psi)
+ -- VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> VGlueLineElem (sw a) (sw phi) (sw psi)
+ -- VCompElem a es u us -> VCompElem (sw a) (sw es) (sw u) (sw us)
+ -- VElimComp a es u -> VElimComp (sw a) (sw es) (sw u)
-- The evaluator
Path i t ->
let j = fresh rho
in VPath j (eval (sub (i,Atom j) rho) t)
- Trans u v -> transLine (eval rho u) (eval rho v)
+ -- Trans u v -> transLine (eval rho u) (eval rho v)
AppFormula e phi -> eval rho e @@ evalFormula rho phi
Comp a t0 ts -> compLine (eval rho a) (eval rho t0) (evalSystem rho ts)
Glue a ts -> glue (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho ts)
GlueElem a ts -> glueElem (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho ts)
- GlueLine a phi psi ->
- glueLine (eval rho a) (evalFormula rho phi) (evalFormula rho psi)
- GlueLineElem a phi psi ->
- glueLineElem (eval rho a) (evalFormula rho phi) (evalFormula rho psi)
- CompElem a es u us -> compElem (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho es) (eval rho u)
- (evalSystem rho us)
- ElimComp a es u -> elimComp (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho es) (eval rho u)
+ -- GlueLine a phi psi ->
+ -- glueLine (eval rho a) (evalFormula rho phi) (evalFormula rho psi)
+ -- GlueLineElem a phi psi ->
+ -- glueLineElem (eval rho a) (evalFormula rho phi) (evalFormula rho psi)
+ -- CompElem a es u us -> compElem (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho es) (eval rho u)
+ -- (evalSystem rho us)
+ -- ElimComp a es u -> elimComp (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho es) (eval rho u)
_ -> error $ "Cannot evaluate " ++ show v
evalFormula :: Env -> Formula -> Formula
wsj = (@@ j) ws
w' = app u w
ws' = mapWithKey (\alpha -> app (u `face` alpha)) wsj
- in genComp j (app f (fill j a w wsj)) w' ws'
+ -- a should be constant
+ in comp j (app f (fill j (a @@ j) w wsj)) w' ws'
_ -> error $ "app: Split annotation not a Pi type " ++ show u
(Ter Split{} _,_) | isNeutral v -> VSplit u v
- (Ter Split{} _,VCompElem _ _ w _) -> app u w
- (Ter Split{} _,VElimComp _ _ w) -> app u w
- (VTrans (VPath i (VPi a f)) li0,vi1) ->
- let j = fresh (u,vi1)
+ -- (Ter Split{} _,VCompElem _ _ w _) -> app u w
+ -- (Ter Split{} _,VElimComp _ _ w) -> app u w
+ -- (VTrans (VPath i (VPi a f)) li0,vi1) ->
+ -- let j = fresh (u,vi1)
+ -- (aj,fj) = (a,f) `swap` (i,j)
+ -- v = transFillNeg j aj vi1
+ -- vi0 = transNeg j aj vi1
+ -- in trans j (app fj v) (app li0 vi0)
+ (VComp (VPath i (VPi a f)) li0 ts,vi1) ->
+ let j = fresh (u,vi1)
(aj,fj) = (a,f) `swap` (i,j)
+ tsj = (@@ j) ts
v = transFillNeg j aj vi1
vi0 = transNeg j aj vi1
- in trans j (app fj v) (app li0 vi0)
- (VComp (VPi a f) li0 ts,vi1) ->
- let j = fresh (u,vi1)
- tsj = (@@ j) ts
- in comp j (app f vi1) (app li0 vi1)
- (intersectionWith app tsj (border vi1 tsj))
+ in comp j (app fj v) (app li0 vi0)
+ (intersectionWith app tsj (border v tsj))
_ | isNeutral u -> VApp u v
- (VCompElem _ _ u _,_) -> app u v
- (VElimComp _ _ u,_) -> app u v
+ -- (VCompElem _ _ u _,_) -> app u v
+ -- (VElimComp _ _ u,_) -> app u v
_ -> error $ "app \n " ++ show u ++ "\n " ++ show v
fstVal, sndVal :: Val -> Val
fstVal (VPair a b) = a
-fstVal (VElimComp _ _ u) = fstVal u
-fstVal (VCompElem _ _ u _) = fstVal u
+-- fstVal (VElimComp _ _ u) = fstVal u
+-- fstVal (VCompElem _ _ u _) = fstVal u
fstVal u | isNeutral u = VFst u
fstVal u = error $ "fstVal: " ++ show u ++ " is not neutral."
sndVal (VPair a b) = b
-sndVal (VElimComp _ _ u) = sndVal u
-sndVal (VCompElem _ _ u _) = sndVal u
+-- sndVal (VElimComp _ _ u) = sndVal u
+-- sndVal (VCompElem _ _ u _) = sndVal u
sndVal u | isNeutral u = VSnd u
sndVal u = error $ "sndVal: " ++ show u ++ " is not neutral."
VIdP a _ _ -> a @@ phi
ty -> error $ "inferType: expected IdP type for " ++ show v
++ ", got " ++ show ty
- VComp a _ _ -> a
- VTrans a _ -> a @@ One
+ VComp a _ _ -> a @@ One
+-- VTrans a _ -> a @@ One
_ -> error $ "inferType: not neutral " ++ show v
(@@) :: ToFormula a => Val -> a -> Val
(VIdP _ a0 _,Dir 0) -> a0
(VIdP _ _ a1,Dir 1) -> a1
_ -> VAppFormula v (toFormula phi)
-(VCompElem _ _ u _) @@ phi = u @@ phi
-(VElimComp _ _ u) @@ phi = u @@ phi
+-- (VCompElem _ _ u _) @@ phi = u @@ phi
+-- (VElimComp _ _ u) @@ phi = u @@ phi
v @@ phi = error $ "(@@): " ++ show v ++ " should be neutral."
pcon :: LIdent -> Val -> [Val] -> [Formula] -> Val
pcon c a@(Ter (Sum _ _ lbls) rho) us phis = case lookupPLabel c lbls of
- -- TODO: is this correct? Double check!
