showLoc :: Loc -> Doc
showLoc (Loc name (i,j)) = hcat [text name,text "_L",int i,text "_C",int j]
+showFormula :: Formula -> Doc
+showFormula phi = case phi of
+ _ :\/: _ -> parens (text (show phi))
+ _ :/\: _ -> parens (text (show phi))
+ _ -> text $ show phi
instance Show Ter where
show = render . showTer
Undef _ -> text "undefined"
IdP e0 e1 e2 -> text "IdP" <+> showTers [e0,e1,e2]
Path i e -> char '<' <> text (show i) <> char '>' <+> showTer e
- AppFormula e phi -> showTer1 e <+> char '@' <+> text (show phi)
+ AppFormula e phi -> showTer1 e <+> char '@' <+> showFormula phi
Comp e0 e1 es -> text "comp" <+> showTers [e0,e1] <+> text (showSystem es)
Trans e0 e1 -> text "transport" <+> showTers [e0,e1]
VSnd u -> showVal u <> text ".2"
VIdP v0 v1 v2 -> text "IdP" <+> showVals [v0,v1,v2]
VPath i v -> char '<' <> text (show i) <> char '>' <+> showVal v
- VAppFormula v phi -> showVal1 v <+> char '@' <+> text (show phi)
+ VAppFormula v phi -> showVal1 v <+> char '@' <+> showFormula phi
VComp v0 v1 vs -> text "comp" <+> showVals [v0,v1] <+> text (showSystem vs)
VTrans v0 v1 -> text "trans" <+> showVals [v0,v1]
showVal1 v = case v of
resolveSystem :: Exp -> Resolver (C.System Ter)
resolveSystem (System ts) =
- -- TODO: Erase alpha when resolving u??
+ -- Note: the symbols in alpha are in scope in u, but they mean 0 or 1
Map.fromList <$> sequence [ (,) <$> resolveFace alpha <*> resolveExp u
| Side alpha u <- ts ]
resolveSystem e = throwError $ show e ++ " is not a system"