-- Kan Composition
| Comp Ter Ter (System Ter)
| Trans Ter Ter
+ -- Composition in the Universe
+ | CompElem Ter (System Ter) Ter (System Ter)
+ | ElimComp Ter (System Ter) Ter
-- Glue
| Glue Ter (System Ter)
| GlueElem Ter (System Ter)
| VGlue Val (System Val)
| VGlueElem Val (System Val)
+ -- Universe Composition Values
+ | VCompElem Val (System Val) Val (System Val)
+ | VElimComp Val (System Val) Val
-- Neutral values:
| VVar Ident Val
| VFst Val
isNeutral :: Val -> Bool
isNeutral v = case v of
- VVar _ _ -> True
- VFst v -> isNeutral v
- VSnd v -> isNeutral v
- VSplit _ v -> isNeutral v
- VApp v _ -> isNeutral v
- VAppFormula v _ -> isNeutral v
- VComp a u ts -> isNeutralComp a u ts
- VTrans a u -> isNeutralTrans a u -- isNeutral a || isNeutralComp (a @@ 0) u Map.empty
- _ -> False
+ VVar _ _ -> True
+ VFst v -> isNeutral v
+ VSnd v -> isNeutral v
+ VSplit _ v -> isNeutral v
+ VApp v _ -> isNeutral v
+ VAppFormula v _ -> isNeutral v
+ VComp a u ts -> isNeutralComp a u ts
+ VTrans a u -> isNeutralTrans a u
+ VCompElem _ _ u _ -> isNeutral u
+ VElimComp _ _ u -> isNeutral u
+ _ -> False
isNeutralSystem :: System Val -> Bool
isNeutralSystem = any isNeutral . Map.elems
showTer :: Ter -> Doc
showTer v = case v of
- U -> char 'U'
- App e0 e1 -> showTer e0 <+> showTer1 e1
- Pi e0 -> text "Pi" <+> showTer e0
- Lam x t e -> char '\\' <> text x <+> text "->" <+> showTer e
- Fst e -> showTer e <> text ".1"
- Snd e -> showTer e <> text ".2"
- Sigma e0 -> text "Sigma" <+> showTer e0
- Pair e0 e1 -> parens (showTer1 e0 <> comma <> showTer1 e1)
- Where e d -> showTer e <+> text "where" <+> showDecls d
- Var x -> text x
- Con c es -> text c <+> showTers es
- Split l _ _ -> text "split" <+> showLoc l
- Sum _ n _ -> text "sum" <+> text n
- Undef _ -> text "undefined"
- IdP e0 e1 e2 -> text "IdP" <+> showTers [e0,e1,e2]
- Path i e -> char '<' <> text (show i) <> char '>' <+> showTer e
- AppFormula e phi -> showTer1 e <+> char '@' <+> showFormula phi
- Comp e0 e1 es -> text "comp" <+> showTers [e0,e1] <+> text (showSystem es)
- Trans e0 e1 -> text "transport" <+> showTers [e0,e1]
- Glue a ts -> text "glue" <+> showTer a <+> text (showSystem ts)
- GlueElem a ts -> text "glueElem" <+> showTer a <+> text (showSystem ts)
+ U -> char 'U'
+ App e0 e1 -> showTer e0 <+> showTer1 e1
+ Pi e0 -> text "Pi" <+> showTer e0
+ Lam x t e -> char '\\' <> text x <+> text "->" <+> showTer e
+ Fst e -> showTer e <> text ".1"
+ Snd e -> showTer e <> text ".2"
+ Sigma e0 -> text "Sigma" <+> showTer e0
+ Pair e0 e1 -> parens (showTer1 e0 <> comma <> showTer1 e1)
+ Where e d -> showTer e <+> text "where" <+> showDecls d
+ Var x -> text x
+ Con c es -> text c <+> showTers es
+ Split l _ _ -> text "split" <+> showLoc l
+ Sum _ n _ -> text "sum" <+> text n
+ Undef _ -> text "undefined"
+ IdP e0 e1 e2 -> text "IdP" <+> showTers [e0,e1,e2]
+ Path i e -> char '<' <> text (show i) <> char '>' <+> showTer e
+ AppFormula e phi -> showTer1 e <+> char '@' <+> showFormula phi
+ Comp e0 e1 es -> text "comp" <+> showTers [e0,e1]
+ <+> text (showSystem es)
+ Trans e0 e1 -> text "transport" <+> showTers [e0,e1]
+ Glue a ts -> text "glue" <+> showTer1 a <+> text (showSystem ts)
+ GlueElem a ts -> text "glueElem" <+> showTer1 a <+> text (showSystem ts)
