VCon _ vs -> support vs
VPCon _ a vs phis -> support (a,vs,phis)
VHComp a u ts -> support (a,u,ts)
+ -- VHSqueeze a u phi -> support (a,u,phi)
VVar _ v -> support v
VApp u v -> support (u,v)
VLam _ u v -> support (u,v)
VSnd u -> sndVal (acti u)
VCon c vs -> VCon c (acti vs)
VPCon c a vs phis -> pcon c (acti a) (acti vs) (acti phis)
- VHComp a u us -> VHComp (acti a) (acti u) (acti us)
+ VHComp a u us -> hComp (acti a) (acti u) (acti us)
+ -- VHSqueeze a u phi -> hSqueeze (acti a) (acti u) (acti phi)
VVar x v -> VVar x (acti v)
VAppFormula u psi -> acti u @@ acti psi
VApp u v -> app (acti u) (acti v)
VCon c vs -> VCon c (sw vs)
VPCon c a vs phis -> VPCon c (sw a) (sw vs) (sw phis)
VHComp a u us -> VHComp (sw a) (sw u) (sw us)
+ -- VHSqueeze a u phi -> VHSqueeze (sw a) (sw u) (sw phi)
VVar x v -> VVar x (sw v)
VAppFormula u psi -> VAppFormula (sw u) (sw psi)
VApp u v -> VApp (sw u) (sw v)
(Ter (Split _ _ _ nvs) e,VPCon c _ us phis) -> case lookupBranch c nvs of
Just (PBranch _ xs is t) -> eval (subs (zip is phis) (upds (zip xs us) e)) t
_ -> error $ "app: missing case in split for " ++ c
- (Ter (Split _ _ ty hbr) e,VComp a w ws) -> case eval e ty of
+ (Ter (Split _ _ ty hbr) e,VHComp a w ws) -> case eval e ty of
VPi _ f -> let j = fresh (e,v)
wsj = (@@ j) ws
w' = app u w
ws' = mapWithKey (\alpha -> app (u `face` alpha)) wsj
-- a should be constant
- in comp j (app f (fill j (a @@ j) w wsj)) w' ws'
+ in comp j (app f (fill j a w wsj)) w' ws'
_ -> error $ "app: Split annotation not a Pi type " ++ show u
(Ter Split{} _,_) | isNeutral v -> VSplit u v
-- (Ter Split{} _,VCompElem _ _ w _) -> app u w
-- Given u of type a "squeeze i a u" connects in the direction i
-- trans i a u(i=0) to u(i=1)
squeeze :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-squeeze i a u = comp i a ui0 $ mkSystem [ (j ~> 0, transFill i a ui0)
- , (j ~> 1, u) ]
+squeeze i a u = comp i (a `disj` (i,j)) u $ mkSystem [ (j ~> 1, ui1) ]
where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u)
- ui0 = u `face` (i ~> 0)
+ ui1 = u `face` (i ~> 1)
+squeezeFill :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
+squeezeFill i a u = fill i (a `disj` (i,j)) u $ mkSystem [ (j ~> 1, ui1) ]
+ where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u)
+ ui1 = u `face` (i ~> 1)
+squeezes :: Name -> [(Ident,Ter)] -> Env -> [Val] -> [Val]
+squeezes i [] _ [] = []
+squeezes i ((x,a):as) e (u:us) =
+ let v = squeezeFill i (eval e a) u
+ vi1 = squeeze i (eval e a) u
+ vs = squeezes i as (upd (x,v) e) us
+ in vi1 : vs
+squeezes _ _ _ _ = error "squeezes: different lengths of types and values"
+-- squeezes :: Name -> [(Ident,Ter)] -> Env -> [Val] -> [Val]
+-- squeezes i xas rho us = comps i xas (rho `disj` (i,j))
+-- squeezes i [] _ [] = []
+-- squeezes i ((x,a):as) e (u:us) =
+-- let v = squeeze i (eval e a) u
+-- vs = squeezes i as (upd (x,v) e) us
+-- in v : vs
+-- squeezes _ _ _ _ = error "squeezes: different lengths of types and values"
-- squeezeNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-- squeezeNeg i a u = transNeg j (a `conj` (i,j)) u
-- | HIT
compHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-compHIT = undefined
--- case u of
--- VCon n us -> case lookupLabel n nass of
--- Just as ->
--- if all isCon (elems ts)
--- then let tsus = transposeSystemAndList ( unCon ts) us
--- in VCon n $ comps i as env tsus
--- else VComp (VPath i a) u ( (VPath i) ts)