Just (tele,is,ts) | eps `Map.member` vs -> vs ! eps
| otherwise -> VPCon c a us phis
where rho' = subs (zip is phis) (updsTele tele us rho)
where i = fresh (u,v)
trans :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-trans i v0 v1 | i `notElem` support v0 = v1
-trans i v0 v1 = case (v0,v1) of
- (VIdP a u v,w) ->
- let j = fresh (Atom i,v0,w)
- ts' = mkSystem [(j ~> 0,u),(j ~> 1,v)]
- in VPath j $ genComp i (a @@ j) (w @@ j) ts'
- (VSigma a f,u) ->
- let (u1,u2) = (fstVal u,sndVal u)
- fill_u1 = transFill i a u1
- ui1 = trans i a u1
- comp_u2 = trans i (app f fill_u1) u2
- in VPair ui1 comp_u2
- (VPi{},_) -> VTrans (VPath i v0) v1
- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VCon c us) -> case lookupLabel c nass of
- Just as -> VCon c $ transps i as env us
- Nothing -> error $ "trans: missing constructor " ++ c ++ " in " ++ show v0
- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VPCon c _ ws0 phis) -> case lookupLabel c nass of
- -- v1 should be independent of i, so i # phi
- Just as -> VPCon c (v0 `face` (i ~> 1)) (transps i as env ws0) phis
- Nothing -> error $ "trans: missing path constructor " ++ c ++
- " in " ++ show v0
- _ | isNeutral w -> w
- where w = VTrans (VPath i v0) v1
- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VElimComp _ _ u) -> trans i v0 u
- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VCompElem _ _ u _) -> trans i v0 u
- (VGlue a ts,_) -> transGlue i a ts v1
- (VGlueLine a phi psi,_) -> transGlueLine i a phi psi v1
- (VComp VU a es,_) -> transU i a es v1
- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VComp b w ws) -> comp k v01 (trans i v0 w) ws'
- where v01 = v0 `face` (i ~> 1) -- b is vi0 and independent of j
- k = fresh (v0,v1,Atom i)
- transp alpha w = trans i (v0 `face` alpha) (w @@ k)
- ws' = mapWithKey transp ws
- _ -> error $ "trans not implemented for v0 = " ++ show v0
- ++ "\n and v1 = " ++ show v1
+trans i v0 v1 = comp i v0 v1 Map.empty
+-- trans i v0 v1 | i `notElem` support v0 = v1
+-- trans i v0 v1 = case (v0,v1) of
+-- (VIdP a u v,w) ->
+-- let j = fresh (Atom i,v0,w)
+-- ts' = mkSystem [(j ~> 0,u),(j ~> 1,v)]
+-- in VPath j $ comp i (a @@ j) (w @@ j) ts'
+-- (VSigma a f,u) ->
+-- let (u1,u2) = (fstVal u,sndVal u)
+-- fill_u1 = transFill i a u1
+-- ui1 = trans i a u1
+-- comp_u2 = trans i (app f fill_u1) u2
+-- in VPair ui1 comp_u2
+-- (VPi{},_) -> VTrans (VPath i v0) v1
+-- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VCon c us) -> case lookupLabel c nass of
+-- Just as -> VCon c $ transps i as env us
+-- Nothing -> error $ "trans: missing constructor " ++ c ++ " in " ++ show v0
+-- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VPCon c _ ws0 phis) -> case lookupLabel c nass of
+-- -- v1 should be independent of i, so i # phi
+-- Just as -> VPCon c (v0 `face` (i ~> 1)) (transps i as env ws0) phis
+-- Nothing -> error $ "trans: missing path constructor " ++ c ++
+-- " in " ++ show v0
+-- _ | isNeutral w -> w
+-- where w = VTrans (VPath i v0) v1
+-- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VElimComp _ _ u) -> trans i v0 u
+-- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VCompElem _ _ u _) -> trans i v0 u
+-- (VGlue a ts,_) -> transGlue i a ts v1
+-- (VGlueLine a phi psi,_) -> transGlueLine i a phi psi v1
+-- (VComp VU a es,_) -> transU i a es v1
+-- (Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VComp b w ws) -> comp k v01 (trans i v0 w) ws'
+-- where v01 = v0 `face` (i ~> 1) -- b is vi0 and independent of j
+-- k = fresh (v0,v1,Atom i)
+-- transp alpha w = trans i (v0 `face` alpha) (w @@ k)
+-- ws' = mapWithKey transp ws
+-- _ -> error $ "trans not implemented for v0 = " ++ show v0
+-- ++ "\n and v1 = " ++ show v1
transNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
transNeg i a u = trans i (a `sym` i) u
transFill, transFillNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-transFill i a u = trans j (a `conj` (i,j)) u
- where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u)
+transFill i a u = fill i a u Map.empty
transFillNeg i a u = (transFill i (a `sym` i) u) `sym` i
transps :: Name -> [(Ident,Ter)] -> Env -> [Val] -> [Val]
-- Given u of type a "squeeze i a u" connects in the direction i
-- trans i a u(i=0) to u(i=1)
squeeze :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-squeeze i a u = trans j (a `disj` (i,j)) u
+squeeze i a u = comp i a ui0 $ mkSystem [ (j ~> 0, transFill i a ui0)
+ , (j ~> 1, u) ]
where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u)
+ ui0 = u `face` (i ~> 0)
-squeezeNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-squeezeNeg i a u = transNeg j (a `conj` (i,j)) u
- where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u)
