import Data.Map (Map,(!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Connections
import CTT
VSplit u v -> VSplit (sw u) (sw v)
VGlue a ts -> VGlue (sw a) (sw ts)
VGlueElem a ts -> VGlueElem (sw a) (sw ts)
-- The evaluator
Map.filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> alpha `Map.notMember` hisos) hisosI1
-- set of elements in hisos independent of i
- hisos' = Map.filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) hisos
+ hisos' = Map.filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) hisos
- us' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- transFill i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma))
+ us' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
+ transFill i (hisoDom isoG) (wi0 `face` gamma))
- usi1' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- trans i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma))
+ usi1' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
+ trans i (hisoDom isoG) (wi0 `face` gamma))
ls' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
- pathComp i (hisoDom isoG) (v `face` gamma)
- ((hisoFun isoG) `app` (us' ! gamma)) Map.empty)
+ pathComp i (b `face` gamma) (v `face` gamma)
+ ((hisoFun isoG) `app` (us' ! gamma)) Map.empty)
bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
vi1' = compLine bi1 vi1 ls'
-- outputs u s.t. border u = us and an L-path between v and sigma u
-- an theta is a L path if L-border theta is constant
gradLemma :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
-gradLemma a hiso@(VPair b (VPair f (VPair g (VPair s t)))) us v = (u, VPath i theta'')
+gradLemma b hiso@(VPair a (VPair f (VPair g (VPair s t)))) us v = (u, VPath i theta'')
where i:j:_ = freshs (a,hiso,us,v)
us' = Map.mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ i) us
v = fill i b vi0 vs -- in b
vi1 = comp i b vi0 vs -- in b
- us' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- fill i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
+ us' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
+ fill i (hisoDom isoG) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
- usi1' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- comp i (b `face` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
+ usi1' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
+ comp i (hisoDom isoG) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
ls' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
- pathComp i (hisoDom isoG) (v `face` gamma)
- (hisoFun isoG `app` (us' ! gamma)) (vs `face` gamma))
+ pathComp i isoG (v `face` gamma)
+ (hisoFun isoG `app` (us' ! gamma)) (vs `face` gamma))
vi1' = compLine b vi1 ls'
-- | Glue
--- An hiso for a type a is a five-tuple: (b,f,g,r,s) where
--- b : U
--- f : b -> a
--- g : a -> b
--- s : forall (y : a), f (g y) = y
--- t : forall (x : b), g (f x) = x
+-- An hiso for a type b is a five-tuple: (a,f,g,r,s) where
+-- a : U
+-- f : a -> b
+-- g : b -> a
+-- s : forall (y : b), f (g y) = y
+-- t : forall (x : a), g (f x) = x
hisoDom :: Val -> Val
-hisoDom (VPair b _) = b
+hisoDom (VPair a _) = a
hisoDom x = error $ "HisoDom: Not an hiso: " ++ show x
hisoFun :: Val -> Val
unless (Map.keys ts == Map.keys us)\r
(throwError ("Keys don't match in " ++ show ts ++ " and " ++ show us))\r
rho <- asks env\r
- k <- asks index\r
+ k <- asks index\r
sequence_ $ Map.elems $ Map.intersectionWithKey\r
(\alpha vt u -> check (hisoDom vt) u) ts us\r
- \r
let vus = evalSystem rho us\r
sequence_ $ Map.elems $ Map.intersectionWithKey\r
(\alpha vt vAlpha -> do\r
unless (isCompSystem k (evalSystem rho ts))\r
(throwError ("Incompatible system " ++ show ts))\r
--- An hiso for a type a is a five-tuple: (b,f,g,r,s) where\r
--- b : U\r
--- f : b -> a\r
--- g : a -> b\r
--- s : forall (y : a), f (g y) = y\r
--- t : forall (x : b), g (f x) = x\r
+-- An hiso for a type b is a five-tuple: (a,f,g,r,s) where\r
+-- a : U\r
+-- f : a -> b\r
+-- g : b -> a\r
+-- s : forall (y : b), f (g y) = y\r
+-- t : forall (x : a), g (f x) = x\r
checkIso :: Val -> Ter -> Typing ()\r
-checkIso va (Pair b (Pair f (Pair g (Pair s t)))) = do\r
- check VU b\r
+checkIso vb (Pair a (Pair f (Pair g (Pair s t)))) = do\r
+ check VU a\r
rho <- asks env\r
- let vb = eval rho b\r
- check (mkFun vb va) f\r
- check (mkFun va vb) g\r
+ let va = eval rho a\r
+ check (mkFun va vb) f\r
+ check (mkFun vb va) g\r
let vf = eval rho f\r
vg = eval rho g\r
check (mkSection va vb vf vg) s\r
where rho = Upd (Upd Empty ("a",va)) ("b",vb)\r
mkSection :: Val -> Val -> Val -> Val -> Val\r
-mkSection va _ vf vg =\r
- VPi va (eval rho (Lam "y" a (IdP (Path (Name "_") a) (App f (App g y)) y)))\r
- where [a,y,f,g] = map Var ["a","y","f","g"]\r
- rho = Upd (Upd (Upd Empty ("a",va)) ("f",vf)) ("g",vg)\r
- \r
+mkSection _ vb vf vg =\r
+ VPi vb (eval rho (Lam "y" b (IdP (Path (Name "_") b) (App f (App g y)) y)))\r
+ where [b,y,f,g] = map Var ["b","y","f","g"]\r
+ rho = Upd (Upd (Upd Empty ("b",vb)) ("f",vf)) ("g",vg)\r
checkBranch :: (Tele,Env) -> Val -> Branch -> Typing ()\r
checkBranch (xas,nu) f (c,(xs,e)) = do\r
k <- asks index\r