+ CompElem a es t ts -> text "compElem" <+> showTer1 a <+> text (showSystem es)
+ <+> showTer1 t <+> text (showSystem ts)
+ ElimComp a es t -> text "elimComp" <+> showTer1 a <+> text (showSystem es)
+ <+> showTer1 t
showTers :: [Ter] -> Doc
showTers = hsep . map showTer1
VAppFormula v phi -> showVal1 v <+> char '@' <+> showFormula phi
VComp v0 v1 vs -> text "comp" <+> showVals [v0,v1] <+> text (showSystem vs)
VTrans v0 v1 -> text "trans" <+> showVals [v0,v1]
- VGlue a ts -> text "glue" <+> showVal a <+> text (showSystem ts)
- VGlueElem a ts -> text "glueElem" <+> showVal a <+> text (showSystem ts)
+ VGlue a ts -> text "glue" <+> showVal1 a <+> text (showSystem ts)
+ VGlueElem a ts -> text "glueElem" <+> showVal1 a <+> text (showSystem ts)
+ VCompElem a es t ts -> text "compElem" <+> showVal1 a <+> text (showSystem es)
+ <+> showVal1 t <+> text (showSystem ts)
+ VElimComp a es t -> text "elimComp" <+> showVal1 a <+> text (showSystem es)
+ <+> showVal1 t
showVal1 v = case v of
VU -> char 'U'
VCon c [] -> text c
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Map (Map,(!),mapWithKey,assocs,filterWithKey
- ,elems,intersectionWith,keys)
+ ,elems,intersectionWith,intersection,keys)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Debug.Trace
import Connections
import CTT
swap e ij = mapEnv (`swap` ij) (`swap` ij) e
instance Nominal Val where
- support VU = []
- support (Ter _ e) = support e
- support (VPi v1 v2) = support [v1,v2]
- support (VComp a u ts) = support (a,u,ts)
- support (VIdP a v0 v1) = support [a,v0,v1]
- support (VPath i v) = i `delete` support v
- support (VTrans u v) = support (u,v)
- support (VSigma u v) = support (u,v)
- support (VPair u v) = support (u,v)
- support (VFst u) = support u
- support (VSnd u) = support u
- support (VCon _ vs) = support vs
- support (VVar _ v) = support v
- support (VApp u v) = support (u,v)
- support (VAppFormula u phi) = support (u,phi)
- support (VSplit u v) = support (u,v)
- support (VGlue a ts) = support (a,ts)
- support (VGlueElem a ts) = support (a,ts)
+ support VU = []
+ support (Ter _ e) = support e
+ support (VPi v1 v2) = support [v1,v2]
+ support (VComp a u ts) = support (a,u,ts)
+ support (VIdP a v0 v1) = support [a,v0,v1]
+ support (VPath i v) = i `delete` support v
+ support (VTrans u v) = support (u,v)
+ support (VSigma u v) = support (u,v)
+ support (VPair u v) = support (u,v)
+ support (VFst u) = support u
+ support (VSnd u) = support u
+ support (VCon _ vs) = support vs
+ support (VVar _ v) = support v
+ support (VApp u v) = support (u,v)
+ support (VAppFormula u phi) = support (u,phi)
+ support (VSplit u v) = support (u,v)
+ support (VGlue a ts) = support (a,ts)
+ support (VGlueElem a ts) = support (a,ts)
+ support (VCompElem a es u us) = support (a,es,u,us)
+ support (VElimComp a es u) = support (a,es,u)
act u (i, phi) =
let acti :: Nominal a => a -> a
VSplit u v -> app (acti u) (acti v)
VGlue a ts -> glue (acti a) (acti ts)
VGlueElem a ts -> glueElem (acti a) (acti ts)
+ VCompElem a es u us -> compElem (acti a) (acti es) (acti u) (acti us)
+ VElimComp a es u -> elimComp (acti a) (acti es) (acti u)
-- This increases efficiency as it won't trigger computation.