+-- squeezeNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
+-- squeezeNeg i a u = transNeg j (a `conj` (i,j)) u
+-- where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u)
-- Composition
compLine :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-compLine a u ts = comp i a u ( (@@ i) ts)
+compLine a u ts = comp i (a @@ i) u ( (@@ i) ts)
where i = fresh (a,u,ts)
-genComp, genCompNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-genComp i a u ts | Map.null ts = trans i a u
-genComp i a u ts = comp i ai1 (trans i a u) ts'
- where ai1 = a `face` (i ~> 1)
- ts' = mapWithKey (\alpha -> squeeze i (a `face` alpha)) ts
-genCompNeg i a u ts = genComp i (a `sym` i) u (ts `sym` i)
+-- genComp, genCompNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+-- genComp i a u ts | Map.null ts = trans i a u
+-- genComp i a u ts = comp i ai1 (trans i a u) ts'
+-- where ai1 = a `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- ts' = mapWithKey (\alpha -> squeeze i (a `face` alpha)) ts
+-- genCompNeg i a u ts = genComp i (a `sym` i) u (ts `sym` i)
fillLine :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-fillLine a u ts = VPath i $ fill i a u ( (@@ i) ts)
+fillLine a u ts = VPath i $ fill i (a @@ i) u ( (@@ i) ts)
where i = fresh (a,u,ts)
fill, fillNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-fill i a u ts = comp j a u (ts `conj` (i,j))
+fill i a u ts =
+ comp j (a `conj` (i,j)) u (insertSystem (i ~> 0) u (ts `conj` (i,j)))
where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u,ts)
-fillNeg i a u ts = (fill i a u (ts `sym` i)) `sym` i
+fillNeg i a u ts = (fill i (a `sym` i) u (ts `sym` i)) `sym` i
-genFill, genFillNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-genFill i a u ts = genComp j (a `conj` (i,j)) u (ts `conj` (i,j))
- where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u,ts)
-genFillNeg i a u ts = (genFill i (a `sym` i) u (ts `sym` i)) `sym` i
+-- genFill, genFillNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+-- genFill i a u ts = genComp j (a `conj` (i,j)) u (ts `conj` (i,j))
+-- where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u,ts)
+-- genFillNeg i a u ts = (genFill i (a `sym` i) u (ts `sym` i)) `sym` i
comps :: Name -> [(Ident,Ter)] -> Env -> [(System Val,Val)] -> [Val]
comps i [] _ [] = []
comps i ((x,a):as) e ((ts,u):tsus) =
- let v = genFill i (eval e a) u ts
- vi1 = genComp i (eval e a) u ts
+ let v = fill i (eval e a) u ts
+ vi1 = comp i (eval e a) u ts
vs = comps i as (upd (x,v) e) tsus
in vi1 : vs
comps _ _ _ _ = error "comps: different lengths of types and values"
--- i is independent of a and u
comp :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
comp i a u ts | eps `Map.member` ts = (ts ! eps) `face` (i ~> 1)
-comp i a u ts | i `notElem` support ts = u
-comp i a u ts | not (Map.null indep) = comp i a u ts'
- where (ts',indep) = Map.partition (\t -> i `elem` support t) ts
comp i a u ts = case a of
- VIdP p _ _ -> let j = fresh (Atom i,a,u,ts)
- in VPath j $ comp i (p @@ j) (u @@ j) ( (@@ j) ts)
+ VIdP p v0 v1 -> let j = fresh (Atom i,a,u,ts)
+ in VPath j $ comp i (p @@ j) (u @@ j) $
+ insertsSystem [(j ~> 0,v0),(j ~> 1,v1)] ( (@@ j) ts)
VSigma a f -> VPair ui1 comp_u2
where (t1s, t2s) = ( fstVal ts, sndVal ts)
(u1, u2) = (fstVal u, sndVal u)
fill_u1 = fill i a u1 t1s
ui1 = comp i a u1 t1s
- comp_u2 = genComp i (app f fill_u1) u2 t2s
- VPi{} -> VComp a u ( (VPath i) ts)
- VU -> VComp VU u ( (VPath i) ts)
+ comp_u2 = comp i (app f fill_u1) u2 t2s
+ VPi{} -> VComp (VPath i a) u ( (VPath i) ts)
+ VU -> undefined
+ -- VComp VU u ( (VPath i) ts)
+ -- VGlue u ( (eqToIso i) ts)
_ | isNeutral w -> w
where w = VComp a u ( (VPath i) ts)
- VComp VU a es -> compU i a es u ts
+ -- VComp VU a es -> compU i a es u ts
VGlue b hisos -> compGlue i b hisos u ts
- VGlueLine b phi psi -> compGlueLine i b phi psi u ts
+ -- VGlueLine b phi psi -> compGlueLine i b phi psi u ts
Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env -> case u of
VCon n us -> case lookupLabel n nass of
Just as ->
if all isCon (elems ts)
then let tsus = transposeSystemAndList ( unCon ts) us
in VCon n $ comps i as env tsus
- else VComp a u ( (VPath i) ts)
+ else VComp (VPath i a) u ( (VPath i) ts)
Nothing -> error $ "comp: missing constructor in labelled sum " ++ n
- VPCon{} -> VComp a u ( (VPath i) ts)
- VComp{} -> VComp a u ( (VPath i) ts)
- VCompElem _ _ u1 _ -> comp i a u1 ts
- VElimComp _ _ u1 -> comp i a u1 ts
+ VPCon{} -> compHIT i a u ts
+ VComp{} -> VComp (VPath i a) u ( (VPath i) ts)
+ -- VCompElem _ _ u1 _ -> comp i a u1 ts
+ -- VElimComp _ _ u1 -> comp i a u1 ts
_ -> error $ "comp ter sum" ++ show u
compNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-compNeg i a u ts = comp i a u (ts `sym` i)
+compNeg i a u ts = comp i (a `sym` i) u (ts `sym` i)
-- fills :: Name -> [(Ident,Ter)] -> Env -> [(System Val,Val)] -> [Val]
-- fills i [] _ [] = []
-- fills i ((x,a):as) e ((ts,u):tsus) =
--- let v = genFill i (eval e a) ts u
+-- let v = fill i (eval e a) ts u
-- vs = fills i as (Upd e (x,v)) tsus
-- in v : vs
-- fills _ _ _ _ = error "fills: different lengths of types and values"
+-- | HIT
+compHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+compHIT = undefined
+transpHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
+transpHIT = undefined
+squeezeHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
+squeezeHIT = undefined
-- | Glue
hisoFun (VPair _ (VPair f _)) = f
hisoFun x = error $ "HisoFun: Not an hiso: " ++ show x
+-- eqToIso :: Name -> Val -> Val
+-- eqToIso i u = VPair a (VPair f (VPair g (VPair s t)))
+-- where a = u `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- f = Ter (Lam "x" (Var "A") (Transport )) (upd ("A",a) empty)
glue :: Val -> System Val -> Val
glue b ts | Map.null ts = b
| eps `Map.member` ts = hisoDom (ts ! eps)
| eps `Map.member` hisos = app (hisoFun (hisos ! eps)) w
| otherwise = case w of
VGlueElem v us -> v
- VElimComp _ _ v -> unGlue hisos v
- VCompElem a es v vs -> unGlue hisos v
+ -- VElimComp _ _ v -> unGlue hisos v
+ -- VCompElem a es v vs -> unGlue hisos v
_ -> error $ "unGlue: " ++ show w ++ " should be neutral!"
transGlue :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
us' = insertsSystem [(j ~> 0, u), (j ~> 1, u')] us
--- Grad Lemma, takes a iso an L-system ts a value v s.t. sigma us = border v
--- outputs u s.t. border u = us and an L-path between v and sigma u
--- an theta is a L path if L-border theta is constant
+-- Grad Lemma, takes an iso f, a system us and a value v, s.t. f us =
+-- border v. Outputs (u,p) s.t. border u = us and a path p between v
+-- and f u.
gradLemma :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
gradLemma b hiso@(VPair a (VPair f (VPair g (VPair s t)))) us v =
(u, VPath i theta'')
- where i:j:_ = freshs (a,hiso,us,v)
+ where i:j:_ = freshs (hiso,us,v)
us' = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ i) us
- theta = fill i a (app g v) us'
- u = comp i a (app g v) us'
- ws = insertSystem (i ~> 1) (app t u @@ j) $
+ gv = app g v
+ theta = fill i a gv us'
+ u = comp i a gv us' -- Same as "theta `face` (i ~> 1)"
+ ws = insertSystem (i ~> 0) gv $
+ insertSystem (i ~> 1) (app t u @@ j) $
(\alpha uAlpha ->
app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ (Atom i :/\: Atom j)) us
-- | GlueLine
-glueLine :: Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val
-glueLine t _ (Dir Zero) = t
-glueLine t (Dir _) _ = t
-glueLine t phi (Dir One) = glue t isos
- where isos = mkSystem (map (\alpha -> (alpha,idIso (t `face` alpha)))
- (invFormula phi Zero))
-glueLine t phi psi = VGlueLine t phi psi
-idIso :: Val -> Val
-idIso a = VPair a $ VPair idV $ VPair idV $ VPair refl refl
- where idV = Ter (Lam "x" (Var "A") (Var "x")) (upd ("A",a) empty)
- refl = Ter (Lam "x" (Var "A") (Path (Name "i") (Var "x")))
- (upd ("A",a) empty)
-glueLineElem :: Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val
-glueLineElem u (Dir _) _ = u
-glueLineElem u _ (Dir Zero) = u
-glueLineElem u phi (Dir One) = glueElem u ss
- where ss = mkSystem (map (\alpha -> (alpha,u `face` alpha))
- (invFormula phi Zero))
-glueLineElem u phi psi = VGlueLineElem u phi psi
-unGlueLine :: Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val -> Val
-unGlueLine b phi psi u = case (phi,psi,u) of
- (Dir _,_,_) -> u
- (_,Dir Zero,_) -> u
- (_,Dir One,_) ->
- let isos = mkSystem (map (\alpha -> (alpha,idIso (b `face` alpha)))
- (invFormula phi Zero))
- in unGlue isos u
- (_,_,VGlueLineElem w _ _ ) -> w
- (_,_,_) -> error ("UnGlueLine, should be VGlueLineElem " ++ show u)
-compGlueLine :: Name -> Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-compGlueLine i b phi psi u us = glueLineElem vm phi psi
- where fs = invFormula psi One
- ws = mapWithKey
- (\alpha -> unGlueLine (b `face` alpha)
- (phi `face` alpha) (psi `face` alpha)) us
- w = unGlueLine b phi psi u
- v = comp i b w ws
- lss = mkSystem $ map
- (\alpha ->
- (alpha,(phi `face` alpha,b `face` alpha,
- us `face` alpha,u `face` alpha))) fs
- ls = mapWithKey (\alpha vAlpha ->
- auxGlueLine i vAlpha (v `face` alpha)) lss
- vm = compLine b v ls
-auxGlueLine :: Name -> (Formula,Val,System Val,Val) -> Val -> Val
-auxGlueLine i (Dir _,b,ws,wi0) vi1 = VPath j vi1 where j = fresh vi1
-auxGlueLine i (phi,b,ws,wi0) vi1 = fillLine b vi1 ls'
- where hisos = mkSystem (map (\alpha ->
