case lookup x vars of
Just Variable -> return $ CTT.Var x
Just Constructor -> return $ CTT.Con x []
- Just PConstructor -> throwError $ "The path constructor " ++ x ++ " is used as a"
- ++ " variable at " ++ show l ++ " in " ++ modName
- ++ " (path constructors should have their type in"
- ++ " curly braces as first argument)"
+ Just PConstructor ->
+ throwError $ "The path constructor " ++ x ++ " is used as a" ++
+ " variable at " ++ show l ++ " in " ++ modName ++
+ " (path constructors should have their type in" ++
+ " curly braces as first argument)"
Just Name ->
- throwError $ "Name " ++ x ++ " used as a variable at position " ++
+ throwError $ "Name " ++ x ++ " used as a variable at position " ++
show l ++ " in module " ++ modName
_ -> throwError $ "Cannot resolve variable " ++ x ++ " at position " ++
show l ++ " in module " ++ modName
| Side alpha u <- ts ]
let alphas = map fst ts'
unless (nub alphas == alphas) $
- throwError $ "system contains same face multiple times: " ++ C.showListSystem ts'
+ throwError $ "system contains same face multiple times: " ++
+ C.showListSystem ts'
-- Note: the symbols in alpha are in scope in u, but they mean 0 or 1
return $ Map.fromList ts'
<*> local (insertNames is . insertIdents cs' . insertVars ts)
(resolveSystem sys)
--- Resolve Data or Def or Split declarations
-resolveDecl :: Decl -> Resolver (CTT.Decl,[(Ident,SymKind)])
-resolveDecl d = case d of
- DeclDef (AIdent (_,f)) tele t body -> do
+-- Resolve a simple declaration (not mutual); returns resolver for
+-- type and body separately
+resolveSimpleDecl :: Decl -> (Ident,Resolver CTT.Ter
+ ,Resolver CTT.Ter,[(Ident,SymKind)])
+resolveSimpleDecl d = case d of
+ DeclDef (AIdent (_,f)) tele t body ->
let tele' = flattenTele tele
- a <- binds CTT.Pi tele' (resolveExp t)
- d <- lams tele' (local (insertVar f) $ resolveWhere body)
- return ((f,(a,d)),[(f,Variable)])
- DeclData (AIdent (l,f)) tele sums -> do
+ a = binds CTT.Pi tele' (resolveExp t)
+ d = lams tele' (local (insertVar f) $ resolveWhere body)
+ in (f,a,d,[(f,Variable)])
+ DeclData (AIdent (l,f)) tele sums ->
let tele' = flattenTele tele
- a <- binds CTT.Pi tele' (return CTT.U)
- let cs = [ (unAIdent lbl,Constructor) | OLabel lbl _ <- sums ]
- let pcs = [ (unAIdent lbl,PConstructor) | PLabel lbl _ _ _ <- sums ]
- let sum = if null pcs then CTT.Sum else CTT.HSum
- d <- lams tele' $ local (insertVar f) $
- sum <$> getLoc l <*> pure f
- <*> mapM (resolveLabel (cs ++ pcs)) sums
- return ((f,(a,d)),(f,Variable):cs ++ pcs)
- DeclSplit (AIdent (l,f)) tele t brs -> do
+ a = binds CTT.Pi tele' (return CTT.U)
+ cs = [ (unAIdent lbl,Constructor) | OLabel lbl _ <- sums ]
+ pcs = [ (unAIdent lbl,PConstructor) | PLabel lbl _ _ _ <- sums ]
+ sum = if null pcs then CTT.Sum else CTT.HSum
+ d = lams tele' $ local (insertVar f) $
+ sum <$> getLoc l <*> pure f
+ <*> mapM (resolveLabel (cs ++ pcs)) sums
+ in (f,a,d,(f,Variable):cs ++ pcs)
+ DeclSplit (AIdent (l,f)) tele t brs ->
let tele' = flattenTele tele
- vars = map fst tele'
- loc <- getLoc l
- a <- binds CTT.Pi tele' (resolveExp t)
- ty <- local (insertVars vars) $ resolveExp t
- brs' <- local (insertVars (f:vars)) (mapM resolveBranch brs)
- body <- lams tele' (return $ CTT.Split f loc ty brs')
- return ((f,(a,body)),[(f,Variable)])
- DeclUndef (AIdent (l,f)) tele t -> do
+ vars = map fst tele'
+ a = binds CTT.Pi tele' (resolveExp t)
+ d = do
+ loc <- getLoc l
+ ty <- local (insertVars vars) $ resolveExp t
+ brs' <- local (insertVars (f:vars)) (mapM resolveBranch brs)
+ lams tele' (return $ CTT.Split f loc ty brs')
+ in (f,a,d,[(f,Variable)])
+ DeclUndef (AIdent (l,f)) tele t ->
let tele' = flattenTele tele
- a <- binds CTT.Pi tele' (resolveExp t)
- d <- CTT.Undef <$> getLoc l <*> pure a
- return ((f,(a,d)),[(f,Variable)])
+ a = binds CTT.Pi tele' (resolveExp t)
+ d = CTT.Undef <$> getLoc l <*> a
+ in (f,a,d,[(f,Variable)])
+resolveRTele :: [Ident] -> [Resolver CTT.Ter] -> Resolver CTT.Tele
+resolveRTele [] _ = return []
+resolveRTele (i:is) (t:ts) = do
+ a <- t
+ as <- local (insertVar i) (resolveRTele is ts)
+ return ((i,a):as)
+-- Resolve a declaration
+resolveDecl :: Decl -> Resolver ([CTT.Decl],[(Ident,SymKind)])
+resolveDecl d = case d of
+ DeclMutual decls -> do
+ let (fs,ts,bs,nss) = unzip4 $ map resolveSimpleDecl decls
+ ns = concat nss -- TODO: some sanity checks? Duplicates!?
+ as <- resolveRTele fs ts
+ -- The bodies know about all the names and constructors in the
+ -- mutual block
+ ds <- sequence $ map (local (insertIdents ns)) bs
+ let ads = zipWith (\ (x,y) z -> (x,(y,z))) as ds
+ return (ads,ns)
+ _ -> do let (f,typ,body,ns) = resolveSimpleDecl d
+ a <- typ
+ d <- body
+ return ([(f,(a,d))],ns)
resolveDecls :: [Decl] -> Resolver ([[CTT.Decl]],[(Ident,SymKind)])
resolveDecls [] = return ([],[])
resolveDecls (d:ds) = do
(rtd,names) <- resolveDecl d
(rds,names') <- local (insertIdents names) $ resolveDecls ds
- return ([rtd] : rds, names' ++ names)
+ return (rtd : rds, names' ++ names)
resolveModule :: Module -> Resolver ([[CTT.Decl]],[(Ident,SymKind)])
resolveModule (Module (AIdent (_,n)) _ decls) =