swap u ij@ (i,j) =
let sw :: Nominal a => a -> a
sw u = swap u ij
in case u of
- VU -> VU
- Ter t e -> Ter t (sw e)
- VPi a f -> VPi (sw a) (sw f)
+ VU -> VU
+ Ter t e -> Ter t (sw e)
+ VPi a f -> VPi (sw a) (sw f)
VComp a v ts -> VComp (sw a) (sw v) (sw ts)
- VIdP a u v -> VIdP (sw a) (sw u) (sw v)
- VPath k v -> VPath (swapName k ij) (sw v)
- VTrans u v -> VTrans (sw u) (sw v)
- VSigma a f -> VSigma (sw a) (sw f)
- VPair u v -> VPair (sw u) (sw v)
- VFst u -> VFst (sw u)
- VSnd u -> VSnd (sw u)
- VCon c vs -> VCon c (sw vs)
- VVar x v -> VVar x (sw v)
- VAppFormula u psi -> VAppFormula (sw u) (sw psi)
- VApp u v -> VApp (sw u) (sw v)
- VSplit u v -> VSplit (sw u) (sw v)
- VGlue a ts -> VGlue (sw a) (sw ts)
- VGlueElem a ts -> VGlueElem (sw a) (sw ts)
+ VIdP a u v -> VIdP (sw a) (sw u) (sw v)
+ VPath k v -> VPath (swapName k ij) (sw v)
+ VTrans u v -> VTrans (sw u) (sw v)
+ VSigma a f -> VSigma (sw a) (sw f)
+ VPair u v -> VPair (sw u) (sw v)
+ VFst u -> VFst (sw u)
+ VSnd u -> VSnd (sw u)
+ VCon c vs -> VCon c (sw vs)
+ VVar x v -> VVar x (sw v)
+ VAppFormula u psi -> VAppFormula (sw u) (sw psi)
+ VApp u v -> VApp (sw u) (sw v)
+ VSplit u v -> VSplit (sw u) (sw v)
+ VGlue a ts -> VGlue (sw a) (sw ts)
+ VGlueElem a ts -> VGlueElem (sw a) (sw ts)
+ VCompElem a es u us -> VCompElem (sw a) (sw es) (sw u) (sw us)
+ VElimComp a es u -> VElimComp (sw a) (sw es) (sw u)
-- The evaluator
Comp a t0 ts -> compLine (eval rho a) (eval rho t0) (evalSystem rho ts)
Glue a ts -> glue (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho ts)
GlueElem a ts -> glueElem (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho ts)
+ CompElem a es u us -> compElem (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho es) (eval rho u)
+ (evalSystem rho us)
+ ElimComp a es u -> elimComp (eval rho a) (evalSystem rho es) (eval rho u)
evalFormula :: Env -> Formula -> Formula
evalFormula rho phi = case phi of
transLine u v = trans i (u @@ i) v
where i = fresh (u,v)
-trans, transNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
+transNegLine :: Val -> Val -> Val
+transNegLine u v = transNeg i (u @@ i) v
+ where i = fresh (u,v)
+trans :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
trans i v0 v1 = case (v0,v1) of
(VIdP a u v,w) ->
let j = fresh (Atom i, v0, w)
Just as -> VCon n $ transps i as env us
Nothing -> error $ "comp: missing constructor in labelled sum " ++ n ++ " v0 = " ++ show v0
_ | isNeutral v0 || isNeutral v1 -> VTrans (VPath i v0) v1
- (VGlue a ts,_) -> transGlue i a ts v1
+ (VGlue a ts,_) -> transGlue i a ts v1
+ (VComp VU a es,_) -> transU i a es v1
_ | otherwise -> error "trans not implemented"
+transNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
transNeg i a u = trans i (a `sym` i) u
transFill, transFillNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-- i is independent of a and u
comp :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+comp i a u ts | trace ("comp: \n a = " ++ show a
+ ++ "\n u = " ++ show u
+ ++ "\n ts = " ++ show ts
+ ++ "\n support ts = " ++ show (support ts))
+ False = undefined
comp i a u ts | eps `Map.member` ts = (ts ! eps) `face` (i ~> 1)
comp i a u ts | i `notElem` support ts = u
comp i a u ts | not (Map.null indep) = comp i a u ts'
_ | isNeutral a || isNeutralSystem ts || isNeutral u ->
VComp a u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
VGlue b hisos -> compGlue i b hisos u ts
+ VComp VU a es -> compU i a es u ts
Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env -> case u of
VCon n us -> case lookup n nass of
Just as -> VCon n $ comps i as env tsus
Nothing -> error $ "comp: missing constructor in labelled sum " ++ n
_ -> error "comp ter sum"
compNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