- (alpha,idIso (b `face` alpha))) (invFormula phi Zero))
- vs = mapWithKey (\alpha -> unGlue (hisos `face` alpha)) ws
- vi0 = unGlue hisos wi0 -- in b
- v = fill i b vi0 vs -- in b
- us' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- fill i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma)
- (ws `face` gamma))
- hisos
- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- pathComp i (b `face` gamma) (v `face` gamma)
- (us' ! gamma) (vs `face` gamma))
- hisos
-transGlueLine :: Name -> Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val -> Val
-transGlueLine i b phi psi u = glueLineElem vm phii1 psii1
- where fs = filter (i `Map.notMember`) (invFormula psi One)
- phii1 = phi `face` (i ~> 1)
- psii1 = psi `face` (i ~> 1)
- phii0 = phi `face` (i ~> 0)
- psii0 = psi `face` (i ~> 0)
- bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
- bi0 = b `face` (i ~> 0)
- lss = mkSystem (map (\ alpha ->
- (alpha,(face phi alpha,face b alpha,face u alpha))) fs)
- ls = mapWithKey (\alpha vAlpha ->
- auxTransGlueLine i vAlpha (v `face` alpha)) lss
- v = trans i b w
- w = unGlueLine bi0 phii0 psii0 u
- vm = compLine bi1 v ls
-auxTransGlueLine :: Name -> (Formula,Val,Val) -> Val -> Val
-auxTransGlueLine i (Dir _,b,wi0) vi1 = VPath j vi1 where j = fresh vi1
-auxTransGlueLine i (phi,b,wi0) vi1 = fillLine (b `face` (i ~> 1)) vi1 ls'
- where hisos = mkSystem (map (\ alpha ->
- (alpha,idIso (b `face` alpha))) (invFormula phi Zero))
- vi0 = unGlue (hisos `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in b(i0)
- v = transFill i b vi0 -- in b
- -- set of elements in hisos independent of i
- hisos' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) hisos
- us' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- transFill i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma))
- hisos'
- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- VPath i $ squeeze i (b `face` gamma) (us' ! gamma))
- hisos'
+-- glueLine :: Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val
+-- glueLine t _ (Dir Zero) = t
+-- glueLine t (Dir _) _ = t
+-- glueLine t phi (Dir One) = glue t isos
+-- where isos = mkSystem (map (\alpha -> (alpha,idIso (t `face` alpha)))
+-- (invFormula phi Zero))
+-- glueLine t phi psi = VGlueLine t phi psi
+-- idIso :: Val -> Val
+-- idIso a = VPair a $ VPair idV $ VPair idV $ VPair refl refl
+-- where idV = Ter (Lam "x" (Var "A") (Var "x")) (upd ("A",a) empty)
+-- refl = Ter (Lam "x" (Var "A") (Path (Name "i") (Var "x")))
+-- (upd ("A",a) empty)
+-- glueLineElem :: Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val
+-- glueLineElem u (Dir _) _ = u
+-- glueLineElem u _ (Dir Zero) = u
+-- glueLineElem u phi (Dir One) = glueElem u ss
+-- where ss = mkSystem (map (\alpha -> (alpha,u `face` alpha))
+-- (invFormula phi Zero))
+-- glueLineElem u phi psi = VGlueLineElem u phi psi
+-- unGlueLine :: Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val -> Val
+-- unGlueLine b phi psi u = case (phi,psi,u) of
+-- (Dir _,_,_) -> u
+-- (_,Dir Zero,_) -> u
+-- (_,Dir One,_) ->
+-- let isos = mkSystem (map (\alpha -> (alpha,idIso (b `face` alpha)))
+-- (invFormula phi Zero))
+-- in unGlue isos u
+-- (_,_,VGlueLineElem w _ _ ) -> w
+-- (_,_,_) -> error ("UnGlueLine, should be VGlueLineElem " ++ show u)
+-- compGlueLine :: Name -> Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+-- compGlueLine i b phi psi u us = glueLineElem vm phi psi
+-- where fs = invFormula psi One
+-- ws = mapWithKey
+-- (\alpha -> unGlueLine (b `face` alpha)
+-- (phi `face` alpha) (psi `face` alpha)) us
+-- w = unGlueLine b phi psi u
+-- v = comp i b w ws
+-- lss = mkSystem $ map
+-- (\alpha ->
+-- (alpha,(phi `face` alpha,b `face` alpha,
+-- us `face` alpha,u `face` alpha))) fs
+-- ls = mapWithKey (\alpha vAlpha ->
+-- auxGlueLine i vAlpha (v `face` alpha)) lss
+-- vm = compLine b v ls
+-- auxGlueLine :: Name -> (Formula,Val,System Val,Val) -> Val -> Val
+-- auxGlueLine i (Dir _,b,ws,wi0) vi1 = VPath j vi1 where j = fresh vi1
+-- auxGlueLine i (phi,b,ws,wi0) vi1 = fillLine b vi1 ls'
+-- where hisos = mkSystem (map (\alpha ->
+-- (alpha,idIso (b `face` alpha))) (invFormula phi Zero))
+-- vs = mapWithKey (\alpha -> unGlue (hisos `face` alpha)) ws
+-- vi0 = unGlue hisos wi0 -- in b
+-- v = fill i b vi0 vs -- in b
+-- us' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+-- fill i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma)
+-- (ws `face` gamma))
+-- hisos
+-- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+-- pathComp i (b `face` gamma) (v `face` gamma)
+-- (us' ! gamma) (vs `face` gamma))
+-- hisos
+-- transGlueLine :: Name -> Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val -> Val
