instance Nominal Val where
support v = case v of
- VU -> []
- Ter _ e -> support e
- VPi u v -> support [u,v]
- VComp a u ts -> support (a,u,ts)
- VIdP a v0 v1 -> support [a,v0,v1]
- VPath i v -> i `delete` support v
- VTrans u v -> support (u,v)
- VSigma u v -> support (u,v)
- VPair u v -> support (u,v)
- VFst u -> support u
- VSnd u -> support u
- VCon _ vs -> support vs
- VPCon _ a vs phis -> support (a,vs,phis)
- VVar _ v -> support v
- VApp u v -> support (u,v)
- VLam _ u v -> support (u,v)
- VAppFormula u phi -> support (u,phi)
- VSplit u v -> support (u,v)
- VGlue a ts -> support (a,ts)
- VGlueElem a ts -> support (a,ts)
- VCompElem a es u us -> support (a,es,u,us)
- VElimComp a es u -> support (a,es,u)
+ VU -> []
+ Ter _ e -> support e
+ VPi u v -> support [u,v]
+ VComp a u ts -> support (a,u,ts)
+ VIdP a v0 v1 -> support [a,v0,v1]
+ VPath i v -> i `delete` support v
+ VTrans u v -> support (u,v)
+ VSigma u v -> support (u,v)
+ VPair u v -> support (u,v)
+ VFst u -> support u
+ VSnd u -> support u
+ VCon _ vs -> support vs
+ VPCon _ a vs phis -> support (a,vs,phis)
+ VVar _ v -> support v
+ VApp u v -> support (u,v)
+ VLam _ u v -> support (u,v)
+ VAppFormula u phi -> support (u,phi)
+ VSplit u v -> support (u,v)
+ VGlue a ts -> support (a,ts)
+ VGlueElem a ts -> support (a,ts)
+ VGlueLine a phi psi -> support (a,phi,psi)
+ VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> support (a,phi,psi)
+ VCompElem a es u us -> support (a,es,u,us)
+ VElimComp a es u -> support (a,es,u)
act u (i, phi) =
let acti :: Nominal a => a -> a
| j `notElem` sphi -> VPath j (acti v)
| otherwise -> VPath k (acti (v `swap` (j,k)))
where k = fresh (v,Atom i,phi)
- VTrans u v -> transLine (acti u) (acti v)
- VSigma a f -> VSigma (acti a) (acti f)
- VPair u v -> VPair (acti u) (acti v)
- VFst u -> fstVal (acti u)
- VSnd u -> sndVal (acti u)
- VCon c vs -> VCon c (acti vs)
- VPCon c a vs phis -> pcon c (acti a) (acti vs) (acti phis)
- VVar x v -> VVar x (acti v)
- VAppFormula u psi -> acti u @@ acti psi
- VApp u v -> app (acti u) (acti v)
- VLam x t u -> VLam x (acti t) (acti u)
- VSplit u v -> app (acti u) (acti v)
- VGlue a ts -> glue (acti a) (acti ts)
- VGlueElem a ts -> glueElem (acti a) (acti ts)
- VCompElem a es u us -> compElem (acti a) (acti es) (acti u) (acti us)
- VElimComp a es u -> elimComp (acti a) (acti es) (acti u)
+ VTrans u v -> transLine (acti u) (acti v)
+ VSigma a f -> VSigma (acti a) (acti f)
+ VPair u v -> VPair (acti u) (acti v)
+ VFst u -> fstVal (acti u)
+ VSnd u -> sndVal (acti u)
+ VCon c vs -> VCon c (acti vs)
+ VPCon c a vs phis -> pcon c (acti a) (acti vs) (acti phis)
+ VVar x v -> VVar x (acti v)
+ VAppFormula u psi -> acti u @@ acti psi
+ VApp u v -> app (acti u) (acti v)
+ VLam x t u -> VLam x (acti t) (acti u)
+ VSplit u v -> app (acti u) (acti v)
+ VGlue a ts -> glue (acti a) (acti ts)
+ VGlueElem a ts -> glueElem (acti a) (acti ts)
+ VGlueLine a phi psi -> glueLine (acti a) (acti phi) (acti psi)
+ VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> glueLineElem (acti a) (acti phi) (acti psi)
+ VCompElem a es u us -> compElem (acti a) (acti es) (acti u) (acti us)
+ VElimComp a es u -> elimComp (acti a) (acti es) (acti u)
-- This increases efficiency as it won't trigger computation.
