ui1 = comp i a u1 t1s
comp_u2 = comp i (app f fill_u1) u2 t2s
VPi{} -> VComp (VPath i a) u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
- VU -> undefined
- -- VComp VU u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
+ VU -> VComp VU u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
-- VGlue u (Map.map (eqToIso i) ts)
_ | isNeutral w -> w
where w = VComp a u (Map.map (VPath i) ts)
- -- VComp VU a es -> compU i a es u ts
+ VComp VU a es -> compU i a es u ts
VGlue b hisos -> compGlue i b hisos u ts
-- VGlueLine b phi psi -> compGlueLine i b phi psi u ts
Ter (Sum _ _ nass) env -> case u of
-- VCompElem a es v vs -> unGlue hisos v
_ -> error $ "unGlue: " ++ show w ++ " should be neutral!"
-transGlue :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
-transGlue i b hisos wi0 = glueElem vi1'' usi1
- where vi0 = unGlue (hisos `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in b(i0)
+-- transGlue :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> Val
+-- transGlue i b hisos wi0 = glueElem vi1'' usi1
+-- where vi0 = unGlue (hisos `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in b(i0)
- vi1 = trans i b vi0 -- in b(i1)
+-- vi1 = trans i b vi0 -- in b(i1)
- hisosI1 = hisos `face` (i ~> 1)
- hisos'' =
- filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> alpha `Map.notMember` hisos) hisosI1
- -- set of elements in hisos independent of i
- hisos' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) hisos
- us' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
- transFill i (hisoDom isoG) (wi0 `face` gamma))
- hisos'
- usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
- trans i (hisoDom isoG) (wi0 `face` gamma))
- hisos'
+-- hisosI1 = hisos `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- hisos'' =
+-- filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> alpha `Map.notMember` hisos) hisosI1
- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
- VPath i $ squeeze i (b `face` gamma)
- (hisoFun isoG `app` (us' ! gamma)))
- hisos'
- bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
- vi1' = compLine bi1 vi1 ls'
- uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
- gradLemma (bi1 `face` gamma) isoG (usi1' `face` gamma)
- (vi1' `face` gamma))
- hisos''
- vi1'' = compLine bi1 vi1' (Map.map snd uls'')
- usi1 = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
- if gamma `Map.member` usi1'
- then usi1' ! gamma
- else fst (uls'' ! gamma))
- hisosI1
+-- -- set of elements in hisos independent of i
+-- hisos' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) hisos
+-- us' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
+-- transFill i (hisoDom isoG) (wi0 `face` gamma))
+-- hisos'
+-- usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
+-- trans i (hisoDom isoG) (wi0 `face` gamma))
+-- hisos'
+-- ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
+-- VPath i $ squeeze i (b `face` gamma)
+-- (hisoFun isoG `app` (us' ! gamma)))
+-- hisos'
+-- bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
+-- vi1' = compLine bi1 vi1 ls'
+-- uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma isoG ->
+-- gradLemma (bi1 `face` gamma) isoG (usi1' `face` gamma)
+-- (vi1' `face` gamma))
+-- hisos''
+-- vi1'' = compLine bi1 vi1' (Map.map snd uls'')
+-- usi1 = mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+-- if gamma `Map.member` usi1'
+-- then usi1' ! gamma
+-- else fst (uls'' ! gamma))
+-- hisosI1
compGlue :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
compGlue i b hisos wi0 ws = glueElem vi1'' usi1''
-- | Composition in the Universe
+unGlueU :: System Val -> Val -> Val
+unGlueU es w
+ | Map.null es = w
+ | eps `Map.member` es = transNegLine (es ! eps) w
+ | otherwise = case w of
+ VGlueElem v us -> v
+ _ -> error $ "unGlueU: " ++ show w ++ " should be neutral!"