+-- transGlueLine i b phi psi u = glueLineElem vm phii1 psii1
+-- where fs = filter (i `Map.notMember`) (invFormula psi One)
+-- phii1 = phi `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- psii1 = psi `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- phii0 = phi `face` (i ~> 0)
+-- psii0 = psi `face` (i ~> 0)
+-- bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- bi0 = b `face` (i ~> 0)
+-- lss = mkSystem (map (\ alpha ->
+-- (alpha,(face phi alpha,face b alpha,face u alpha))) fs)
+-- ls = mapWithKey (\alpha vAlpha ->
+-- auxTransGlueLine i vAlpha (v `face` alpha)) lss
+-- v = trans i b w
+-- w = unGlueLine bi0 phii0 psii0 u
+-- vm = compLine bi1 v ls
+-- auxTransGlueLine :: Name -> (Formula,Val,Val) -> Val -> Val
+-- auxTransGlueLine i (Dir _,b,wi0) vi1 = VPath j vi1 where j = fresh vi1
+-- auxTransGlueLine i (phi,b,wi0) vi1 = fillLine (b `face` (i ~> 1)) vi1 ls'
+-- where hisos = mkSystem (map (\ alpha ->
+-- (alpha,idIso (b `face` alpha))) (invFormula phi Zero))
+-- vi0 = unGlue (hisos `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in b(i0)
+-- v = transFill i b vi0 -- in b
+-- -- set of elements in hisos independent of i
+-- hisos' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) hisos
+-- us' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+-- transFill i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma))
+-- hisos'
+-- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+-- VPath i $ squeeze i (b `face` gamma) (us' ! gamma))
+-- hisos'
-- | Composition in the Universe
-isConstPath :: Val -> Bool
-isConstPath (VPath i u) = i `notElem` support u
-isConstPath _ = False
-compElem :: Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-compElem a es u us = compElem' (Map.filter (not . isConstPath) es)
- where compElem' es | Map.null es = u
- | eps `Map.member` us = us ! eps
- | otherwise = VCompElem a es u us
-elimComp :: Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
-elimComp a es u = elimComp' (Map.filter (not . isConstPath) es)
- where elimComp' es | Map.null es = u
- | eps `Map.member` es = transNegLine (es ! eps) u
- | otherwise = VElimComp a es u
-compU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-compU i a es w0 ws =
- let vs = mapWithKey
- (\alpha -> elimComp (a `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)) ws
- v0 = elimComp a es w0 -- in a
- v1 = comp i a v0 vs -- in a
- us1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
- comp i (eGamma @@ One) (w0 `face` gamma)
- (ws `face` gamma)) es
- ls' = mapWithKey
- (\gamma eGamma -> pathUniv i eGamma
- (ws `face` gamma) (w0 `face` gamma))
- es
- v1' = compLine a v1 ls'
- in compElem a es v1' us1'
--- Computes a homotopy between the image of the composition, and the
--- composition of the image. Given e (an equality in U), an L-system
--- us (in e0) and ui0 (in e0 (i0)) The output is an L(i1)-path in
--- e1(i1) between vi1 and sigma (i1) ui1 where
--- sigma = appEq
--- ui1 = comp i (e 0) us ui0
--- vi1 = comp i (e 1) (sigma us) (sigma(i0) ui0)
--- Moreover, if e is constant, so is the output.
-pathUniv :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
-pathUniv i e us ui0 = VPath k xi1
- where j:k:_ = freshs (Atom i,e,us,ui0)
- ej = e @@ j
- ui1 = comp i (e @@ One) ui0 us
- ws = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
- transFillNeg j (ej `face` alpha) uAlpha)
- us
- wi0 = transFillNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 0)) ui0
- wi1 = comp i ej wi0 ws
- wi1' = transFillNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
- xi1 = genCompNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
- (mkSystem [(k ~> 1, wi1'), (k ~> 0, wi1)])
-transU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
-transU i a es wi0 =
- let vi0 = elimComp (a `face` (i ~> 0)) (es `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in a(i0)
- vi1 = trans i a vi0 -- in a(i1)
- ai1 = a `face` (i ~> 1)
- esi1 = es `face` (i ~> 1)
- -- gamma in es'' iff i not in the domain of gamma and (i1)gamma in es
- es'' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> alpha `Map.notMember` es) esi1
- -- set of faces alpha of es such i is not the domain of alpha
- es' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) es
- usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
- trans i (eGamma @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma)) es'
- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- pathUnivTrans i (es `proj` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma))
--- pathUniv i (es `proj` gamma) Map.empty (wi0 `face` gamma))
- es'
- vi1' = compLine ai1 vi1 ls'
- uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ -> -- Should be !, not proj ?
