Path i t -> let j = fresh rho
in VPath j (eval (sub (i,Atom j) rho) t)
AppFormula e phi -> eval rho e @@ evalFormula rho phi
- Comp a t0 ts -> compLine (eval rho a) (eval rho t0) (evalSystem rho ts)
- Fill a t0 ts -> fillLine (eval rho a) (eval rho t0) (evalSystem rho ts)
+ Comp a t0 ts ->
+ compLine (eval rho a) (eval rho t0) (evalSystem rho ts)
+ Fill a t0 ts ->
+ fillLine (eval rho a) (eval rho t0) (evalSystem rho ts)
Glue a ts -> glue (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho ts)
GlueElem a ts -> glueElem (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho ts)
_ -> error $ "Cannot evaluate " ++ show v
v @@ phi | isNeutral v = case (inferType v,toFormula phi) of
(VIdP _ a0 _,Dir 0) -> a0
(VIdP _ _ a1,Dir 1) -> a1
- _ -> VAppFormula v (toFormula phi)
+ _ -> VAppFormula v (toFormula phi)
v @@ phi = error $ "(@@): " ++ show v ++ " should be neutral."
ui1 = comp i a u1 t1s
comp_u2 = comp i (app f fill_u1) u2 t2s
VPi{} -> VComp (VPath i a) u ( (VPath i) ts)
- VU -> glue u ( (eqToEquiv . VPath i) ts)
+ VU -> glue u ( (eqToEquiv . VPath i) ts)
VGlue b equivs -> compGlue i b equivs u ts
Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env -> case u of
VCon n us | all isCon (elems ts) -> case lookupLabel n nass of
--- | Glue
+-- | Glueing
-- An equivalence for a type b is a four-tuple (a,f,s,t) where
-- a : U
-- f : a -> b
t = Ter (Lam "y" ev0 $ Lam "w" fibtype $ Path i $
Pair (psi' (NegAtom i)) (Path j t2inv)) eenv
-- | Conversion
class Normal a where
normal :: [String] -> a -> a
--- Does neither normalize formulas nor environments.
instance Normal Val where
normal ns v = case v of
VU -> VU
- Ter (Lam x t u) e -> let w = eval e t
- v@(VVar n _) = mkVarNice ns x w
- in VLam n (normal ns w) $ normal (n:ns) (eval (upd (x,v) e) u)
+ Ter (Lam x t u) e ->
+ let w = eval e t
+ v@(VVar n _) = mkVarNice ns x w
+ in VLam n (normal ns w) $ normal (n:ns) (eval (upd (x,v) e) u)
Ter t e -> Ter t (normal ns e)
VPi u v -> VPi (normal ns u) (normal ns v)
VSigma u v -> VSigma (normal ns u) (normal ns v)
VIdP a u0 u1 -> VIdP (normal ns a) (normal ns u0) (normal ns u1)
VPath i u -> VPath i (normal ns u)
VComp u v vs -> compLine (normal ns u) (normal ns v) (normal ns vs)
+ VHComp u v vs -> hComp (normal ns u) (normal ns v) (normal ns vs)
VGlue u equivs -> glue (normal ns u) (normal ns equivs)
VGlueElem u us -> glueElem (normal ns u) (normal ns us)
VUnGlueElem u b hs -> unGlue (normal ns u) (normal ns b) (normal ns hs)