--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances,
+ GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Connections where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.List
+import Data.Map (Map,(!))
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Maybe
+import Test.QuickCheck
+newtype Name = Name Integer
+ deriving (Arbitrary,Eq,Ord)
+instance Show Name where
+ show (Name i) = 'i' : show i
+swapName :: Name -> (Name,Name) -> Name
+swapName k (i,j) | k == i = j
+ | k == j = i
+ | otherwise = k
+-- | Directions
+data Dir = Zero | One
+ deriving (Eq,Ord)
+instance Show Dir where
+ show Zero = "0"
+ show One = "1"
+instance Num Dir where
+ Zero + Zero = Zero
+ _ + _ = One
+ Zero * _ = Zero
+ One * x = x
+ abs = id
+ signum _ = One
+ negate Zero = One
+ negate One = Zero
+ fromInteger 0 = Zero
+ fromInteger 1 = One
+ fromInteger _ = error "fromInteger Dir"
+instance Arbitrary Dir where
+ arbitrary = do
+ b <- arbitrary
+ return $ if b then Zero else One
+-- | Face
+-- Faces of the form: [(i,0),(j,1),(k,0)]
+type Face = Map Name Dir
+instance Arbitrary Face where
+ arbitrary = Map.fromList <$> arbitrary
+showFace :: Face -> String
+showFace alpha = concat [ "(" ++ show i ++ "," ++ show d ++ ")"
+ | (i,d) <- Map.toList alpha ]
+swapFace :: Face -> (Name,Name) -> Face
+swapFace alpha ij = Map.mapKeys (`swapName` ij) alpha
+-- i,j,k,l :: Name
+-- i = Name 0
+-- j = Name 1
+-- k = Name 2
+-- l = Name 3
+-- f1,f2 :: Face
+-- f1 = Map.fromList [(i,0),(j,1),(k,0)]
+-- f2 = Map.fromList [(i,0),(j,1),(l,1)]
+-- Check if two faces are compatible
+compatible :: Face -> Face -> Bool
+compatible xs ys = and (Map.elems (Map.intersectionWith (==) xs ys))
+compatibles :: [Face] -> Bool
+compatibles [] = True
+compatibles (x:xs) = all (x `compatible`) xs && compatibles xs
+-- Partial composition operation
+meet :: Face -> Face -> Face
+meet = Map.unionWith f
+ where f d1 d2 = if d1 == d2 then d1 else error "meet: incompatible faces"
+meetMaybe :: Face -> Face -> Maybe Face
+meetMaybe x y = if compatible x y then Just $ meet x y else Nothing
+meetCom :: Face -> Face -> Property
+meetCom xs ys = compatible xs ys ==> xs `meet` ys == ys `meet` xs
+meetAssoc :: Face -> Face -> Face -> Property
+meetAssoc xs ys zs = compatibles [xs,ys,zs] ==>
+ xs `meet` (ys `meet` zs) == (xs `meet` ys) `meet` zs
+meetId :: Face -> Bool
+meetId xs = xs `meet` xs == xs
+meets :: [Face] -> [Face] -> [Face]
+meets xs ys = nub [ meet x y | x <- xs, y <- ys, compatible x y ]
+-- instance Ord Face where
+leq :: Face -> Face -> Bool
+alpha `leq` beta = meetMaybe alpha beta == Just alpha
+comparable :: Face -> Face -> Bool
+comparable alpha beta = alpha `leq` beta || beta `leq` alpha
+incomparables :: [Face] -> Bool
+incomparables [] = True
+incomparables (x:xs) = all (not . (x `comparable`)) xs && incomparables xs
+(~>) :: Name -> Dir -> Face
+i ~> d = Map.singleton i d
+eps :: Face
+eps = Map.empty
+-- Compute the witness of A <= B, ie compute C s.t. B = CA
+-- leqW :: Face -> Face -> Face
+-- leqW = undefined
+-- data Faces = Faces (Set Face)
+-- instance Nominal Faces where
+-- support (Faces f) =
+-- act (Faces f) (i, phi) = Faces f
+-- | Formulas
+data Formula = Dir Dir
+ | Atom Name
+ | NegAtom Name
+ | Formula :/\: Formula
+ | Formula :\/: Formula
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+arbFormula :: [Name] -> Int -> Gen Formula
