getWindData :: Handle -> Location -> Day -> IO WindProvider.WindSpeed
getWindData = getMethod @"getWindData"
+-- Some examples of what else is possible with row types.
+-- We can remove an item from the record
+type WindAndTemperatureMethods = Methods .- "getWeatherData"
+test1 :: Rec WindAndTemperatureMethods -> Rec (WindProvider.Methods .+ TemperatureProvider.Methods)
+test1 = id
+-- It's possible to override methods
+type MethodsWithUpdatedWeatherData = ("getWeatherData" .== (Location -> Day -> IO Int)) .// Methods
+test2 :: Rec MethodsWithUpdatedWeatherData -> Rec (("getWeatherData" .== (Location -> Day -> IO Int)) .+ WindProvider.Methods .+ TemperatureProvider.Methods)
+test2 = id
+-- And to remove them by taking a row difference
+type MethodsWithoutWeatherData = Methods .\\ ("getWeatherData" .== (Location -> Day -> IO WeatherData))
+test3 :: Rec MethodsWithoutWeatherData -> Rec WindAndTemperatureMethods
+test3 = id
+-- The minimum join of the two rows.
+type JoinedMethods = Methods .\/ Methods
+test4 :: Rec JoinedMethods -> Rec Methods
+test4 = id
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