compNeg i a u ts = comp i a u (ts `sym` i)
+-- fills :: Name -> [(Ident,Ter)] -> Env -> [(System Val,Val)] -> [Val]
+-- fills i [] _ [] = []
+-- fills i ((x,a):as) e ((ts,u):tsus) =
+-- let v = genFill i (eval e a) ts u
+-- vs = fills i as (Upd e (x,v)) tsus
+-- in v : vs
+-- fills _ _ _ _ = error "fills: different lengths of types and values"
+-- | Glue
+-- An hiso for a type b is a five-tuple: (a,f,g,r,s) where
+-- a : U
+-- f : a -> b
+-- g : b -> a
+-- s : forall (y : b), f (g y) = y
+-- t : forall (x : a), g (f x) = x
+hisoDom :: Val -> Val
+hisoDom (VPair a _) = a
+hisoDom x = error $ "HisoDom: Not an hiso: " ++ show x
+hisoFun :: Val -> Val
+hisoFun (VPair _ (VPair f _)) = f
+hisoFun x = error $ "HisoFun: Not an hiso: " ++ show x
+glue :: Val -> System Val -> Val
+glue b ts | Map.null ts = b
+ | eps `Map.member` ts = hisoDom (ts ! eps)
+ | otherwise = VGlue b ts
+glueElem :: Val -> System Val -> Val
+glueElem v us | Map.null us = v
+ | eps `Map.member` us = us ! eps
+ | otherwise = VGlueElem v us
unGlue :: System Val -> Val -> Val
unGlue hisos w
| Map.null hisos = w
--- fills :: Name -> [(Ident,Ter)] -> Env -> [(System Val,Val)] -> [Val]
--- fills i [] _ [] = []
--- fills i ((x,a):as) e ((ts,u):tsus) =
--- let v = genFill i (eval e a) ts u
--- vs = fills i as (Upd e (x,v)) tsus
--- in v : vs
--- fills _ _ _ _ = error "fills: different lengths of types and values"
--- | Glue
--- An hiso for a type b is a five-tuple: (a,f,g,r,s) where
--- a : U
--- f : a -> b
--- g : b -> a
--- s : forall (y : b), f (g y) = y
--- t : forall (x : a), g (f x) = x
-hisoDom :: Val -> Val
-hisoDom (VPair a _) = a
-hisoDom x = error $ "HisoDom: Not an hiso: " ++ show x
-hisoFun :: Val -> Val
-hisoFun (VPair _ (VPair f _)) = f
-hisoFun x = error $ "HisoFun: Not an hiso: " ++ show x
+-- | Composition in the Universe
+compElem :: Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+compElem a es u us | Map.null es = u
+ | eps `Map.member` us = us ! eps
+ | otherwise = VCompElem a es u us
+elimComp ::Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
+elimComp a es u | Map.null es = u
+ | eps `Map.member` es = transNegLine (es ! eps) u
+ | otherwise = VElimComp a es u
+--compU i (Kan j VU ejs b) ws wi0 =
+compU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+compU i a es w0 ws =
+ let unkan alpha = elimComp (a `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)
+ vs = mapWithKey unkan ws
+ v0 = elimComp a es w0 -- in a
+ v1 = comp i a v0 vs -- in a
+ us1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+ comp i (eGamma @@ Zero) (w0 `face` gamma)
+ (ws `face` gamma)) es
+ ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ -> pathUniv i (es `proj` gamma)
+ (ws `face` gamma) (w0 `face` gamma))
+ es
+ v1' = compLine a v1 ls'
+ in compElem a es v1' us1'
+transU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
+transU i a es wi0 =
+ let unkan alpha = elimComp (a `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)
+ vi0 = unkan (i ~> 0) wi0 -- in a(i0)
+ vi1 = trans i a vi0 -- in a(i1)
+ ai1 = a `face` (i ~> 1)
+ esi1 = es `face` (i ~> 1)
+ -- {(gamma, sigma gamma (i1)) | gamma elem es}
+ es'' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> alpha `Map.notMember` es) esi1
+ -- set of elements in es independent of i
+ es' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) es
+ usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+ trans i (eGamma @@ Zero) (wi0 `face` gamma)) es'
+ ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+ pathUniv i (es `proj` gamma) Map.empty (wi0 `face` gamma))
+ es'
+ vi1' = compLine ai1 vi1 ls'
+ uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ -> -- TODO: proj or "!" ?
