in vi1 : vs
transps _ _ _ _ = error "transps: different lengths of types and values"
+-- Given u of type a "squeeze i a u" connects in the direction i
+-- trans i a u(i=0) to u(i=1)
+squeeze :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
+squeeze i a u = trans j (a `disj` (i,j)) u
+ where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u)
--- Grad Lemma, takes a iso an L-system ts a value v s.t. sigma us = border v
--- outputs u s.t. border u = us and an L-path between v and sigma u
--- an theta is a L path if L-border theta is constant
-gradLemma :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
-gradLemma b hiso@(VPair a (VPair f (VPair g (VPair s t)))) us v = (u, VPath i theta'')
- where i:j:_ = freshs (a,hiso,us,v)
- us' = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
- app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ i) us
- theta = fill i a (app g v) us'
- u = comp i a (app g v) us'
- ws = insertSystem (i ~> 1) (app t u @@ j) $
- mapWithKey
- (\alpha uAlpha ->
- app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ (Atom i :/\: Atom j)) us
- theta' = compNeg j a theta ws
- xs = insertSystem (i ~> 0) (app s v @@ j) $
- insertSystem (i ~> 1) (app s (app f u) @@ j) $
- mapWithKey
- (\alpha uAlpha ->
- app (s `face` alpha) (app (f `face` alpha) uAlpha) @@ j) us
- theta'' = comp j b (app f theta') xs
+squeezeNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
+squeezeNeg i a u = transNeg j (a `conj` (i,j)) u
+ where j = fresh (Atom i,a,u)
-- Composition
compLine :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
genComp i a u ts | Map.null ts = trans i a u
genComp i a u ts = comp i ai1 (trans i a u) ts'
where ai1 = a `face` (i ~> 1)
- j = fresh (a,Atom i,ts,u)
- comp' alpha u = trans j ((a `face` alpha) `disj` (i,j)) u
- ts' = mapWithKey comp' ts
+ ts' = mapWithKey (\alpha -> squeeze i (a `face` alpha)) ts
genCompNeg i a u ts = genComp i (a `sym` i) u (ts `sym` i)
fill, fillNeg :: Name -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
transGlue i b hisos wi0 = glueElem vi1'' usi1
where vi0 = unGlue (hisos `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in b(i0)
- v = transFill i b vi0 -- in b
vi1 = trans i b vi0 -- in b(i1)
hisosI1 = hisos `face` (i ~> 1)
ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
- pathComp i (b `face` gamma) (v `face` gamma)
- ((hisoFun isoG) `app` (us' ! gamma)) Map.empty)
+ VPath i $ squeeze i (b `face` gamma)
+ ((hisoFun isoG) `app` (us' ! gamma)))
- bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
- vi1' = compLine bi1 vi1 ls'
+ bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
+ vi1' = compLine bi1 vi1 ls'
uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
gradLemma (bi1 `face` gamma) isoG (usi1' `face` gamma)
ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
- pathComp i (hisoDom isoG) (v `face` gamma)
+ pathComp i (b `face` gamma) (v `face` gamma)
(hisoFun isoG `app` (us' ! gamma)) (vs `face` gamma))
-- assumes u and u' : A are solutions of us + (i0 -> u(i0))
-- The output is an L-path in A(i1) between u(i1) and u'(i1)
pathComp :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
-pathComp i a u u' us = VPath j $ genComp i a (u `face` (i ~> 0)) us'
+pathComp i a u u' us = VPath j $ comp i a (u `face` (i ~> 0)) us'
where j = fresh (Atom i, a, us, u, u')
us' = insertsSystem [(j ~> 0, u), (j ~> 1, u')] us
+-- Grad Lemma, takes a iso an L-system ts a value v s.t. sigma us = border v
+-- outputs u s.t. border u = us and an L-path between v and sigma u
+-- an theta is a L path if L-border theta is constant
+gradLemma :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
+gradLemma b hiso@(VPair a (VPair f (VPair g (VPair s t)))) us v = (u, VPath i theta'')
+ where i:j:_ = freshs (a,hiso,us,v)
+ us' = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ i) us
+ theta = fill i a (app g v) us'
+ u = comp i a (app g v) us'
+ ws = insertSystem (i ~> 1) (app t u @@ j) $
+ mapWithKey
+ (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ app (t `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ (Atom i :/\: Atom j)) us
+ theta' = compNeg j a theta ws
+ xs = insertSystem (i ~> 0) (app s v @@ j) $
+ insertSystem (i ~> 1) (app s (app f u) @@ j) $
+ mapWithKey
+ (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ app (s `face` alpha) (app (f `face` alpha) uAlpha) @@ j) us
+ theta'' = comp j b (app f theta') xs
-- | Composition in the Universe
| eps `Map.member` es = transNegLine (es ! eps) u
| otherwise = VElimComp a es u
---compU i (Kan j VU ejs b) ws wi0 =
compU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
compU i a es w0 ws =
- let unkan alpha = elimComp (a `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)
- vs = mapWithKey unkan ws
+ let vs = mapWithKey
+ (\alpha -> elimComp (a `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)) ws
v0 = elimComp a es w0 -- in a
v1 = comp i a v0 vs -- in a
us1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
- comp i (eGamma @@ Zero) (w0 `face` gamma)
- (ws `face` gamma)) es
+ comp i (eGamma @@ One) (w0 `face` gamma)
+ (ws `face` gamma)) es
ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ -> pathUniv i (es `proj` gamma)
(ws `face` gamma) (w0 `face` gamma))
v1' = compLine a v1 ls'
in compElem a es v1' us1'
+-- Computes a homotopy between the image of the composition, and the
+-- composition of the image. Given e (an equality in U), an L-system
+-- us (in e0) and ui0 (in e0 (i0)) The output is an L(i1)-path in
+-- e1(i1) between vi1 and sigma (i1) ui1 where
+-- sigma = appEq
+-- ui1 = comp i (e 0) us ui0
+-- vi1 = comp i (e 1) (sigma us) (sigma(i0) ui0)
+-- Moreover, if e is constant, so is the output.