swap u ij@(i,j) =
let sw :: Nominal a => a -> a
sw u = swap u ij
in case u of
- VU -> VU
- Ter t e -> Ter t (sw e)
- VPi a f -> VPi (sw a) (sw f)
- VComp a v ts -> VComp (sw a) (sw v) (sw ts)
- VIdP a u v -> VIdP (sw a) (sw u) (sw v)
- VPath k v -> VPath (swapName k ij) (sw v)
- VTrans u v -> VTrans (sw u) (sw v)
- VSigma a f -> VSigma (sw a) (sw f)
- VPair u v -> VPair (sw u) (sw v)
- VFst u -> VFst (sw u)
- VSnd u -> VSnd (sw u)
- VCon c vs -> VCon c (sw vs)
- VPCon c a vs phis -> VPCon c (sw a) (sw vs) (sw phis)
- VVar x v -> VVar x (sw v)
- VAppFormula u psi -> VAppFormula (sw u) (sw psi)
- VApp u v -> VApp (sw u) (sw v)
- VLam x u v -> VLam x (sw u) (sw v)
- VSplit u v -> VSplit (sw u) (sw v)
- VGlue a ts -> VGlue (sw a) (sw ts)
- VGlueElem a ts -> VGlueElem (sw a) (sw ts)
- VCompElem a es u us -> VCompElem (sw a) (sw es) (sw u) (sw us)
- VElimComp a es u -> VElimComp (sw a) (sw es) (sw u)
+ VU -> VU
+ Ter t e -> Ter t (sw e)
+ VPi a f -> VPi (sw a) (sw f)
+ VComp a v ts -> VComp (sw a) (sw v) (sw ts)
+ VIdP a u v -> VIdP (sw a) (sw u) (sw v)
+ VPath k v -> VPath (swapName k ij) (sw v)
+ VTrans u v -> VTrans (sw u) (sw v)
+ VSigma a f -> VSigma (sw a) (sw f)
+ VPair u v -> VPair (sw u) (sw v)
+ VFst u -> VFst (sw u)
+ VSnd u -> VSnd (sw u)
+ VCon c vs -> VCon c (sw vs)
+ VPCon c a vs phis -> VPCon c (sw a) (sw vs) (sw phis)
+ VVar x v -> VVar x (sw v)
+ VAppFormula u psi -> VAppFormula (sw u) (sw psi)
+ VApp u v -> VApp (sw u) (sw v)
+ VLam x u v -> VLam x (sw u) (sw v)
+ VSplit u v -> VSplit (sw u) (sw v)
+ VGlue a ts -> VGlue (sw a) (sw ts)
+ VGlueElem a ts -> VGlueElem (sw a) (sw ts)
+ VGlueLine a phi psi -> VGlueLine (sw a) (sw phi) (sw psi)
+ VGlueLineElem a phi psi -> VGlueLineElem (sw a) (sw phi) (sw psi)
+ VCompElem a es u us -> VCompElem (sw a) (sw es) (sw u) (sw us)
+ VElimComp a es u -> VElimComp (sw a) (sw es) (sw u)
-- The evaluator
Comp a t0 ts -> compLine (eval rho a) (eval rho t0) (evalSystem rho ts)
Glue a ts -> glue (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho ts)
GlueElem a ts -> glueElem (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho ts)
+ GlueLine a phi psi ->
+ glueLine (eval rho a) (evalFormula rho phi) (evalFormula rho psi)
+ GlueLineElem a phi psi ->
+ glueLineElem (eval rho a) (evalFormula rho phi) (evalFormula rho psi)
CompElem a es u us -> compElem (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho es) (eval rho u)
(evalSystem rho us)
ElimComp a es u -> elimComp (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho es) (eval rho u)
_ | isNeutral w -> w
where w = VTrans (VPath i v0) v1
(VGlue a ts,_) -> transGlue i a ts v1
+ (VGlueLine a phi psi,_) -> transGlueLine i a phi psi v1
(VComp VU a es,_) -> transU i a es v1
(Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env,VComp b w ws) -> comp k v01 (trans i v0 w) ws'
where v01 = v0 `face` (i ~> 1) -- b is vi0 and independent of j
ts' = mapWithKey (\alpha -> squeeze i (a `face` alpha)) ts
genCompNeg i a u ts = genComp i (a `sym` i) u (ts `sym` i)
+fillLine :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+fillLine a u ts = VPath i $ fill i a u ( (@@ i) ts)
+ where i = fresh (a,u,ts)
fill, fillNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
fill i a u ts = comp j a u (ts `conj` (i,j))
where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u,ts)
where w = VComp a u ( (VPath i) ts)
VComp VU a es -> compU i a es u ts
VGlue b hisos -> compGlue i b hisos u ts
+ VGlueLine b phi psi -> compGlueLine i b phi psi u ts
Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env -> case u of
VCon n us -> case lookupLabel n nass of
Just as ->
-- outputs u s.t. border u = us and an L-path between v and sigma u
-- an theta is a L path if L-border theta is constant
gradLemma :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
-gradLemma b hiso@(VPair a (VPair f (VPair g (VPair s t)))) us v = (u, VPath i theta'')
+gradLemma b hiso@(VPair a (VPair f (VPair g (VPair s t)))) us v =
+ (u, VPath i theta'')
where i:j:_ = freshs (a,hiso,us,v)
us' = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ i) us