+compU :: Name -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val
+compU i b es wi0 ws = glueElem vi1'' usi1''
+ where bi1 = b `face` (i ~> 1)
+ vs = mapWithKey
+ (\alpha wAlpha -> unGlueU (es `face` alpha) wAlpha) ws
+ vsi1 = vs `face` (i ~> 1) -- same as: border vi1 vs
+ vi0 = unGlueU (es `face` (i ~> 0)) wi0 -- in b(i0)
+ v = fill i b vi0 vs -- in b
+ vi1 = comp i b vi0 vs -- is v `face` (i ~> 1) in b(i1)
+ esI1 = es `face` (i ~> 1)
+ es' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> i `Map.notMember` alpha) es
+ -- es'' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> not (alpha `Map.member` es)) esI1
+ es'' = filterWithKey (\alpha _ -> not (alpha `Map.member` es')) esI1
+ us' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+ fill i (eGamma @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
+ es'
+ usi1' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+ comp i (eGamma @@ One) (wi0 `face` gamma) (ws `face` gamma))
+ es'
+ ls' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+ pathComp i (b `face` gamma) (v `face` gamma)
+ (transNegLine eGamma (us' ! gamma)) (vs `face` gamma))
+ es'
+ vi1' = compLine (constPath bi1) vi1 (ls' `unionSystem` vsi1)
+ wsi1 = ws `face` (i ~> 1)
+ -- for gamma in es'', (i1) gamma is in es, so wsi1 gamma
+ -- is in the domain of isoGamma
+ uls'' = mapWithKey (\gamma eGamma ->
+ gradLemmaU (bi1 `face` gamma) eGamma
+ ((usi1' `face` gamma) `unionSystem` (wsi1 `face` gamma))
+ (vi1' `face` gamma))
+ es''
+ vsi1' = border vi1' es'
+ vi1'' = compLine (constPath bi1) vi1'
+ (Map.map snd uls'' `unionSystem` vsi1' `unionSystem` vsi1)
+ usi1'' = Map.mapWithKey (\gamma _ ->
+ if gamma `Map.member` usi1' then usi1' ! gamma
+ else fst (uls'' ! gamma))
+ esI1
+-- Grad Lemma, takes a line eq in U, a system us and a value v, s.t. f us =
+-- border v. Outputs (u,p) s.t. border u = us and a path p between v
+-- and f u, where f is transNegLine eq
+gradLemmaU :: Val -> Val -> System Val -> Val -> (Val, Val)
+gradLemmaU b eq us v = (u, VPath i theta'')
+ where i:j:_ = freshs (eq,us,v)
+ a = eq @@ One
+ g = transLine
+ f = transNegLine
+ s e b = VPath j $ compNeg j (e @@ j) (trans j (e @@ j) b)
+ (mkSystem [(j ~> 0, transFill j (e @@ j) b)
+ ,(j ~> 1, transFillNeg j (e @@ j)
+ (trans j (e @@ j) b))])
+ t e a = VPath j $ comp j (e @@ j) (transNeg j (e @@ j) a)
+ (mkSystem [(j ~> 0, transFill j (e @@ j)
+ (transNeg j (e @@ j) a))
+ ,(j ~> 1, transFillNeg j (e @@ j) a)])
+ gv = g eq v
+ us' = mapWithKey (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ t (eq `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ i) us
+ theta = fill i a gv us'
+ u = comp i a gv us' -- Same as "theta `face` (i ~> 1)"
+ ws = insertSystem (i ~> 0) gv $
+ insertSystem (i ~> 1) (t eq u @@ j) $
+ mapWithKey
+ (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ t (eq `face` alpha) uAlpha @@ (Atom i :/\: Atom j)) us
