free <- relocate 1 8
updateReferences 1 free
-move :: Int -> Int -> GcM ()
-move from to = do
- s@GCState{heap} <- get
- let obj = heap ! from
- put $ s { heap = heap // [ (to, obj), (from, Nothing) ] }
+move :: Int -> Int -> Heap -> Heap
+move from to h =
+ let obj = h ! from
+ in h // [ (to, obj) ]
-- slotSize == 1
relocate :: Int -> Int -> GcM Int
gc <- get
let bm = bitmap gc
let indicesToUnmark = fmap fst $ takeWhile (\(_, marked) -> marked) $ sortBy (flip compare `on` Down . fst) $ assocs bm
- free' = if indicesToUnmark == [] then free else maximum indicesToUnmark
+ free' = if indicesToUnmark == [] then 1 + free else 1 + maximum indicesToUnmark
bm' = bm // [(i, False) | i <- indicesToUnmark]
- put $ gc { bitmap = traceShow (free', indicesToUnmark) bm', heap = heap gc // [(i, Nothing) | (i, x) <- assocs bm, x == False] }
- findIndexStep (_, marked) idx
- | not marked && idx > free' = idx - 1
- | otherwise = idx
- scan' = traceShowId $ foldr findIndexStep scan $ traceShowId $ take scan $ sortBy (flip compare `on` Down . fst) $ assocs bm'
+ findIndexStep (_, marked) acc@(found, idx)
+ | found = acc
+ | not marked && idx > free' = (False, idx - 1)
+ | otherwise = (True, idx)
+ scan' = snd $ foldr findIndexStep (False, scan) $ take scan $ sortBy (flip compare `on` Down . fst) $ assocs bm'
- if scan' > free' then do
- put $ gc { bitmap = bm' // [(scan', False)]}
+ let newH = if indicesToUnmark == [] then heap gc else heap gc // [(i, Nothing) | (i, x) <- assocs bm, x == False]
+ put $ gc { bitmap = bm' -- traceShow ("updating bitmap", free', indicesToUnmark, newH, bm') bm'
+ , heap = newH }
- move scan' free'
+ if (scan' > free') then do
- let obj = (heap gc) ! scan'
- put $ gc { heap = heap gc // [ (scan', (\o -> o { forwardAddress = Just free' } ) <$> obj ) ] }
+ let newHeap = move scan' free' newH
+ let obj = newHeap ! scan'
+ let newnewHeap = newHeap // [ (scan', (\o -> o { forwardAddress = Just free' } ) <$> obj ) ]
+ put $ gc { bitmap = bm' // [(scan', False)], heap = newnewHeap }
go (free' + 1) (scan' - 1)
else go free' scan'
- | otherwise = pure free
+ | otherwise = do
+ GCState{heap, bitmap} <- get
+ pure free -- traceShow (" leaving", free, scan, heap, bitmap) free
-- slotSize == 1
updateReferences :: Int -> Int -> GcM ()
step NullPtr = NullPtr
step ptr@(ObjectPtr p) =
- let newPtr = forwardAddress <$> heap ! p
+ let newPtr = forwardAddress <$> (heap ! p)
in case newPtr of
Just (Just newPtr') | p >= end -> ObjectPtr newPtr'
_ -> ptr
- put $ s { roots = fmap step roots }
updateStep (scan, res) item
| scan < end, Just obj <- item = (scan + 1, (scan, Just $ obj { fields = fmap step $ fields obj }) : res)
| otherwise = (scan + 1, res)
- put $ s { heap = heap // (snd $ foldl updateStep (start, []) heap) }
+ put $ s { roots = fmap step roots, heap = heap // (snd $ foldl updateStep (start, []) heap) }
main :: IO ()
main = do
ptr2' <- new (IntVal 2)
+ writeToRoots 2 ptr2'
- return [ptr, ptr2, ptr2']
- print res
+ return [ptr, ptr2]
+ putStrLn $ "RESULT:" ++ (show $ snd res)