theta'' = comp j b (app f theta') xs
+-- | GlueLine
+glueLine :: Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val
+glueLine t _ (Dir Zero) = t
+glueLine t (Dir _) _ = t
+glueLine t phi (Dir One) = glue t isos
+ where isos = mkSystem (map (\alpha -> (alpha,idIso (t `face` alpha)))
+ (invFormula phi Zero))
+glueLine t phi psi = VGlueLine t phi psi
+idIso :: Val -> Val
+idIso a = VPair a $ VPair idV $ VPair idV $ VPair refl refl
+ where idV = Ter (Lam "x" (Var "A") (Var "x")) (Upd Empty ("A",a))
+ refl = Ter (Lam "x" (Var "A") (Path (Name "i") (Var "x")))
+ (Upd Empty ("A",a))
+glueLineElem :: Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val
+glueLineElem u (Dir _) _ = u
+glueLineElem u _ (Dir Zero) = u
+glueLineElem u phi (Dir One) = glueElem u ss
+ where ss = mkSystem (map (\alpha -> (alpha,u `face` alpha))
+ (invFormula phi Zero))
+glueLineElem u phi psi = VGlueLineElem u phi psi
+unGlueLine :: Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val -> Val
+unGlueLine b phi psi u = case (phi,psi,u) of
+ (Dir _,_,_) -> u
+ (_,Dir Zero,_) -> u
+ (_,Dir One,_) ->
+ let isos = mkSystem (map (\alpha -> (alpha,idIso (b `face` alpha)))
+ (invFormula phi Zero))
+ in unGlue isos u
+ (_,_,VGlueLineElem w _ _ ) -> w
+ (_,_,_) -> error ("UnGlueLine, should be VGlueLineElem " ++ show u)
+compGlueLine :: Name -> Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+compGlueLine i b phi psi u us = glueLineElem vm phi psi
+ where fs = invFormula psi One
+ ws = Map.mapWithKey
+ (\alpha -> unGlueLine (b `face` alpha)
+ (phi `face` alpha) (psi `face` alpha)) us
+ w = unGlueLine b phi psi u
+ v = comp i b w ws
+ lss = mkSystem $ map
+ (\alpha ->
+ (alpha,(face phi alpha,face b alpha,
+ face us alpha,face u alpha))) fs
+ ls = Map.mapWithKey (\alpha vAlpha ->
+ auxGlueLine i vAlpha (v `face` alpha)) lss
+ vm = compLine b v ls
+auxGlueLine :: Name -> (Formula,Val,System Val,Val) -> Val -> Val
+auxGlueLine i (Dir _,b,ws,wi0) vi1 = VPath j vi1 where j = fresh vi1
+auxGlueLine i (phi,b,ws,wi0) vi1 = fillLine b vi1 ls'
+ where hisos = mkSystem (map (\alpha ->
+ (alpha,idIso (b `face` alpha))) (invFormula phi Zero))
+ vs = Map.mapWithKey (\alpha -> unGlue (hisos `face` alpha)) ws
+ vi0 = unGlue hisos wi0 -- in b
+ v = fill i b vi0 vs -- in b
+ us' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+ fill i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma)
+ (ws `face` gamma))
+ hisos
+ ls' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+ pathComp i (b `face` gamma) (v `face` gamma)
+ (us' ! gamma) (vs `face` gamma))
+ hisos
+transGlueLine :: Name -> Val -> Formula -> Formula -> Val -> Val
+transGlueLine i b phi psi u = glueLineElem vm phii1 psii1
+ where fs = filter (i `Map.notMember`) (invFormula psi One)
+ phii1 = phi `face` (i ~> 1)
+ psii1 = psi `face` (i ~> 1)
+ phii0 = phi `face` (i ~> 0)
+ psii0 = psi `face` (i ~> 0)
+ bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
+ bi0 = b `face` (i ~> 0)
+ lss = mkSystem (map (\ alpha ->
+ (alpha,(face phi alpha,face b alpha,face u alpha))) fs)
+ ls = Map.mapWithKey (\alpha vAlpha ->
+ auxTransGlueLine i vAlpha (v `face` alpha)) lss
+ v = trans i b w
+ w = unGlueLine bi0 phii0 psii0 u
+ vm = compLine bi1 v ls
+auxTransGlueLine :: Name -> (Formula,Val,Val) -> Val -> Val
+auxTransGlueLine i (Dir _,b,wi0) vi1 = VPath j vi1 where j = fresh vi1
+auxTransGlueLine i (phi,b,wi0) vi1 = fillLine (b `face` (i ~> 1)) vi1 ls'
+ where hisos = mkSystem (map (\ alpha ->
+ (alpha,idIso (b `face` alpha))) (invFormula phi Zero))
+ vi0 = unGlue (hisos `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in b(i0)
+ v = transFill i b vi0 -- in b
+ -- set of elements in hisos independent of i
+ hisos' = Map.filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) hisos
+ us' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+ transFill i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma))
+ hisos'
+ ls' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+ VPath i $ squeeze i (b `face` gamma) (us' ! gamma))
+ hisos'
-- | Composition in the Universe