Left err -> do outputStrLn ("Resolver failed: " ++ err)
loop flags f names tenv
Right body -> do
- x <- liftIO $ TC.runInfer tenv body
- case x of
- Left err -> do outputStrLn ("Could not type-check: " ++ err)
- loop flags f names tenv
- Right _ -> do
- start <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- let e = mod $ E.eval (TC.env tenv) body
- -- Let's not crash if the evaluation raises an error:
- liftIO $ catch (putStrLn (msg ++ show e))
- (\e -> putStrLn ("Exception: " ++
- show (e :: SomeException)))
- stop <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- -- Compute time and print nicely
- let time = diffUTCTime stop start
- secs = read (takeWhile (/='.') (init (show time)))
- rest = read ('0':dropWhile (/='.') (init (show time)))
- mins = secs `quot` 60
- sec = printf "%.3f" (fromInteger (secs `rem` 60) + rest :: Float)
- when (Time `elem` flags) $
- outputStrLn $ "Time: " ++ show mins ++ "m" ++ sec ++ "s"
- -- Only print in seconds:
- -- when (Time `elem` flags) $ outputStrLn $ "Time: " ++ show time
- loop flags f names tenv
+ x <- liftIO $ TC.runInfer tenv body
+ case x of
+ Left err -> do outputStrLn ("Could not type-check: " ++ err)
+ loop flags f names tenv
+ Right _ -> do
+ start <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ let e = mod $ E.eval (TC.env tenv) body
+ -- Let's not crash if the evaluation raises an error:
+ liftIO $ catch (putStrLn (msg ++ show e))
+ (\e -> putStrLn ("Exception: " ++
+ show (e :: SomeException)))
+ stop <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ -- Compute time and print nicely
+ let time = diffUTCTime stop start
+ secs = read (takeWhile (/='.') (init (show time)))
+ rest = read ('0':dropWhile (/='.') (init (show time)))
+ mins = secs `quot` 60
+ sec = printf "%.3f" (fromInteger (secs `rem` 60) + rest :: Float)
+ when (Time `elem` flags) $
+ outputStrLn $ "Time: " ++ show mins ++ "m" ++ sec ++ "s"
+ -- Only print in seconds:
+ -- when (Time `elem` flags) $ outputStrLn $ "Time: " ++ show time
+ loop flags f names tenv
-- (not ok,loaded,already loaded defs) -> to load ->
-- (new not ok, new loaded, new defs)