+arbFormula names s =
+ frequency [ (1, Dir <$> arbitrary)
+ , (1, Atom <$> elements names)
+ , (1, NegAtom <$> elements names)
+ , (s, do op <- elements [andFormula,orFormula]
+ op <$> arbFormula names s' <*> arbFormula names s')
+ ]
+ where s' = s `div` 3
+instance Arbitrary Formula where
+ arbitrary = do
+ n <- arbitrary :: Gen Integer
+ sized $ arbFormula (map Name [0..(abs n)])
+class ToFormula a where
+ toFormula :: a -> Formula
+instance ToFormula Formula where
+ toFormula = id
+instance ToFormula Name where
+ toFormula = Atom
+instance ToFormula Dir where
+ toFormula = Dir
+-- instance Show a => Show (Formula a) where
+-- show Zero = "0"
+-- show One = "1"
+-- show (NegAtom a) = "~" ++ show a
+-- show (Atom a) = show a
+-- show (a :/\: b) = show a ++ " /\ " ++ show b
+negFormula :: Formula -> Formula
+negFormula (Dir b) = Dir (- b)
+negFormula (Atom i) = NegAtom i
+negFormula (NegAtom i) = Atom i
+negFormula (phi :/\: psi) = orFormula (negFormula phi) (negFormula psi)
+negFormula (phi :\/: psi) = andFormula (negFormula phi) (negFormula psi)
+andFormula :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
+andFormula (Dir Zero) _ = Dir Zero
+andFormula _ (Dir Zero) = Dir Zero
+andFormula (Dir One) phi = phi
+andFormula phi (Dir One) = phi
+andFormula phi psi = phi :/\: psi
+orFormula :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
+orFormula (Dir One) _ = Dir One
+orFormula _ (Dir One) = Dir One
+orFormula (Dir Zero) phi = phi
+orFormula phi (Dir Zero) = phi
+orFormula phi psi = phi :\/: psi
+evalFormula :: Formula -> Face -> Formula
+evalFormula phi alpha =
+ Map.foldWithKey (\i d psi -> act psi (i,Dir d)) phi alpha
+ -- (Dir b) alpha = Dir b
+-- evalFormula (Atom i) alpha = case Map.lookup i alpha of
+-- Just b -> Dir b
+-- Nothing -> Atom i
+-- evalFormula (Not phi) alpha = negFormula (evalFormula phi alpha)
+-- evalFormula (phi :/\: psi) alpha =
+-- andFormula (evalFormula phi alpha) (evalFormula psi alpha)
+-- evalFormula (phi :\/: psi) alpha =
+-- orFormula (evalFormula phi alpha) (evalFormula psi alpha)
+-- find a better name?
+-- phi b = max {alpha : Face | phi alpha = b}
+invFormula :: Formula -> Dir -> [Face]
+invFormula (Dir b') b = [ eps | b == b' ]
+invFormula (Atom i) b = [ Map.singleton i b ]
+invFormula (NegAtom i) b = [ Map.singleton i (- b) ]
+invFormula (phi :/\: psi) Zero = invFormula phi 0 `union` invFormula psi 0
+invFormula (phi :/\: psi) One =
+ meets (invFormula phi 1) (invFormula psi 1)
+invFormula (phi :\/: psi) b = invFormula (negFormula phi :/\: negFormula psi) (- b)
+-- primeImplicants :: Formula -> Dir -> System ()
+-- primeImplicants phi Zero = primeImplicants (NegAtom phi) One
+-- primeImplicants phi One = undefined
+propInvFormulaIncomp :: Formula -> Dir -> Bool
+propInvFormulaIncomp phi b = incomparables (invFormula phi b)
+prop_invFormula :: Formula -> Dir -> Bool
+prop_invFormula phi b =
+ all (\alpha -> phi `evalFormula` alpha == Dir b) (invFormula phi b)
+testInvFormula :: [Face]
+testInvFormula = invFormula (Atom (Name 0) :/\: Atom (Name 1)) 1
+-- | Nominal
+gensym :: [Name] -> Name
+gensym [] = Name 0
+gensym xs = Name (max+1)
+ where Name max = maximum xs
+gensyms :: [Name] -> [Name]
+gensyms d = let x = gensym d in x : gensyms (x : d)
+class Nominal a where
+ support :: a -> [Name]
+-- act u (i,phi) should have u # (phi - i) ??