--- Nothing -> error $ "comp: missing constructor in labelled sum " ++ n
--- VPCon{} -> compHIT i a u ts
--- VComp{} -> VComp (VPath i a) u ( (VPath i) ts)
--- _ -> error $ "comp ter sum" ++ show u
+compHIT i a u us
+ | isNeutral u || isNeutralSystem us =
+ VComp (VPath i a) u ( (VPath i) us)
+ | otherwise =
+ hComp (a `face` (i ~> 1)) (transpHIT i a u) $
+ mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ VPath i $ squeezeHIT i (a `face` alpha) uAlpha) us
transpHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
transpHIT i a u = squeezeHIT i a u `face` (i ~> 0)
--- Given u(i) of type a(i) "squeezeHIT i a u" connects in the direction i
+-- given u(i) of type a(i) "squeezeHIT i a u" connects in the direction i
-- transHIT i a u(i=0) to u(i=1) in a(1)
squeezeHIT :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
-squeezeHIT = undefined
+squeezeHIT i a@(Ter (HSum _ _ nass) env) u = case u of
+ VCon n us -> case lookupLabel n nass of
+ Just as -> VCon n (squeezes i as env us)
+ Nothing -> error $ "squeezeHIT: missing constructor in labelled sum " ++ n
+ VPCon c _ ws0 phis -> case lookupLabel c nass of
+ Just as -> VPCon c (a `face` (i ~> 1)) (squeezes i as env ws0) phis
+ Nothing -> error $ "squeezeHIT: missing path constructor " ++ c
+ VHComp _ v vs ->
+ hComp (a `face` (i ~> 1)) (transpHIT i a v) $
+ mapWithKey (\alpha vAlpha ->
+ VPath i $ squeezeHIT i (a `face` alpha) (vAlpha @@ i)) vs
+ _ -> error $ "squeezeHIT: neutral " ++ show u
+hComp :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+hComp a u us | eps `Map.member` us = (us ! eps) @@ One
+ | otherwise = VHComp a u us
-- | Glue
getLblType c (Ter (Sum _ _ cas) r) = case lookupLabel c cas of\r
Just as -> return (as,r)\r
Nothing -> throwError ("getLblType: " ++ show c ++ " in " ++ show cas)\r
+getLblType c (Ter (HSum _ _ cas) r) = case lookupLabel c cas of\r
+ Just as -> return (as,r)\r
+ Nothing -> throwError ("getLblType: " ++ show c ++ " in " ++ show cas)\r
getLblType c u = throwError ("expected a data type for the constructor "\r
++ c ++ " but got " ++ show u)\r
(VU,Pi f) -> checkFam f\r
(VU,Sigma f) -> checkFam f\r
(VU,Sum _ _ bs) -> forM_ bs $ \lbl -> case lbl of\r
+ OLabel _ tele -> checkTele tele\r
+ PLabel _ tele is ts ->\r
+ throwError $ "check: no path constructor allowed in " ++ show t\r
+ (VU,HSum _ _ bs) -> forM_ bs $ \lbl -> case lbl of\r
OLabel _ tele -> checkTele tele\r
PLabel _ tele is ts -> do\r
checkTele tele\r
then sequence_ [ checkBranch (lbl,nu) f brc (Ter t rho) va\r
| (brc, lbl) <- zip ces cas ]\r
else throwError "case branches does not match the data type"\r
+ (VPi va@(Ter (HSum _ _ cas) nu) f,Split _ _ ty ces) -> do\r
+ check VU ty\r
+ rho <- asks env\r
+ unlessM (a === eval rho ty) $ throwError "check: split annotations"\r
+ if map labelName cas == map branchName ces\r
+ then sequence_ [ checkBranch (lbl,nu) f brc (Ter t rho) va\r
+ | (brc, lbl) <- zip ces cas ]\r
+ else throwError "case branches does not match the data type"\r
(VPi a f,Lam x a' t) -> do\r
check VU a'\r
ns <- asks names\r
-- check a0 t\r
-- return a1\r
Comp a t0 ps -> do\r
- checkPath (constPath VU) a\r
+ (va0, va1) <- checkPath (constPath VU) a\r
va <- evalTyping a\r
- check (va @@ Zero) t0\r
+ check va0 t0\r
checkPathSystem t0 va ps\r
- return (va @@ One)\r
+ return va1\r
-- CompElem a es u us -> do\r
-- check VU a\r
-- rho <- asks env\r