+ -- eqLemma (es `proj` (gamma `meet` (i ~> 1)))
+ eqLemma (es ! (gamma `meet` (i ~> 1)))
+ (usi1' `face` gamma) (vi1' `face` gamma)) es''
+ vi1'' = compLine ai1 vi1' (Map.map snd uls'')
+ usi1 = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+ if gamma `Map.member` usi1' then usi1' ! gamma
+ else fst (uls'' ! gamma)) esi1
+ in compElem ai1 esi1 vi1'' usi1
+-- Computes a homotopy between the image of the composition, and the
+-- composition of the image. Given e (an equality in U), an L-system
+-- us (in e0) and ui0 (in e0 (i0)) The output is an L(i1)-path in
+-- e1(i1) between vi1 and sigma (i1) ui1 where
+-- sigma = appEq
+-- ui1 = comp i (e 0) us ui0
+-- vi1 = comp i (e 1) (sigma us) (sigma(i0) ui0)
+-- Moreover, if e is constant, so is the output.
+-- TODO: adapt?
+pathUniv :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
+pathUniv i e us ui0 = VPath k xi1
+ where j:k:_ = freshs (Atom i,e,us,ui0)
+ ej = e @@ j
+ ui1 = genComp i (e @@ Zero) ui0 us
+ ws = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ transFill j (ej `face` alpha) uAlpha)
+ us
+ wi0 = transFill j (ej `face` (i ~> 0)) ui0
+ wi1 = genComp i ej wi0 ws
+ wi1' = transFill j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
+ xi1 = genComp j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
+ (mkSystem [(k ~> 1, wi1'), (k ~> 0, wi1)])
+-- Any equality defines an equivalence.
+eqLemma :: Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
+eqLemma e ts a = (t,VPath j theta'')
+ where i:j:_ = freshs (e,ts,a)
+ ei = e @@ i
+ vs = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ transFill i (ei `face` alpha) uAlpha) ts
+ theta = genFillNeg i ei a vs
+ t = genCompNeg i ei a vs
+ theta' = transFill i ei t
+ ws = insertSystem (j ~> 1) theta' $
+ insertSystem (j ~> 0) theta $ vs
+ theta'' = genComp i ei t ws
-glue :: Val -> System Val -> Val
-glue b ts | Map.null ts = b
- | eps `Map.member` ts = hisoDom (ts ! eps)
- | otherwise = VGlue b ts
-glueElem :: Val -> System Val -> Val
-glueElem v us | Map.null us = v
- | eps `Map.member` us = us ! eps
- | otherwise = VGlueElem v us
-- | Conversion
(VComp a u ts,VComp a' u' ts') -> conv k (a,u,ts) (a',u',ts')
(VGlue v hisos,VGlue v' hisos') -> conv k (v,hisos) (v',hisos')
(VGlueElem u us,VGlueElem u' us') -> conv k (u,us) (u',us')
+ (VCompElem a es u us,VCompElem a' es' u' us') ->
+ conv k (a,es,u,us) (a',es',u',us')
+ (VElimComp a es u,VElimComp a' es' u') -> conv k (a,es,u) (a',es',u')
_ -> False
simplify :: Int -> Name -> Val -> Val
VComp a u ts ->
let (ts',indep) = Map.partition (\t -> isIndep k j (t @@ j)) ts
in if Map.null ts' then simplify k j u else VComp a u ts'
+ VCompElem a es u us ->
+ let (es',indep) = Map.partition (\e -> isIndep k j (e @@ j)) es
+ us' = intersection us es'
+ in if Map.null es' then simplify k j u else VCompElem a es' u us'
+ VElimComp a es u ->
+ let (es',indep) = Map.partition (\e -> isIndep k j (e @@ j)) es
+ u' = simplify k j u
+ in if Map.null es' then u' else case u' of
+ VCompElem _ _ w _ -> simplify k j w
+ _ -> VElimComp a es' u'
_ -> v
instance Convertible Env where
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}\r
module TypeChecker where\r
import Data.Either\r
import Data.List\r
import Data.Maybe\r
import Data.Map (Map,(!),mapWithKey,assocs,filterWithKey\r
- ,elems,intersectionWith,keys,intersectionWithKey)\r
+ ,elems,intersectionWith,keys,intersectionWithKey\r
+ ,intersection)\r