+ act :: a -> (Name,Formula) -> a
+ swap :: a -> (Name,Name) -> a
+ -- swap u (i,j) =
+ -- where k = fresh (u,i,j)
+fresh :: Nominal a => a -> Name
+fresh = gensym . support
+freshs :: Nominal a => a -> [Name]
+freshs = gensyms . support
+unions :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [a]
+unions = foldr union []
+unionsMap :: Eq b => (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
+unionsMap f = unions . map f
+instance Nominal () where
+ support () = []
+ act () _ = ()
+ swap () _ = ()
+instance (Nominal a, Nominal b) => Nominal (a, b) where
+ support (a, b) = support a `union` support b
+ act (a,b) f = (act a f,act b f)
+ swap (a,b) n = (swap a n,swap b n)
+instance (Nominal a, Nominal b, Nominal c) => Nominal (a, b, c) where
+ support (a,b,c) = unions [support a, support b, support c]
+ act (a,b,c) f = (act a f,act b f,act c f)
+ swap (a,b,c) n = (swap a n,swap b n,swap c n)
+instance (Nominal a, Nominal b, Nominal c, Nominal d) =>
+ Nominal (a, b, c, d) where
+ support (a,b,c,d) = unions [support a, support b, support c, support d]
+ act (a,b,c,d) f = (act a f,act b f,act c f,act d f)
+ swap (a,b,c,d) n = (swap a n,swap b n,swap c n,swap d n)
+instance (Nominal a, Nominal b, Nominal c, Nominal d, Nominal e) =>
+ Nominal (a, b, c, d, e) where
+ support (a,b,c,d,e) =
+ unions [support a, support b, support c, support d, support e]
+ act (a,b,c,d,e) f = (act a f,act b f,act c f,act d f, act e f)
+ swap (a,b,c,d,e) n =
+ (swap a n,swap b n,swap c n,swap d n,swap e n)
+instance (Nominal a, Nominal b, Nominal c, Nominal d, Nominal e, Nominal h) =>
+ Nominal (a, b, c, d, e, h) where
+ support (a,b,c,d,e,h) =
+ unions [support a, support b, support c, support d, support e, support h]
+ act (a,b,c,d,e,h) f = (act a f,act b f,act c f,act d f, act e f, act h f)
+ swap (a,b,c,d,e,h) n =
+ (swap a n,swap b n,swap c n,swap d n,swap e n,swap h n)
+instance Nominal a => Nominal [a] where
+ support xs = unions (map support xs)
+ act xs f = [ act x f | x <- xs ]
+ swap xs n = [ swap x n | x <- xs ]
+instance Nominal a => Nominal (Maybe a) where
+ support = maybe [] support
+ act v f = fmap (\u -> act u f) v
+ swap a n = fmap (`swap` n) a
+instance Nominal Formula where
+ support (Dir _) = []
+ support (Atom i) = [i]
+ support (NegAtom i) = [i]
+ support (phi :/\: psi) = support phi `union` support psi
+ support (phi :\/: psi) = support phi `union` support psi
+ act (Dir b) (i,phi) = Dir b
+ act (Atom j) (i,phi) | i == j = phi
+ | otherwise = Atom j
+ act (NegAtom j) (i,phi) | i == j = negFormula phi
+ | otherwise = NegAtom j
+ act (psi1 :/\: psi2) (i,phi) = act psi1 (i,phi) `andFormula` act psi2 (i,phi)
+ act (psi1 :\/: psi2) (i,phi) = act psi1 (i,phi) `orFormula` act psi2 (i,phi)
+ swap (Dir b) (i,j) = Dir b
+ swap (Atom k) (i,j)| k == i = Atom j
+ | k == j = Atom i
+ | otherwise = Atom k
+ swap (NegAtom k) (i,j)| k == i = NegAtom j
+ | k == j = NegAtom i
+ | otherwise = NegAtom k
+ swap (psi1 :/\: psi2) (i,j) = swap psi1 (i,j) :/\: swap psi2 (i,j)
+ swap (psi1 :\/: psi2) (i,j) = swap psi1 (i,j) :\/: swap psi2 (i,j)
+face :: Nominal a => a -> Face -> a
+face = Map.foldWithKey (\i d a -> act a (i,Dir d))
+-- the faces should be incomparable
+type System a = Map Face a
+showSystem :: Show a => System a -> String
+showSystem ts = concat $ intersperse ", " [ showFace alpha ++ " |-> " ++ show u
+ | (alpha,u) <- Map.toList ts ]
+insertSystem :: Face -> a -> System a -> System a
+insertSystem alpha v ts =
+ case find (comparable alpha) (Map.keys ts) of
+ Just beta | alpha `leq` beta -> ts
+ | otherwise -> Map.insert alpha v (Map.delete beta ts)
+ Nothing -> Map.insert alpha v ts
+insertsSystem :: [(Face, a)] -> System a -> System a
+insertsSystem faces us =
+ foldr (\(alpha, ualpha) -> insertSystem alpha ualpha) us faces
+mkSystem :: [(Face, a)] -> System a
+mkSystem = flip insertsSystem Map.empty
+unionSystem :: System a -> System a -> System a
+unionSystem us vs = insertsSystem (Map.assocs us) vs
+-- could something like that work??
