squeezeHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
squeezeHIT i a@(Ter (HSum _ _ nass) env) u =
let j = fresh (a,u)
- aij = swap a (i,j)
case u of
VCon n us -> case lookupLabel n nass of
VPCon c _ ws0 phis -> case lookupLabel c nass of
Just as -> pcon c (a `face` (i ~> 1)) (squeezes i as env ws0) phis
Nothing -> error $ "squeezeHIT: missing path constructor " ++ c
- VHComp _ v vs ->
- hComp (a `face` (i ~> 1)) (squeezeHIT i a v) $
- mapWithKey (\alpha vAlpha ->
- VPath j $ squeezeHIT j (aij `face` alpha) (vAlpha @@ j)) vs
+ VHComp _ v vs -> hComp (a `face` (i ~> 1)) (squeezeHIT i a v) $
+ mapWithKey
+ (\alpha vAlpha -> case Map.lookup i alpha of
+ Nothing -> VPath j $ squeezeHIT i (a `face` alpha) (vAlpha @@ j)
+ Just Zero -> VPath j $ transpHIT i
+ (a `face` (Map.delete i alpha)) (vAlpha @@ j)
+ Just One -> vAlpha)
+ vs
_ -> error $ "squeezeHIT: neutral " ++ show u
hComp :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val