+pathUniv :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
+pathUniv i e us ui0 = VPath k xi1
+ where j:k:_ = freshs (Atom i,e,us,ui0)
+ ej = e @@ j
+ ui1 = genComp i (e @@ Zero) ui0 us
+ ws = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ transFill j (ej `face` alpha) uAlpha)
+ us
+ wi0 = transFill j (ej `face` (i ~> 0)) ui0
+ wi1 = genComp i ej wi0 ws
+ wi1' = transFill j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
+ xi1 = genComp j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
+ (mkSystem [(k ~> 1, wi1'), (k ~> 0, wi1)])
transU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
transU i a es wi0 =
- let unkan alpha = elimComp (a `face` alpha) (es `face` alpha)
- vi0 = unkan (i ~> 0) wi0 -- in a(i0)
- vi1 = trans i a vi0 -- in a(i1)
+ let vi0 = elimComp (a `face` (i ~> 0)) (es `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in a(i0)
+ vi1 = trans i a vi0 -- in a(i1)
ai1 = a `face` (i ~> 1)
esi1 = es `face` (i ~> 1)
- -- {(gamma, sigma gamma (i1)) | gamma elem es}
+ -- gamma in es'' iff i not in the domain of gamma and (i1)gamma in es
es'' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> alpha `Map.notMember` es) esi1
- -- set of elements in es independent of i
+ -- set of faces alpha of es such i is not the domain of alpha
es' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) es
usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
- trans i (eGamma @@ Zero) (wi0 `face` gamma)) es'
+ trans i (eGamma @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma)) es'
ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- pathUniv i (es `proj` gamma) Map.empty (wi0 `face` gamma))
+ pathUnivTrans i (es `proj` gamma) (wi0 `face` gamma))
vi1' = compLine ai1 vi1 ls'
- uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ -> -- TODO: proj or "!" ?
- -- eqLemma (es `proj` (gamma `meet` (i ~> 1)))
+ uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma _ -> -- Should be !, not proj ?
eqLemma (es ! (gamma `meet` (i ~> 1)))
- (usi1' `face` gamma) (vi1' `face` gamma)) es''
+ (usi1' `face` gamma) (vi1' `face` gamma)) es''
vi1'' = compLine ai1 vi1' ( snd uls'')
else fst (uls'' ! gamma)) esi1
in compElem ai1 esi1 vi1'' usi1
--- Computes a homotopy between the image of the composition, and the
--- composition of the image. Given e (an equality in U), an L-system
--- us (in e0) and ui0 (in e0 (i0)) The output is an L(i1)-path in
--- e1(i1) between vi1 and sigma (i1) ui1 where
--- sigma = appEq
--- ui1 = comp i (e 0) us ui0
--- vi1 = comp i (e 1) (sigma us) (sigma(i0) ui0)
--- Moreover, if e is constant, so is the output.
--- TODO: adapt?
-pathUniv :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
-pathUniv i e us ui0 = VPath k xi1
- where j:k:_ = freshs (Atom i,e,us,ui0)
- ej = e @@ j
- ui1 = genComp i (e @@ Zero) ui0 us
- ws = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
- transFill j (ej `face` alpha) uAlpha)
- us
- wi0 = transFill j (ej `face` (i ~> 0)) ui0
- wi1 = genComp i ej wi0 ws
- wi1' = transFill j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
- xi1 = genComp j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) ui1
- (mkSystem [(k ~> 1, wi1'), (k ~> 0, wi1)])
+pathUnivTrans :: Name -> Val -> Val -> Val
+pathUnivTrans i e ui0 = VPath j xi1
+ where j = fresh (Atom i,e,ui0)
+ ej = e @@ j
+ wi0 = transFill j (ej `face` (i ~> 0)) ui0
+ wi1 = trans i ej wi0
+ xi1 = squeezeNeg j (ej `face` (i ~> 1)) wi1
-- Any equality defines an equivalence.
eqLemma :: Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)