+-- transposeSystem :: System [a] -> [System a]
+-- transposeSystem as = Map.tranverseWithKey (const . id) as
+-- TODO: add some checks
+transposeSystemAndList :: System [a] -> [b] -> [(System a,b)]
+transposeSystemAndList _ [] = []
+transposeSystemAndList tss (u:us) =
+ (Map.map head tss,u):transposeSystemAndList (Map.map tail tss) us
+-- transposeSystem :: System [a] -> [System a]
+-- transposeSystem ts =
+-- Map.map (\as -> head a) ts : transposeSystem (Map.map (\as -> tail as) ts)
+-- Quickcheck this:
+-- (i = phi) * beta = (beta - i) * (i = phi beta)
+-- Now we ensure that the keys are incomparable
+instance Nominal a => Nominal (System a) where
+ support s = unions (map Map.keys $ Map.keys s)
+ `union` support (Map.elems s)
+ act s (i, phi) = addAssocs (Map.assocs s)
+ where
+ addAssocs [] = Map.empty
+ addAssocs ((alpha,u):alphaus) =
+ let s' = addAssocs alphaus
+ in case Map.lookup i alpha of
+ Just d -> let beta = Map.delete i alpha
+ in foldr (\delta s'' -> insertSystem (meet delta beta)
+ (face u (Map.delete i delta)) s'')
+ s' (invFormula (face phi beta) d)
+ Nothing -> insertSystem alpha (act u (i,face phi alpha)) s'
+ swap s ij = Map.mapKeys (`swapFace` ij) (Map.map (`swap` ij) s)
+-- carve a using the same shape as the system b
+border :: Nominal a => a -> System b -> System a
+border v = Map.mapWithKey (const . face v)
+shape :: System a -> System ()
+shape ts = border () ts
+instance (Nominal a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (System a) where
+ arbitrary = do
+ a <- arbitrary
+ border a <$> arbitraryShape (support a)
+ where
+ arbitraryShape :: [Name] -> Gen (System ())
+ arbitraryShape supp = do
+ phi <- sized $ arbFormula supp
+ return $ Map.fromList [(face,()) | face <- invFormula phi 0]
+sym :: Nominal a => a -> Name -> a
+sym a i = a `act` (i, NegAtom i)
+rename :: Nominal a => a -> (Name, Name) -> a
+rename a (i, j) = a `act` (i, Atom j)
+connect :: Nominal a => a -> (Name, Name) -> a
+connect a (i, j) = a `act` (i, Atom i :/\: Atom j)
+leqSystem :: Face -> System a -> Bool
+alpha `leqSystem` us =
+ not $ Map.null $ Map.filterWithKey (\beta _ -> alpha `leq` beta) us
+-- assumes alpha <= shape us
+proj :: (Nominal a, Show a) => System a -> Face -> a
+proj us alpha | eps `Map.member` usalpha = usalpha ! eps
+ | otherwise =
+ error $ "proj: eps not in " ++ show usalpha ++ "\nwhich is the "
+ ++ show alpha ++ "\nface of " ++ show us
+ where usalpha = us `face` alpha
+-- actSystemCom :: Formula -> Name -> Formula -> Bool
+-- actSystemCom psi i phi = border phi