+ theta' = compNeg j a theta ws
+ xs = insertSystem (i ~> 0) (s eq v @@ j) $
+ insertSystem (i ~> 1) (s eq (f eq u) @@ j) $
+ mapWithKey
+ (\alpha uAlpha ->
+ s (eq `face` alpha) (f (eq `face` alpha) uAlpha) @@ j) us
+ theta'' = comp j b (f eq theta') xs
-- isConstPath :: Val -> Bool
-- isConstPath (VPath i u) = i `notElem` support u
-- isConstPath _ = False
CTT.PCon (unAIdent n) <$> resolveExp a <*> mapM resolveExp xs
<*> mapM resolveFormula phis
_ -> CTT.AppFormula <$> resolveExp t <*> resolveFormula phi
- Trans x y -> CTT.Trans <$> resolveExp x <*> resolveExp y
+ Trans x y -> CTT.Comp <$> resolveExp x <*> resolveExp y <*> pure Map.empty
IdP x y z -> CTT.IdP <$> resolveExp x <*> resolveExp y <*> resolveExp z
- Comp u v ts -> CTT.Comp <$> resolveExp u <*> resolveExp v <*> resolveSystem ts
+ Comp u v ts -> CTT.Comp <$> (CTT.Path (C.Name "_") <$> resolveExp u)
+ <*> resolveExp v <*> resolveSystem ts
Glue u ts -> do
rs <- resolveSystem ts
let isIso (CTT.Pair _ (CTT.Pair _ (CTT.Pair _ (CTT.Pair _ _)))) = True
unless (all isIso $ Map.elems rs)
(throwError $ "Not a system of isomorphisms: " ++ show rs)
CTT.Glue <$> resolveExp u <*> pure rs
- GlueElem u ts -> CTT.GlueElem <$> resolveExp u <*> resolveSystem ts
- GlueLine phi psi u ->
- CTT.GlueLine <$> resolveExp u <*> resolveFormula phi <*> resolveFormula psi
- GlueLineElem phi psi u ->
- CTT.GlueLineElem <$> resolveExp u <*> resolveFormula phi
- <*> resolveFormula psi
- CompElem a es t ts -> CTT.CompElem <$> resolveExp a <*> resolveSystem es
- <*> resolveExp t <*> resolveSystem ts
- ElimComp a es t -> CTT.ElimComp <$> resolveExp a <*> resolveSystem es <*> resolveExp t
+ -- GlueElem u ts -> CTT.GlueElem <$> resolveExp u <*> resolveSystem ts
+ -- GlueLine phi psi u ->
+ -- CTT.GlueLine <$> resolveExp u <*> resolveFormula phi <*> resolveFormula psi
+ -- GlueLineElem phi psi u ->
+ -- CTT.GlueLineElem <$> resolveExp u <*> resolveFormula phi
+ -- <*> resolveFormula psi
+ -- CompElem a es t ts -> CTT.CompElem <$> resolveExp a <*> resolveSystem es
+ -- <*> resolveExp t <*> resolveSystem ts
+ -- ElimComp a es t -> CTT.ElimComp <$> resolveExp a <*> resolveSystem es <*> resolveExp t
_ -> do
modName <- asks envModule
throwError ("Could not resolve " ++ show e ++ " in module " ++ modName)
check VU a\r
rho <- asks env\r
checkGlue (eval rho a) ts\r
- (VGlue va ts,GlueElem u us) -> do\r
- check va u\r
- vu <- evalTyping u\r
- checkGlueElem vu ts us\r
- (VU,GlueLine b phi psi) -> do\r
- check VU b\r
- checkFormula phi\r
- checkFormula psi\r
- (VGlueLine vb phi psi,GlueLineElem r phi' psi') -> do\r
- check vb r\r
- unlessM ((phi,psi) === (phi',psi')) $\r
- throwError "GlueLineElem: formulas don't match"\r
+ -- (VGlue va ts,GlueElem u us) -> do\r
+ -- check va u\r
+ -- vu <- evalTyping u\r