- eqLemma (es ! (gamma `meet` (i ~> 1)))
- (usi1' `face` gamma) (vi1' `face` gamma)) es''
- vi1'' = compLine ai1 vi1' ( snd uls'')
- usi1 = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- if gamma `Map.member` usi1' then usi1' ! gamma
- else fst (uls'' ! gamma)) esi1
- in compElem ai1 esi1 vi1'' usi1
-pathUnivTrans :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-pathUnivTrans i e ui0 = VPath j xi1
- where j = fresh (Atom i,e,ui0)
- ej = e @@ j
- wi0 = transFillNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 0)) ui0
- wi1 = trans i ej wi0
- xi1 = squeezeNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) wi1
--- Any equality defines an equivalence.
-eqLemma :: Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
-eqLemma e ts a = (t,VPath j theta'')
- where i:j:_ = freshs (e,ts,a)
- ei = e @@ i
- vs = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
- transFillNeg i (ei `face` alpha) uAlpha) ts
- theta = genFill i ei a vs
- t = genComp i ei a vs
- theta' = transFillNeg i ei t
- ws = insertSystem (j ~> 1) theta' $ insertSystem (j ~> 0) theta vs
- theta'' = genCompNeg i ei t ws
+-- isConstPath :: Val -> Bool
+-- isConstPath (VPath i u) = i `notElem` support u
+-- isConstPath _ = False
+-- compElem :: Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+-- compElem a es u us = compElem' (Map.filter (not . isConstPath) es)
+-- where compElem' es | Map.null es = u
+-- | eps `Map.member` us = us ! eps
+-- | otherwise = VCompElem a es u us
+-- elimComp :: Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
+-- elimComp a es u = elimComp' (Map.filter (not . isConstPath) es)
+-- where elimComp' es | Map.null es = u
+-- | eps `Map.member` es = transNegLine (es ! eps) u
+-- | otherwise = VElimComp a es u
+-- compU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+-- compU i a es w0 ws =
+-- let vs = mapWithKey
+-- (\alpha -> elimComp (a `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)) ws
+-- v0 = elimComp a es w0 -- in a
+-- v1 = comp i a v0 vs -- in a
+-- us1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+-- comp i (eGamma @@ One) (w0 `face` gamma)
+-- (ws `face` gamma)) es
+-- ls' = mapWithKey
+-- (\gamma eGamma -> pathUniv i eGamma
+-- (ws `face` gamma) (w0 `face` gamma))
+-- es
+-- v1' = compLine a v1 ls'
+-- in compElem a es v1' us1'
+-- -- Computes a homotopy between the image of the composition, and the
+-- -- composition of the image. Given e (an equality in U), an L-system
+-- -- us (in e0) and ui0 (in e0 (i0)) The output is an L(i1)-path in
+-- -- e1(i1) between vi1 and sigma (i1) ui1 where
+-- -- sigma = appEq
+-- -- ui1 = comp i (e 0) us ui0
+-- -- vi1 = comp i (e 1) (sigma us) (sigma(i0) ui0)
+-- -- Moreover, if e is constant, so is the output.
+-- pathUniv :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
+-- pathUniv i e us ui0 = VPath k xi1
+-- where j:k:_ = freshs (Atom i,e,us,ui0)
+-- ej = e @@ j
+-- ui1 = comp i (e @@ One) ui0 us
+-- ws = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
+-- transFillNeg j (ej `face` alpha) uAlpha)
+-- us
+-- wi0 = transFillNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 0)) ui0
+-- wi1 = comp i ej wi0 ws
+-- wi1' = transFillNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
+-- xi1 = compNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
+-- (mkSystem [(k ~> 1, wi1'), (k ~> 0, wi1)])
+-- transU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
+-- transU i a es wi0 =
+-- let vi0 = elimComp (a `face` (i ~> 0)) (es `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in a(i0)
+-- vi1 = trans i a vi0 -- in a(i1)
+-- ai1 = a `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- esi1 = es `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- -- gamma in es'' iff i not in the domain of gamma and (i1)gamma in es
+-- es'' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> alpha `Map.notMember` es) esi1
+-- -- set of faces alpha of es such i is not the domain of alpha
+-- es' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) es
+-- usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+-- trans i (eGamma @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma)) es'
+-- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+-- pathUnivTrans i (es `proj` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma))
+-- -- pathUniv i (es `proj` gamma) Map.empty (wi0 `face` gamma))
+-- es'
+-- vi1' = compLine ai1 vi1 ls'
+-- uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ -> -- Should be !, not proj ?
+-- eqLemma (es ! (gamma `meet` (i ~> 1)))
+-- (usi1' `face` gamma) (vi1' `face` gamma)) es''
+-- vi1'' = compLine ai1 vi1' ( snd uls'')
+-- usi1 = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+-- if gamma `Map.member` usi1' then usi1' ! gamma
+-- else fst (uls'' ! gamma)) esi1
+-- in compElem ai1 esi1 vi1'' usi1
+-- pathUnivTrans :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
+-- pathUnivTrans i e ui0 = VPath j xi1
+-- where j = fresh (Atom i,e,ui0)
+-- ej = e @@ j
+-- wi0 = transFillNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 0)) ui0
+-- wi1 = trans i ej wi0
+-- xi1 = squeezeNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) wi1
+-- -- Any equality defines an equivalence.