import qualified Data.Map as Map\r
import Data.Monoid hiding (Sum)\r
import Control.Monad\r
(a0,a1) <- checkPath (constPath VU) p\r
check a0 t\r
return a1\r
- Comp a t0 ts -> do\r
+ Comp a t0 ps -> do\r
check VU a\r
rho <- asks env\r
let va = eval rho a\r
check va t0\r
- -- check rho alpha |- t_alpha : a alpha\r
- sequence $ elems $\r
- mapWithKey (\alpha talpha ->\r
- local (faceEnv alpha) $ do\r
- rhoAlpha <- asks env\r
- (a0,_) <- checkPath (constPath (va `face` alpha)) talpha\r
- k <- asks index\r
- unless (conv k a0 (eval rhoAlpha t0))\r
- (throwError ("incompatible system with " ++ show t0))\r
- ) ts\r
- -- check that the system is compatible\r
- k <- asks index\r
- unless (isCompSystem k (evalSystem rho ts))\r
- (throwError ("Incompatible system " ++ show ts))\r
+ checkPathSystem t0 va ps\r
+ return va\r
+ CompElem a es u us -> do\r
+ check VU a\r
+ rho <- asks env\r
+ k <- asks index\r
+ let va = eval rho a\r
+ ts <- checkPathSystem a VU es\r
+ let ves = evalSystem rho es\r
+ unless (keys es == keys us)\r
+ (throwError ("Keys don't match in " ++ show es ++ " and " ++ show us))\r
+ check va u\r
+ let vu = eval rho u\r
+ sequence_ $ elems $ intersectionWith check ts us\r
+ let vus = evalSystem rho us\r
+ unless (isCompSystem k vus)\r
+ (throwError ("Incompatible system " ++ show vus))\r
+ sequence_ $ elems $ intersectionWithKey (\alpha eA vuA ->\r
+ unless (conv k (transNegLine eA vuA) (vu `face` alpha))\r
+ (throwError $ "Malformed compElem: " ++ show us)\r
+ ) ves vus\r
+ return $ compLine VU va ves\r
+ ElimComp a es u -> do\r
+ check VU a\r
+ rho <- asks env\r
+ let va = eval rho a\r
+ checkPathSystem a VU es\r
+ let ves = evalSystem rho es\r
+ check (compLine VU va ves) u\r
return va\r
_ -> throwError ("infer " ++ show e)\r
+-- Return system us such that:\r
+-- rhoalpha |- p_alpha : Id (va alpha) (t0 rhoalpha) ualpha\r
+-- Moreover, check that the system ps is compatible.\r
+checkPathSystem :: Ter -> Val -> System Ter -> Typing (System Val)\r
+checkPathSystem t0 va ps = do\r
+ -- TODO: make this nicer!!\r
+ -- Also return the evaluated ps\r
+ k <- asks index\r
+ let alist = Map.toList $ mapWithKey (\alpha pAlpha ->\r
+ local (faceEnv alpha) $ do\r
+ rhoAlpha <- asks env\r
+ (a0,a1) <- checkPath (constPath (va `face` alpha)) pAlpha\r
+ unless (conv k a0 (eval rhoAlpha t0))\r
+ (throwError ("incompatible system with " ++ show t0))\r
+ return a1\r
+ ) ps\r
+ rho <- asks env\r
+ unless (isCompSystem k (evalSystem rho ps))\r
+ (throwError ("Incompatible system " ++ show ps))\r
+ Map.fromList <$> sequence [ (alpha,) <$> t | (alpha,t) <- alist ]\r
+-- checkGlueElem vu ts us = do\r
+-- unless (keys ts == keys us)\r
+-- (throwError ("Keys don't match in " ++ show ts ++ " and " ++ show us))\r
+-- rho <- asks env\r
+-- k <- asks index\r
+-- sequence_ $ elems $ intersectionWithKey\r
+-- (\alpha vt u -> check (hisoDom vt) u) ts us\r
+-- let vus = evalSystem rho us\r
+-- sequence_ $ elems $ intersectionWithKey\r
+-- (\alpha vt vAlpha -> do\r
+-- unless (conv k (app (hisoFun vt) vAlpha) (vu `face` alpha))\r
+-- (throwError $ "Image of glueElem component " ++ show vAlpha ++\r
+-- " doesn't match " ++ show vu)) ts vus\r
+-- unless (isCompSystem k vus)\r
+-- (throwError $ "Incompatible system " ++ show vus)\r
+--inferCompElem :: Ter -> System Ter\r
-- Check that a term is a path and output the source and target\r
checkPath :: Val -> Ter -> Typing (Val,Val)\r
checkPath v (Path i a) = do\r