+ -- checkGlueElem vu ts us\r
+ -- (VU,GlueLine b phi psi) -> do\r
+ -- check VU b\r
+ -- checkFormula phi\r
+ -- checkFormula psi\r
+ -- (VGlueLine vb phi psi,GlueLineElem r phi' psi') -> do\r
+ -- check vb r\r
+ -- unlessM ((phi,psi) === (phi',psi')) $\r
+ -- throwError "GlueLineElem: formulas don't match"\r
_ -> do\r
v <- infer t\r
unlessM (v === a) $\r
v <- T.sequence $ mapWithKey (\alpha pAlpha ->\r
local (faceEnv alpha) $ do\r
rhoAlpha <- asks env\r
- (a0,a1) <- checkPath (constPath (va `face` alpha)) pAlpha\r
+ (a0,a1) <- checkPath (va `face` alpha) pAlpha\r
unlessM (a0 === eval rhoAlpha t0) $\r
throwError $ "Incompatible system with " ++ show t0\r
return a1) ps\r
case t of\r
VIdP a _ _ -> return $ a @@ phi\r
_ -> throwError (show e ++ " is not a path")\r
- Trans p t -> do\r
- (a0,a1) <- checkPath (constPath VU) p\r
- check a0 t\r
- return a1\r
+ -- Trans p t -> do\r
+ -- (a0,a1) <- checkPath (constPath VU) p\r
+ -- check a0 t\r
+ -- return a1\r
Comp a t0 ps -> do\r
- check VU a\r
+ checkPath (constPath VU) a\r
va <- evalTyping a\r
- check va t0\r
+ check (va @@ Zero) t0\r
checkPathSystem t0 va ps\r
- return va\r
- CompElem a es u us -> do\r
- check VU a\r
- rho <- asks env\r
- let va = eval rho a\r
- ts <- checkPathSystem a VU es\r
- let ves = evalSystem rho es\r
- unless (keys es == keys us)\r
- (throwError ("Keys don't match in " ++ show es ++ " and " ++ show us))\r
- check va u\r
- let vu = eval rho u\r
- checkSystemsWith ts us (const check)\r
- let vus = evalSystem rho us\r
- checkCompSystem vus\r
- checkSystemsWith ves vus (\alpha eA vuA ->\r
- unlessM (transNegLine eA vuA === (vu `face` alpha)) $\r
- throwError $ "Malformed compElem: " ++ show us)\r
- return $ compLine VU va ves\r
- ElimComp a es u -> do\r
- check VU a\r
- rho <- asks env\r
- let va = eval rho a\r
- checkPathSystem a VU es\r
- let ves = evalSystem rho es\r
- check (compLine VU va ves) u\r
- return va\r
+ return (va @@ One)\r
+ -- CompElem a es u us -> do\r
+ -- check VU a\r
+ -- rho <- asks env\r
+ -- let va = eval rho a\r
+ -- ts <- checkPathSystem a VU es\r
+ -- let ves = evalSystem rho es\r
+ -- unless (keys es == keys us)\r
+ -- (throwError ("Keys don't match in " ++ show es ++ " and " ++ show us))\r
+ -- check va u\r
+ -- let vu = eval rho u\r
+ -- checkSystemsWith ts us (const check)\r
+ -- let vus = evalSystem rho us\r
+ -- checkCompSystem vus\r
+ -- checkSystemsWith ves vus (\alpha eA vuA ->\r
+ -- unlessM (transNegLine eA vuA === (vu `face` alpha)) $\r
+ -- throwError $ "Malformed compElem: " ++ show us)\r
+ -- return $ compLine VU va ves\r
+ -- ElimComp a es u -> do\r
+ -- check VU a\r
+ -- rho <- asks env\r
+ -- let va = eval rho a\r
+ -- checkPathSystem a VU es\r
+ -- let ves = evalSystem rho es\r
+ -- check (compLine VU va ves) u\r
+ -- return va\r
PCon c a es phis -> do\r
check VU a\r
va <- evalTyping a\r