+-- eqLemma :: Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
+-- eqLemma e ts a = (t,VPath j theta'')
+-- where i:j:_ = freshs (e,ts,a)
+-- ei = e @@ i
+-- vs = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
+-- transFillNeg i (ei `face` alpha) uAlpha) ts
+-- theta = fill i ei a vs
+-- t = comp i ei a vs
+-- theta' = transFillNeg i ei t
+-- ws = insertSystem (j ~> 1) theta' $ insertSystem (j ~> 0) theta vs
+-- theta'' = compNeg i ei t ws
class Convertible a where
conv :: [String] -> a -> a -> Bool
-isIndep :: (Nominal a, Convertible a) => [String] -> Name -> a -> Bool
-isIndep ns i u = conv ns u (u `face` (i ~> 0))
+-- isIndep :: (Nominal a, Convertible a) => [String] -> Name -> a -> Bool
+-- isIndep ns i u = conv ns u (u `face` (i ~> 0))
isCompSystem :: (Nominal a, Convertible a) => [String] -> System a -> Bool
isCompSystem ns ts = and [ conv ns (getFace alpha beta) (getFace beta alpha)
| (alpha,beta) <- allCompatible (keys ts) ]
where getFace a b = face (ts ! a) (b `minus` a)
-simplify :: [String] -> Name -> Val -> Val
-simplify ns j v = case v of
- VTrans p u | isIndep ns j (p @@ j) -> simplify ns j u
- VComp a u ts ->
- let (indep,ts') = Map.partition (\t -> isIndep ns j (t @@ j)) ts
- in if Map.null ts' then simplify ns j u else VComp a u ts'
- VCompElem a es u us ->
- let (indep,es') = Map.partition (\e -> isIndep ns j (e @@ j)) es
- us' = intersection us es'
- in if Map.null es' then simplify ns j u else VCompElem a es' u us'
- VElimComp a es u ->
- let (indep,es') = Map.partition (\e -> isIndep ns j (e @@ j)) es
- u' = simplify ns j u
- in if Map.null es' then u' else case u' of
- VCompElem _ _ w _ -> simplify ns j w
- _ -> VElimComp a es' u'
- _ -> v
+-- simplify :: [String] -> Name -> Val -> Val
+-- simplify ns j v = case v of
+-- VTrans p u | isIndep ns j (p @@ j) -> simplify ns j u
+-- VComp a u ts ->
+-- let (indep,ts') = Map.partition (\t -> isIndep ns j (t @@ j)) ts
+-- in if Map.null ts' then simplify ns j u else VComp a u ts'
+-- VCompElem a es u us ->
+-- let (indep,es') = Map.partition (\e -> isIndep ns j (e @@ j)) es
+-- us' = intersection us es'
+-- in if Map.null es' then simplify ns j u else VCompElem a es' u us'
+-- VElimComp a es u ->
+-- let (indep,es') = Map.partition (\e -> isIndep ns j (e @@ j)) es
+-- u' = simplify ns j u
+-- in if Map.null es' then u' else case u' of
+-- VCompElem _ _ w _ -> simplify ns j w
+-- _ -> VElimComp a es' u'
+-- _ -> v
instance Convertible Val where
conv ns u v | u == v = True
| otherwise =
let j = fresh (u,v)
- in case (simplify ns j u, simplify ns j v) of
+ in case (u,v) of
(Ter (Lam x a u) e,Ter (Lam x' a' u') e') ->
let v@(VVar n _) = mkVarNice ns x (eval e a)
in conv (n:ns) (eval (upd (x,v) e) u) (eval (upd (x',v) e') u')
(VPath i a,VPath i' a') -> conv ns (a `swap` (i,j)) (a' `swap` (i',j))
(VPath i a,p') -> conv ns (a `swap` (i,j)) (p' @@ j)
(p,VPath i' a') -> conv ns (p @@ j) (a' `swap` (i',j))
- (VTrans p u,VTrans p' u') -> conv ns p p' && conv ns u u'
+ -- (VTrans p u,VTrans p' u') -> conv ns p p' && conv ns u u'
(VAppFormula u x,VAppFormula u' x') -> conv ns (u,x) (u',x')
(VComp a u ts,VComp a' u' ts') -> conv ns (a,u,ts) (a',u',ts')
(VGlue v hisos,VGlue v' hisos') -> conv ns (v,hisos) (v',hisos')
(VGlueElem u us,VGlueElem u' us') -> conv ns (u,us) (u',us')
- (VCompElem a es u us,VCompElem a' es' u' us') ->
- conv ns (a,es,u,us) (a',es',u',us')
- (VElimComp a es u,VElimComp a' es' u') -> conv ns (a,es,u) (a',es',u')
+ -- (VCompElem a es u us,VCompElem a' es' u' us') ->
+ -- conv ns (a,es,u,us) (a',es',u',us')
+ -- (VElimComp a es u,VElimComp a' es' u') -> conv ns (a,es,u) (a',es',u')
_ -> False
instance Convertible Ctxt where
VIdP a u0 u1 -> VIdP (normal ns a) (normal ns u0) (normal ns u1)
VPath i u -> VPath i (normal ns u)
VComp u v vs -> compLine (normal ns u) (normal ns v) (normal ns vs)
- VTrans u v -> transLine (normal ns u) (normal ns v)
+ -- VTrans u v -> transLine (normal ns u) (normal ns v)
VGlue u hisos -> glue (normal ns u) (normal ns hisos)
VGlueElem u us -> glueElem (normal ns u) (normal ns us)
- VCompElem a es u us -> compElem (normal ns a) (normal ns es) (normal ns u) (normal ns us)
- VElimComp a es u -> elimComp (normal ns a) (normal ns es) (normal ns u)
+ -- VCompElem a es u us -> compElem (normal ns a) (normal ns es) (normal ns u) (normal ns us)
+ -- VElimComp a es u -> elimComp (normal ns a) (normal ns es) (normal ns u)
VVar x t -> VVar x t -- (normal ns t)
VFst t -> fstVal (normal ns t)
VSnd t -> sndVal (normal ns t)